
JOURNAL STANDARD presents JAZZ in Sendai, a day at Jozenji STREET JAZZ FESTIVAL.

The Jozenji STREET JAZZ FESTIVAL was held in Sendai from September 9 to 10. Stages were set up all over the city, and a variety of music was performed, from jazz to gospel and rock, mainly by local artists. JOURNAL STANDARD Sendai, which has a store in the Parco building in front of the station, joined hands with local Sendai-based Shochiku Ume Records to hold a music event at their store. The store will also hold a variety of other events, including an advance screening of the documentary film "I Killed Lee Morgan: The Truth About One Tragic Night in Jazz History," about Lee Morgan, a jazzman who was the pride of the United States. This special feature looks back on one such day in Sendai and unravels the fascination of the land and its music.

  • Photo_Kazunobu Yamada
  • Edit_Yuichiro Tsuji

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Jozenji Street Jazz Festival," where the entire city is enveloped in live sound.

When you hear the name "Sendai," what comes to mind? Date Masamune, beef tongue, and the Tanabata Festival are sure to come to mind. However, one more keyword should be added to that lineup: "jazz festival.


The Jozenji Street Jazz Festival, held every September, is a traditional event that is now in its 27th year. The first festival was held in 1991, making it a sound festival with a longer history than the Fuji Rock Festival.


The event features stages set up throughout the city, including Sendai Station (a total of 57 stages!), and is a great place to enjoy music while strolling and shopping. The attraction of this event is that you can enjoy the music while strolling and shopping. As you walk through the city, you will hear live instruments and beautiful voices everywhere, bringing a sense of excitement and lightening the pace of your steps.


It is run by citizen volunteers. The government does not hold this event to attract tourists, but rather to allow the people of Sendai to simply enjoy the music. Simply put, it is like a local "festival. Instead of portable shrines and food stalls, the only content is music. Of course, there is no admission fee, and the depth of this festival lies in the fact that people can freely participate and freely enjoy themselves.


Talking to a local, he said, "Every year there is music all over the place. There are really a lot of people here today! The weather has been bad for a while now, but today is going to be a great day". The season is just beginning to fall. The cool, dry air also helped, and indeed many people came and went through the city, stopping at each stage to listen to the performers' performances.


Live DJ in the restaurant by gorgeous artists.
The top batter was DJ MITSU THE BEATS!

On such a day, "Journal Standard Sendai" set up a DJ booth in the store. With the cooperation of Sendai-based "Shochiku Ume Records," the store welcomed DJ MITSU THE BEATS, HUNGER (this time participating as DJ GER-HUN), and DJ Mu-R, all members of the hip-hop unit "GAGLE," as well as 6th Generation, a group closely associated with these three members. In addition to DJs GER-HUN, HUNGER, and DJ Mu-R, we also welcomed the 6th Generation, who are all related to the three. They played their favorite hip-hop and jazz tunes, creating a luxurious space.


First up was DJ MITSU THE BEATS, who usually DJs at clubs, but this time he was playing in a storefront. When asked about this, he replied, "I am happy that people can listen to my music selections carefully.

."In a club, you have to make people dance, but DJing in a store like this is different. I think it is a precious opportunity for people to hear the music I want to play. I really enjoy DJing because I can freely come up with my own ideas, from standard tunes to hidden gems that no one knows about. This style of DJing is probably better suited to me (laughs)."


Talking about music, the topic turned to his unit GAGLE.

."We are working on the album now and it is almost complete. We will probably be able to release it by the end of the year or soon after. I feel that we have taken a lot of time to create something great. I think it will be different from my previous works. I hope you will look forward to it.

Finally, when asked about the charms of Sendai, I was impressed to hear him say, "I like the fact that it is a place where time flows in a relaxed manner.

."Sendai has mountains and is close to the sea. When you get off the station, you are surrounded by an urban landscape, but in fact you are surrounded by nature. So it is relaxing and there is a good atmosphere. I find it attractive that I can do what I want to do at my own pace without worrying about others. Is there a place in Sendai that you would recommend? I like Michinoku Park. It is rich in nature, and they hold various events there, so there are a lot of things to enjoy.


."This is a collaborative item with "Shochiku Ume Records" to feel the sound.

Next to the DJ booth, there was a booth for "Shochiku Ume Records," which offered previously released works and collaborative items with "JOURNAL STANDARD.


From left to right〈SHOW TIKU BAI RECORDS × JOURNAL STANDARD〉Hoodie ¥9,000+TAX, Long T (WHITE) ¥6,000+TAX, Long T (BLACK) ¥5,000+TAX, Long T (GRAY) 8,000+TAX

The lineup included a hoodie, a long T-shirt, and a sakosh large enough to hold a 7-inch record. In addition to the DJs, the store staff also served customers wearing these items. All of these items are available only at the "Journal Standard Sendai" store. Purchasers of these items will also receive a specially created "Shochiku Ume Records x Journal Standard" square. The offer will end as soon as the items are gone, so if you are interested, be sure to get in early.

DJ time in the store; DJ GER-HUN came in second!

Taking over the baton from DJ MITSU THE BEATS was DJ GER-HUN, aka HUNGER, who is also a member of "GAGLE" and runs "Shochiku Ume Records.


."I am usually an MC, but today I made a special effort to participate as a DJ. I am relieved that I was able to do better than I expected (laughs). I had performed at "Jozenji STREET JAZZ FESTIVAL" with cro-magnon two years ago. At that time, I was concentrating on the live performance, and in other years, my schedule overlapped with GAGLE's live performance, so I did not often participate as a guest, but this time, when I walked around the town in my free time, I found that the event was organized by ordinary people, and everyone, including the management, performers, and customers, seemed to be enjoying themselves naturally. I could sense that everyone was enjoying themselves in a natural way. I think that is the charm of this music festival. And the fact that it has been going on for 27 years is simply amazing. The fact that they are able to do that means that everyone finds value in this event. I really respect that.

I then asked, "What attracts you to music?" I asked, "What attracts you to music?" and received this answer.

."When I stand on stage and release my words to the floor, I get a direct response back from the audience. I think the charm of music lies in the ability to communicate from heart to heart in this way.


Finally, he also gave us some recommendations for places to visit in Sendai.

."As is true in any city you visit, there are of course many stores in Sendai that are particular about what they offer. Of course, the stores you can find in guidebooks are fine, but the best part of a trip is finding the best stores while exploring the city on your own. My favorite is a rock cafe called "Peter Pan," which recently celebrated its 45th anniversary. It just celebrated its 45th anniversary the other day. It is very analog and relaxing with good speakers. It's very analog, with good speakers, and it's very relaxing. I highly recommend you visit.


Delicious," which has been touring the country, will make a triumphant return to the pop-up store!

."Another reason to visit the Journal Standard Sendai store is the pop-up store of Delicious, a select store in Sendai.


Right: Sakosh ¥3,500 + tax

This pop-up, which was a great success after traveling to stores nationwide, made a triumphant return to its hometown of Sendai. The booth is filled with nostalgic videotapes, boom boxes, and various photo books and zines including "Common Magazine," embodying the theme of the pop-up, "BACK TO OUR BASIC.


From left to right long T ¥6,000 + tax, parka ¥11,000 + tax, coach jacket 12,000+TAX

Of course, there are limited items here as well. The items are designed by MHAK, who presides over the art group "81 BASTARDS" that expresses itself outside of the box, graphic designer Naoki "SAND" Yamamoto, and graffiti artist COOK ONE. Don't miss out on the clothing and other goods designed by Naoki "SAND" Yamamoto, a graphic designer, and COOK ONE, a graffiti artist!

The third group to appear on the stage is 6th Generation, active in Sendai!

After DJ GER-HUN finished playing, the next performer was 6th Generation, a Sendai-based track making and DJing company.


."Since today's theme was jazz, I brought mainly records that are not usually played in clubs. For this event, I was searching through my house again for records I had bought in the past, and it was a good opportunity for me to make some new discoveries. The charm of Sendai is that some places are urban, while others are full of nature nearby. I love that many of the locals are also particular, chic, and warm.


We asked DJ MITSU THE BEATS and DJ GER-HUN as well as DJ GER-HUN about their recommendations.

."Can I go to a bento shop? I recommend a restaurant called "Kiaritei," which is famous for serving so large that the lid won't close. I always take my friends and acquaintances who come to Sendai (laughs). They have a wide variety of fried foods on the menu, and although they are B-class gourmet, they are just delicious! The character of the woman who runs the restaurant is also worth paying attention to. At first glance, she may not seem very friendly, but when it's time to pay the bill, she flashes a wonderful smile at you (laughs)."

Enjoy jazz with video in a luxurious space.

The festivities did not end when the sun went down and the area grew dark. A film screening sponsored by the "Journal Standard" was also held on this day.


Late at night on February 19, 1972, in snowy Manhattan. Lee Morgan, a prodigious trumpet player, was shot and killed by his common-law wife, Helen, at Sluggs, a jazz club in the East Village. Why was he killed? This film investigates the truth behind the incident through interviews with Helen in her later years, as well as testimonies from friends and associates.

In the spirit of jazz, a documentary film about legendary American jazzman Lee Morgan, "I Killed Lee Morgan: The Tragic Truth About a Night Engraved in Jazz History," was screened on the rooftop of the Parco. This film is scheduled to be released this winter. Since the film has not yet been released in Japan, a large number of visitors gathered at the venue.


Lee Morgan made his debut with Blue Note Records when he was just 18 years old. How did he fall from what seemed to be a path of glory? Various people surrounding Morgan testify to his life and reveal the character of a brilliant jazzman. The film is filled with scenes of Morgan himself performing, making the hour and a half screening time seem like a blink of an eye.


Looking up further than the screen, there is an extraordinary space with the night sky. And looking to the side, we could enjoy the wonderful night view, which was different from that of a movie theater or home, and we were able to enjoy the luxury that we could only experience here.

DJ Mu-R will be the final in-store DJ!

While the film was being screened, DJ Mu-R started playing in the storefront! He played not only jazz, but also soul records and brought the floor to life with a focus on live music.


."Recently, I have been getting more opportunities to DJ not only in clubs, but also in stores. When I do this, I am conscious of enhancing the mood of the place. In this case, the store was "Journal Standard," so I tried to create a space where people could enjoy shopping. I started listening to jazz music through hip-hop, and as I dug through various records, I came to understand the conflict in jazz performance, which I found very appealing. Even the same recordings give me a different impression each time I listen to them, and that is what makes jazz so profound. I think that is the charm of jazz.


DJ Mu-R was born and raised in Sendai, and we asked him to talk about the city's charms.

."The city is compact and comfortable to live in. I like the scale of the city, where you can go anywhere with a short walk. I think it is also attractive that there are many calm and relaxed people. I recommend a street called Jozenji-dori in Sendai. It is a tree-lined street like Omotesando in Tokyo, with lush greenery. I like the way the street changes with the seasons. In winter, the street is illuminated with beautiful scenery, so please come and see it.

SOUND MANEUVERS" is a great time to drink and dance!

The in-store event ends as soon as all DJs have finished their performances! But this was not all that "Journal Standard" had in store. At midnight, an after-party-like event was held at SHAFT, one of Sendai's representative clubs.


This event was held in conjunction with "SOUND MANEUVERS," an irregular event by DJ MITSU THE BEATS and DJ Mu-R. The two organizers of the event, as well as 6th Generation, performed as guests.


The stoicism of the hip-hop music played all night until morning, a stark contrast to the calm jazz in the storefront. It was a night of drinking, dancing, and fun for the many adults in attendance.

So we reported on the Jozenji Street Jazz Festival, focusing on the events at the Journal Standard Sendai Store. It was impressive to see so many people gathering in the city to listen to live music. The appeal of this event was that people could freely enjoy the music at their own pace, whether shopping, eating, or taking a break along the way. The town comes alive and people naturally smile. I can't help but admire the fact that such an event has been handmade and continued for 27 years. Please look forward to next year's event.

If you can't wait until next year, why not take a tour of Sendai and see what the four DJs have to say? If you can't wait until next year, why don't you take a tour of Sendai and see what the four DJs have to say about the city? If you do, don't forget to include the Journal Standard Sendai Store in your itinerary. In the store, we will continue to offer "Shochiku Ume Records" and."A pop-up event of "Delicious" is being held. The store is located in Sendai Parco, just off Sendai Station, and is a great place to start your trip.

2F Sendai Parco, 1-2-3 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
Phone: 022-212-5810
Business hours: 10:00 - 21:00 (irregular holidays)

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