FEATURE|Override meets 4 designers. 4 designers who bring new life to override Vol.2

override × 77circa


Naoki Moriyama / 77circa
Launched in 2014, "77 Circa" is a brand that features a lineup centered on remaking vintage clothing. The "Circa" in the brand name means "about ," and the designer Naoki Moriyama was born in 1977. The designer, Naoki Moriyama, was born in 1977, and many of the people involved with the brand were born around that time, hence the name.

Enjoy the "individual differences" of vintage clothing and get excited about shopping.


The items at 77 Circa are mostly remakes of vintage clothing, right?

forested mountainYes, that's right. But rather than wanting to remake vintage clothing, I wanted to give each item its own individuality. For example, the outer fabric is sometimes made uniformly as a product, but there is an item that uses an old scarf for the lining. At first glance, all the items look the same, but if you look closely, you can see that the lining has its own individuality, and each item has a different flavor.

Why do you care about "individual differences"?

forested mountain. We hope that our customers will have that uplifting feeling of being able to choose and buy. I hope that when they go to a store and have a choice among the same items, they will enjoy shopping. And I hope that not only the customers, but also the sales staff who sell the products will be equally excited.


Is the keyword "vintage clothing" an essential part of your roots?

forested mountain. I have always liked vintage clothing. Conversely, I don't really like processing clothes. Secondhand clothes have already changed over time, so there is no need to process them. It has an inherent depth of flavor, and no matter how much technology improves, that kind of "flavor" cannot be reproduced by processing. I like the presence of such old clothes.

77 Circa is a women's brand, but do you find it difficult to design for women?

forested mountainIf beauty is the vector, I think women's items would be more precise if they were designed by women, but that is not the approach taken by 77 Circa in the first place. Although 77 Circa is a women's brand, we started out with the idea that it would be interesting to do something like this, regardless of gender.

I see.

forested mountainI make a sample, materialize the idea, and then add women's elements by adding a slit or making the silhouette more feminine. So, I don't feel that it is too difficult.


When do you get an idea for something you think would be interesting?

forested mountain. I spend most of my time looking at old clothes. I have a lot of old clothes in my office that I use as materials for remakes, so I look at them and wonder, "What would happen if I combined this with that? I try to make a remake. Then, I try out the pieces, and sometimes they turn out exactly as I imagined, and sometimes they don't. Sometimes the finished product is not at all what I imagined. Sometimes the finished product is totally different from what I imagined, but that's also when something interesting comes out of it. Therefore, the materials are always there. Rather than preparing a blueprint from the beginning, I think of it as a step-by-step process.


What did you envision for the items you created with "Override" this time?

forested mountainI wanted to make use of the keyword "individual differences," so I imagined an item that would cover a large area. I came up with the idea of a detachable hood attached to a military mod coat. However, since the sales season is close to winter, we used fake fur and furs as materials to create a sense of the season.


So the part that hits the neck is faux fur , and the outer fabric is all fur.

forested mountain. The front side is fur that was used in women's shawls from the 60s and 70s. We thought some people might want to avoid direct contact of the vintage fabric with their skin, so we decided to use fake fur around the neck. I think the best part is that each item has a different expression.

Are there any other areas you were particular about?

forested mountainNeck part. We have drawn a pattern that makes it look elegant when fastened in the front. The position of the fastening was also taken into consideration, so that it would not be suffocating and the volume would look attractive when fastened. Actually, it was difficult to get the ideal shape for the necklace, and I had to ask for revisions several times, so I was very happy when it came to fruition. Also, we were particular about the clasp, and chose parts that would not detract from the atmosphere of the item.


Of course, it can be used as a hat, but it would also be good to use it as an accent, like a scarf.

forested mountainTo be honest... I did not envision it being covered from the planning stage (laughs). . So, I think it is more useful as an accent. I hope people will use it as if the hood of a sweatshirt parka were pulled out from the collar of a coat, creating volume at the back of the neck. . I think it would be a good accent in terms of material, and I recommend it because of its heat retention properties.

Style of 77circa.

Although the fur hood has a luxurious feel, "I don't have any particular wish for it to be used in this way. I hope that people will enjoy it in their own way," says Mr. Moriyama. As he says, Mr. Moriyama has created a styling that incorporates various elements such as traditional, hunting, and sports. The model was illustrator Rinran Tonda, who is a friend of "77 Circa. She was a perfect example of 77 Circa's mix of styles that are not bound by any genre.


forested mountainThis is a coordinated look that dares to mix and match items from different roots, such as a trench coat, hunting vest, and jersey pants. . I hope you can see that these items match so many different elements. I think the key point is that I chose matte items overall to take advantage of the fur's sheen.

A gem with a feminine interpretation of military wear.


override × 77circa FUR HOOD MUFFLER ¥26,000+TAX

. This hood was made by dismantling a fur shawl produced in the 60's and 70's. It was originally inspired by the detachable hoods attached to military mod coats. . It was originally inspired by the detachable hoods attached to military mod coats. By tailoring it with highly heat-retentive fur, it has evolved into a feminine item. It can be used as a hood, of course, but we recommend using it like a scarf as an accent around the neck.

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