So Matsukawa, stylist, talks about the good balance of Samsonite Red.


Stylist So Matsukawa talks about the good balance of Samsonite Red.

In these days of rapidly updated information, there are probably many people who choose things based solely on appearance and name value. However, once you are aware of the practicality and background of a product, it is surely not enough to satisfy your needs. This is especially true when it comes to the bags that carry your precious belongings. As a stylist by profession, So Matsukawa has always been in touch with the importance of trends and manufacturing, so from what perspective has he been dealing with bags? Let's take a look at why he places his trust in "Samsonite Red," as seen in his style samples and words.

  • Photo_Shunsuke Shiga
  • Styling_So Matsukawa
  • Text_Rui Konno
  • Edit_Jun Nakada
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Matsukawa So

Born in 1981 in Nagasaki. After studying under Atsushi Hashimoto, he became independent in 2011. He is well versed in both street fashion and traditional men's clothing, and has been featured in a number of popular fashion magazines, transcending the boundaries between tastes and generations. He has won the trust of actors and musicians, and has been nominated by many of them. In his personal life, he is an enthusiastic collector of old sneakers.

I believe the brand has the potential to become a classic.

Mr. Matsukawa, do you often use bags when styling for magazines?

Matsukawa RiverYes, I do. I personally like items that are called "gear" and the way they are worn, and I think that bags are indispensable when it comes to seeking gear-like items to be worn. The same goes for shoes, bags, and eyewear. Personally, I like people and styles that make me think "this person has good taste" in my own daily life, rather than being strictly mode-oriented. I think the key item in such a situation is a bag or a pair of sneakers. When I meet someone on the street, I look at their choices and think, "Wow, they are stylish.

Perhaps it is easier to express individuality than clothing.

Matsukawa RiverYes, that's right. Bags are a good example of how you can tell if a bag is well-made or not. People who dress in a way that makes you wonder, "Where did this bag come from? I am attracted to people who dress in a way that makes you think, "Where is this bag from?" or whose choice of bag reveals their occupation or lifestyle. I like to observe people, and even when I am just walking around town, if I see something that catches my attention, I immediately check it out. It's an occupational hazard (laugh), but it's a habit I developed even before I became a stylist.

What kind of bags are you personally interested in right now?

Matsukawa RiverHmmm ....... Nowadays, you can see a lot of sacochets around town, can't you? Personally, I have a natural inclination not to use them in my styling when they become popular. However, I do want to pick up the essence of the trend. In that sense, the white body bag from Samsonite Red that I used in my styling this time is a good balance of trendiness and originality.

Have you used Samsonite Red bags in your styling in the past?

Matsukawa RiverI often lease them. On the other hand, I have never styled Samsonite, which is my roots. Samsonite Red is more familiar to me personally.

What are your impressions of the actual touch?

Matsukawa RiverMy first impression was that it was well made, as it bears the sign of a long-established company. And it is highly functional, yet reasonably priced. The 2-way totepack I used this time is also an item I leased from them.

I see. What kind of styling did you do at that time?

Matsukawa RiverThe theme of the collection was "bags and style," so I kept it rather streetwise. Samsonite Red" is a brand that has the potential to become a staple in a good sense of the word. In a good sense, I think this brand has the potential to become a standard item.

This may be a bit of a teasing question, but what do you think about bags that are well designed but poorly made?

Matsukawa RiverTo be honest, I don't like it (laughs). I feel the background is too thin. A bag that is just catchy and looks cool might get me excited for a while, but personally, I am not interested in things that are transitory. I prefer a bag that I will want to use again three years from now, even if the frequency of use may fluctuate, rather than a bag that I will use for a year and then call it quits.

You look at it from that perspective when choosing things on a daily basis.

Matsukawa RiverOf course, delicate things have their own charm, but in our line of work, we tend to use bags that hold and carry a lot of things very hard. Therefore, I think toughness is especially important for bags. Since my days as an assistant, I have been supported by bags that can handle no matter how much I throw or stuff into them. I think such bags are cuter (laughs).

Explanation of how to dress by Mr. Matsukawa.



My first impression was that this bag would go well with suits. But on the other hand, I thought it would be fresh and interesting to match it with vintage clothes or other casual tastes that are opposite to the so-called "beautiful" style. I imagined the colors to be olive with a touch of raw silk. The bag was designed to be carried on the back, but I think it would also look great in the hand.



I wanted to create a cohesive black base and a sporty look. However, I thought it would look a little suspicious if I wore all black (laugh), so I wore colorful sneakers on my feet. In addition to shoes, I try to accentuate the look with accessories other than the bag, such as a hat. The key is to add just the right amount of geariness, centering on the bag.



At first glance, it looks like a very basic outfit of a coat, chinos, and a striped T-shirt, but the color of the tote is really good, so I wondered how I could make the best use of it. I think it would be smart to throw on a big coat and carry a tote in my hand.



I was conscious of "wearing it down" as much as possible in this style. The pouch and body bag are very trendy items, so I thought it would look better if they were used a little more casually than if they were left as they are. Some people may tend to shy away from set ups, but depending on the balance, they can be a very good choice. This one looks like a sweatshirt, but it's actually made of knit material, so it's very elegant.


(Parkin 03-6412-8217), (Universal Works) T-shirt ¥8,500+tax, cap ¥9,500+tax, (Leatherman) belt ¥7,400+tax (all at Maiden Company 03-5410- 9777), other items by stylists: private collection. 9777), other personal items of the stylist


Vinyl Archive] Jacket ¥52,000+TAX (Beauty & Youth United Arrows Shibuya Koen-dori Store 03-5428-1893), Pants ¥33,000+TAX, Cut & sew ¥12,000+TAX, Knit cap ¥7,000+TAX (all LMWH) 03-6427-5136), other personal effects of the stylist


(Hed Maynor) coat ¥150,000+tax, (Uti) cut and sewn ¥14,000+tax, (Neat x Andersons) belt ¥22,000+tax (all from reshop 03-5413-4714), (Timberland) shoes ¥25,000+tax (Timberland) /VF Japan 0120-953-844, other personal effects of stylists


Gowns & Foundation] parka ¥35,000+TAX, pants ¥31,000+TAX, socks ¥4,500+TAX (FIT, [Gravalot] shirt ¥22,000+TAX (reshop 03- 5413-4714), [Cams & Gos] knit cap ¥8,000+TAX (Alpha PR 03-5413-3546), other items by private stylist (reshop 03-5413-4714), [Cams and Gos] knit cap ¥8,000+TAX (Alpha PR 03-5413-3546), other items: stylist's personal effects

Samsonite Japan

Phone: 0800-12-36910

#Samsonite RED, Samsonite Red
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