Back Alley Teen. 28th Kita No Ai, age 18.

Back Alley Teen. 28, Kita Noai, 18 years old.

Back Alley Teen" is an irregularly updated visual project that focuses on teenage artists with a bright talent. The 28th artist to appear in this issue is 18-year-old Noa Kita, who has been expanding her range of talent by appearing on stage and in TV dramas since last year. Her natural expression is different from that of the screen world.

  • Photographs, Clothing, and Composition: Masaru Sugiura
  • Hair and makeup: Masashi Kameda (The Voice)
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(〈Akane Utsunomiya〉 Knit ¥46,000 + tax, Salopettes ¥45,000 + tax (both Brand News 03-3797-3673)

(Tito Tokyo) knit ¥28,000 + tax, (Lupco) pants ¥45,000 + tax (both Cyan PR 03-6662-5525), other personal effects of stylist

Kita No Ai

She is 18 years old and was born on May 18, 2000. She is currently starring in two serial dramas, "Harassment Game" (TV Tokyo) and "Boku to Shippo to Kagurazaka" (TV Asahi)! Her hobbies include dancing, calligraphy, and memorizing world history.

# Kita No Ai
# Back Alley Teen.
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