monessay ─ bone to run

monessay ─ bone to run

This is "monessay," a Series by Toshiyuki Sai, Publisher of HOUYHNHNM and Editor-in-Chief of HOUYHNHNM Unplugged. It is an essay through objects, so it is called "monessay," and it is not a column with a twist, but it is not a poetic essay either. The column that had been serialized in a certain magazine for quite a long time has been discontinued, and a new column has been started in HOUYHNHNM. This time, we'll be looking at sandals from SUICOKE.

  • Text_Toshiyuki Sai
  • Photo_Kengo Shimizu
  • Edit_Ryo Komuta
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18. Bone to Run

a number ofTimes Before,Nike's thick-soled sneakers, also introduced in this column. They certainly feel good when I put them on. The cushioning is springy, and the feet move forward. The feet certainly move forward lightly, but whether my heart and lungs are keeping up with the movement is another matter. . It seems that there is no tool at the moment that can help me put on the springboard.

Japanese dock (plant) (Rumex japonicus)But the Tarahumara tribe in Christopher McDougall's famous book "Born to Run" run around for days in flimsy-soled sandals.

4th note in the tonic solfa representation of the diatonic scaleLiving quietly in the valley of Quixico, they are also known as the "Running People. The origin of this name is said to come from a race among their friends held after a feast, in which they run around on the roadless roads for two days and nights.

ku (one of the trigrams of the I Ching: earth, southwest)Because he runs in sandals without cushioning, he lands on his toes, not on his calf. . In fact, this is the human's natural way of running and does not hurt the knees or back.

young (animal)The Five Fingers, mentioned earlier in this column, and the Nike Free were born out of research into the "five fingers. The latter is said to have been created from the training of a college student in Oregon or somewhere else who ran barefoot on grass.

and. Anyway, one of the Talaumara was sent out to compete in the world's first 100-mile race, and he won. . That's how this book was born.

counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the item being counted)Personally, it is also the book of my running self, along with Haruki Murakami's "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running".

(in broth) pieces of meat, vegetable, etc.was what I immediately thought of when I read this book, Teva sandals. They were sports sandals, or rather, sandals that could run, which was a bit of a surprise since they had never been available before.

naked. They have a side effect that the rubber somehow makes the soles of my feet smell when I wear them on my feet, but they have been a great help to me.

(after noun, adjective-stem or plain verb) just keepsThe market for these sports sandals is expanding worldwide, and many similar products with new designs and ideas are being introduced.

that (someone or something distant from both speaker and listener, or situation unfamiliar to both speaker and listener)I have long been interested in "Suicok," which I thought was a unique brand in a market that is dominated by a variety of companies, including "Swicok," which I had heard about from a former employee of our company. I had heard that a former employee of our company had switched jobs, and I wanted to support the company.

the other sideWhen two members of the Inouye Brothers came to Tokyo for a drink on April 1, we talked about this topic. It seems that they are now as respected as Birkenstocks and Tevas in the world.

deathZain is good.

exactly. lineup, it is complete as a product.

runAlthough they are not sandals made for running, I would like to see the Tarahumara running in them, especially with the current boom in thick-soled sandals in the running world.


Toshiyuki Sai

Publisher of HOUYHNHNM and editor-in-chief of HOUYHNHNM Unplugged. After working as a freelance editor for Magazine House Popeye, he managed stylists and started his own editing/production company, which changed its name to Rhino Inc. in 2006.

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Phone: 03-6456-4423

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