Sure earphones that faithfully reproduce the original sound.Vol.2 Yoshifumi Egawa</trp-post-container

Genuine Sound by SHURE.

Shure earphones faithfully reproduce the original sound.Vol.2 Yoshifumi Egawa

Music, BMX, skateboarding. Yoshifumi Egawa, a.k.a. YOPPI, has been a fanatic of a wide variety of youth culture since before the term "Urahara" was coined, and is still admired by highly sensitive kids. Despite his sharp image, however, Egawa himself is always relaxed and easygoing, and while he is a skilled DJ, his own musical environment is far beyond what one would expect. He was asked to try out a pair of wireless earphones produced by SHURE, a renowned audio electronics company. How does a masterpiece created by a long-established company look to a unique individual who grew up on the street?

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Yoshifumi Egawa a.k.a. YOPPI 
Director of Ombre Nino / XLARGE® Designer

A key figure in the extreme scene, he was one of the first to become obsessed with fixed-gear bicycles in the 1990s, when Japan's own street culture was emerging, and he also made a name for himself as a skateboarder. In 2012, he founded Ombre Nino with designer Masashi Seki, and is currently the director of PLUS L by XLARGE®, a collaborative project with XLARGE®. He is also the director of "PLUS L by XLARGE®", a collaborative project with XLARGE®.

I listen to a sample at a record store, and the next time I listen to it is when I DJ. I enjoy the surprise at that time.

When did you first become aware of Shure as a music equipment brand?

estuaryWhen did it start? I don't remember. But I guess this logo stands out. If you go to an equipment store that specializes in audio equipment, you will see the logos of various manufacturers. I think that was the first time I saw it. Even now, when I look at logos on music websites, the "Sure" logo still catches my attention. I also recognized it when I saw people actually using it.

I have the image of Mr. Egawa being surrounded by many people who have long been well versed in music.

estuaryYes, that's right. KO KIMURA gave me lectures on acoustics and how to connect everything. He helped me most of the time.

That is quite extravagant. In the Hectic era, wasn't Mr. Naotake Magara (current M.V.P. designer) one such person?

estuaryNo, we didn't talk about that at all (laughs). Unless I asked, Mr. Magara would not tell me anything. Like a bicycle shop (laughs).

Mr. Magara is well versed in reggae, and I wonder if his musical roots were different from those of Mr. Egawa.

estuaryBut Mr. Magara used to be a house DJ. That's why his song splicing is so beautiful, isn't it? Even now, I think there are many people who can listen to your DJing even when the music is a little too obscure.

It is unexpected, but it fits well. What kind of environment do you often listen to music in now?

estuaryI used to like to listen to it in my office room or something, but after my child was born, I mostly only listen to it at the scene. I would sample the music at the record store, buy it, and then listen to it the next time I DJ at a club. That's the first time I get to listen to it properly, so I play it myself and am surprised when I hear it and think, "This is so cool! (laughs). (Laughs.) Then I enjoy thinking, "I must have been right. That's the first time the jacket is input into my mind. Then I start to memorize the names of the songs and artists, and I start to enjoy the music in a messy way (laughs).

estuaryI always go to the record store before DJing, but the records are basically still wrapped in the vinyl that I bought them in. From there, the records are carefully selected and only those who win the tournament are cleared to come out of the vinyl bag. Some of them, I'm sorry to say, get left behind in their vinyl. ......

I'm not used to wireless, but the Sure earbuds fit in easily.

You have actually used Shure's SE215 Special Edition earphones with high sound insulation, and frankly speaking, how did you like them?

estuaryThey fit perfectly. I guess you can't get the best sound from earphones unless they fit properly, but these fit perfectly. To be honest, I don't really know how good or bad the sound is, but the bass balance of these earphones is also to my liking. Then there is the Bluetooth connectivity. I'm not used to wireless, so it's nice to be able to connect right away.

Did you try it mainly in the city?

estuaryThat's one thing, but I went snowboarding with my son the other day, and I used them on the slopes. It fits properly even when I move, and there are no lines, so there is no stress, and it was very comfortable.

By the way, what kind of earphones did you use before that?

estuary...... "Star Wars.

...... What?

estuaryThey are "Star Wars" earphones with a character on the end (laughs). As I mentioned earlier, I am limited in where I can listen to music, so I don't use them every day. So I borrow my children's "Star Wars" earphones only when I need them.

I see. Then, your music environment has suddenly become more fulfilling (laughs). These earphones actually have a detachable cable.

estuaryHuh? Oh, it's true!

Shure earphones were originally developed for in-ear monitoring systems used by professional musicians on stage. In a professional setting, cables sometimes get caught and break, and it is said that this wisdom was born from such experiences.

estuaryI see. The equipment in the club belongs to everyone (laughs). (Laughs.) Then again, sometimes there are people who are playing on CDJs at the scene. That is not something to be praised. I once used a CDJ, but the equipment was broken, and I suddenly jumped from the first song to the 12th song. I panicked at the time (laughs).

These days, some DJs are using data on USBs and the like. I've had this happen a few times myself, but when I use only data, I often find myself playing the same song again. That's why I feel most comfortable using vinyl records.

Mr. Egawa, you are surprisingly analog.

estuaryYes, I do. I don't listen to music through distribution either. Because there are so many things I don't want to see, aren't there? It would be fine if only the ones I like were available, but that's not the case. Radio is enough for extra information.

It's important to consider whether it matches you rather than unnecessarily assuming the latest is good.

estuaryThat's why it's hard to adapt to new things. It would be great if I could easily adapt to new things like these earphones from Sure, but I have an extreme body or something like that. ...... I try my best not to make excuses (laughs).

In addition to the wireless Bluetooth type that Mr. Egawa was using, Shure's SE215 Special Edition high sound insulation earphones are also available in a wired universal cable type that is compatible with Android and iOS. The model is richly finished by enhancing the low frequency range with the "faithful to the original sound" that is synonymous with the brand. One of the main features of the Shure earphones is their ergonomic, high sound insulation design, which naturally blocks out ambient noise up to 37db, providing a comfortable listening environment. The Bluetooth version has a battery that lasts up to 8 hours and a range of up to 10 meters. You can enjoy your music in any situation that suits your lifestyle.


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