Taiga and Kotori Kawashima. A new relationship between the two that goes beyond subject and photographer.


Taiga and Kotori Kawashima. Their new relationship transcends that of subject and photographer.

There are not many clothes that transcend generations. In this sense, LACOSTE polo shirts are a rare breed that continues to be loved around the world. Even if they have different tastes in fashion, they can be said to be clothing that connects people of different sensibilities. The founder, René Lacoste, was also a professional tennis player, and one can sense his special creativity in the polo shirts. The two photographers featured in this exhibition are actor Taiga and photographer Kotori Kawashima. Two years have passed since the publication of their photo collection "Michi", which can be said to have been created by the two of them, and it seems that there are things they can talk about now. We caught up with them to learn more about their respective perspectives and thoughts on their remarkable careers.

  • Photo_Yusuke Yamatani
  • Styling_Dai Ishii (Taiga)
  • Hair & Make-up_Masaki Takahashi (Taiga)
  • Text_Akiko Fukunaga
  • Edit_Ryo Muramatsu
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Taiga / Actor

Born in Tokyo in 1993, he debuted as an actor in 2006 and has acted in TV dramas, movies, and stage productions. he is scheduled to appear in "Ano Hi no Hanashi no Hanashi" on April 27 and the movie "Machida-kun no Sekai" on June 7. he will appear on stage in "Nida no Natsu" from July 20 at Honda Theatre and others. He also enjoys cameras as a hobby. His favorite camera is the "Contax T2.

Kotori Kawashima / Photographer

Left photo: Born in 1980 in Kanagawa, Japan. After graduating from Waseda University with a bachelor's degree in French literature from the Faculty of Letters I, she studied under photographer Motoki Numata, and made her debut in 2007 with her photo book "Baby Baby," followed by "Mirai-chan" (2011). She is currently holding a two-person exhibition "Fly Me" with painter Yosuke Kobashi in Atami until April 27 (Sat).

The first photo book I bought was "Baby Baby" by Kotori.

First of all, how did you two first meet?

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I think it was about a year before I published my photo book "Michi. The magazine "So-en" had a project called "So-en Men," and the editorial department offered me the chance to appear in it. At that time, I heard that Kotori-san was going to take the photos. I was originally a fan of Kotori's work, so I said, "By all means! I said, "Yes! That was the first time.

small birdThat's right. I told an editor I knew that I wanted to shoot Taiga-kun, and he told me that he had just heard that he was planning to shoot Taiga. I told him I wanted to shoot him. I was just a fan of Taiga-kun.

Back photo: Sneakers made of nappa leather with a crocodile logo on the back. Lacoste〉¥20,000+TAX Front photo A pair of classic court shoes with a classy atmosphere. Lacoste Sport T-shirt ¥6,000+TAX, pants ¥12,000+TAX, Lacoste sneakers ¥13,000+TAX

What made them fans of each other?

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)When I was in junior high or high school, I picked up Kotori's photo book "Baby Baby" at a bookstore. I also take a camera as a hobby, and I think that was the first photo book I bought. I used to like Ginko BOYZ, and I love their song "BABY BABY". Then I thought, "Oh, it's BABY BABY! BABY BABY! I picked it up and found that there was actually a connection between the two. From there, I started to learn more about Kotori-san, like, "What's this picture?

small birdTaiga-kun happened to be at a friend's exhibition and sent me a picture of it. I was like, "Oh, he's so cool! I thought, "Cool!

The Road" was self-published by Mr. Kawashima, wasn't it? Did your desire to photograph Mr. Taiga start the production of this photo book?

small birdI had a great time shooting for "So-en," but I felt I had more work to do, and then I was asked by another company to be a part of their Series. The first theme I was given was "travel," but I told them I wanted to shoot Taiga-kun. I told them I wanted to shoot Taiga-kun, and they agreed to let me shoot him.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Yes, it was.

small birdIt was more than a year later that the photo book was published, but that was when I started getting to photograph Taiga-kun on a regular basis. That was about three years ago now.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Every month I went to various places and had little birds photographed. When I had accumulated a certain amount of photos, I told you that I wanted to make a photo book.

small birdYes, it is.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)From the time we started shooting together, it seemed like it would be a good idea to eventually make it into a photo book.

small birdI had already taken so many good pictures.... Taiga-kun never finishes taking pictures. Every time I see him, his face looks completely different.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I might have been aware of that. (I had no hesitation (in making a photo book). I thought it would take shape as a matter of course.

When the shutter was released, an ordinary moment seemed special.

Mr. Taiga, you also take pictures in your private life, don't you? Did your view of Kotori's photographs change before and after you were photographed by Kotori?

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)What do you think? I think I bought "BABY BABY" first, and then read "Mirai-chan" next, but since then I have been seeing Kotori's pictures often, and I feel that my excitement has not changed. I feel a kind of thrill. If I were the subject of the photo, I would not be able to look at it objectively, so in that sense, I look at my photos taken with little birds in a different way.

I don't really do anything special when I shoot with little birds. I was just taking a walk, eating delicious food, going to beautiful places, and spending time with the birds. And yet, when I look back at the photos later, there are so many moments that I think were special, even when I didn't seem to be doing anything. That is how I perceive the photos of little birds.

When we were shooting, a little birdie never told us what to do. She would ask me to sit or stand or something like that, but very rarely. But when I look back on it later, I realize that every moment like that is not something to be taken for granted, and it makes me feel special.

The little birdie releases the shutter and you realize that the moment is special.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)That's right. Everyone gets older, and sometimes what was there originally is sharpened, and other times something extra comes along. I feel that Kotori's photographs capture the purest parts of myself. When I look back on them, I realize that I look like this.

small birdI think Taiga-kun is changing every time I see him. He is changing, and he is not changing. He is a very mysterious person.

From the photo book "Michi", I felt no tension in a good sense, or rather, a closeness between the two, which is rare for a photo book of actors.

Taga, KotoriI'm glad to hear that.

So I wondered if they met frequently.

small birdNo matter how many times we meet, I get nervous every time.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Really?

small birdYeah (laughs).

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Recently, you have finished shooting "The Road" and there are no more private photo shoots. Actually, I used to get very nervous when I did private shoots. But now, I feel like I can relax now (laughs).

Did your relationship change after the production of "The Road"?

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I've been spoiled by a little birdie. Our relationship has changed. We have spent a lot of time together over the past few years. The things we have built up over the years have become a source of trust, and I don't want to be disliked by him.

Your admiration for the little birds has not changed.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)That's right. I met the photographer and the subject at the beginning, and I am sure that I have changed since then, and I am sure that some things have not changed. As Kotori-san mentioned earlier, I always want to be attractive as a subject.

If I had not met Ms. Kotori, I would not have been able to publish a photo book in my lifetime.

Is there a story behind "The Road" or something you can talk about now?

small birdAh! I guess I'm talking about the room.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)You mean the room I lived in when I started living alone?

small birdYes, yes.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)That shoot was interesting!

small birdIt wasn't that I had a hard time shooting the photos, but when I thought about the specifics of putting together a book of actors' photos, I felt very lost. I worked really hard on it, but I wondered if it would be enough. At that time, we hadn't shot in a room yet. I told Taiga-kun that I had not done it because it was common to shoot in a room, but I wondered if it was really unnecessary! He said, "Let's do it anyway!

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Was it?

small birdYes. I thought it was cool. That's why I was allowed to shoot in Taiga's room.

The cover of your photo book is also a shot taken in Taiga's room, isn't it?

small birdThat's right. Taiga-kun fell asleep while I was taking this (cover) photo.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Yes, I do. Can I sleep for a little bit? Like that. And then I woke up and the lens was right in front of me! That's the expression on my face.

small birdThe same was true for "BABY BABY," but I often get a lot of help from the people I work with as my subjects. I think that was also very good.

Ms. Kotori is wearing the "L.12.12," a classic model that can be called the prototype of the polo shirt, with its appealing design and functionality that has not faded since its birth in 1993. Polo shirt ¥13,000+TAX

So there is a strong sense that the project was created by the two of you, rather than being led by Kotori-san.

small birdExactly! That's right.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I thought I would never have a chance to make a photo book in my life, and in fact, I had no desire to do so. However, when I met Ms. Kotori, whom I had great respect for, I decided that there was no way I could avoid making a photo book if I had to. Without this encounter, I don't think I would have ever made a photo book.

small bird(Looking happy) Yeah!

Why did you originally shy away from photo books?

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)To begin with, I basically didn't like being photographed very much. Until I met Ms. Kotori. That feeling has changed a lot.

It's different from the feeling of being photographed by other people.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I don't know how to say it, but in my daily acting, many things become my armor. I wear costumes, I say lines written by others, and I feel like I am myself but I am not myself. But when I was photographed, I was myself, no matter what I thought. I had always lacked confidence in that. But it was as if Kotori-san affirmed my lack of confidence. That was a very big part of me.

This sweatshirt is a collaboration between Lacoste and OPENING CEREMONY, and uses the same fawn material as the polo shirt as part of the design. The contemporary color block and the reptile-like print on the collar are innovative. Lacoste Live sweatshirt ¥19,000+TAX

So your approach to photography as a subject changed after the photo shoot with the little bird.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)That's right. I was pretty hesitant at first.

small birdWas it?

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I would say, "Let's not do this. I think I was still very self-conscious back then. But now, I feel much less self-conscious when other people take pictures of me.

There is always the fear of not knowing what they will do.

When was the last time you two met?

Taga, KotoriOne week ago.

small birdI am currently holding an exhibition in Atami called "I will fly".

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I heard there was a little bird on the first day of the exhibition, so I went to visit.

small birdIt was the first day of the fireworks festival, and we watched the fireworks together. Then, an incident happened.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I got so excited (laughs).

small birdI had my camera ready to take (pictures) at that time because the fireworks would be exciting in the finale....

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I took off my clothes. But after I stripped down, I realized that I was wearing tight-fitting black skinny pants, which was unusual for me that day. I had imagined that I would look like Doni Lavin, but I ended up looking completely different (laughs). It was totally different from what I thought it would be! (laughs). But I thought it would be fun, and I got really excited about it (laughs).

small birdTaiga-kun may always have that fear of not knowing what he will do.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Are you afraid? Me. I'm kind of cool, someone who is called scary!

small birdThere could be a fear of not knowing where it might be lurking in this kind of gentle atmosphere. That makes me very happy as a photographer. It makes me feel like I have to take pictures.

Is there anything you two would like to do together in the future?

small birdI am not talking about specifics, but I would like to shoot overseas.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)We shot the film in Taiwan, but Kotori and I have been talking about going to Europe. I would like to make that happen.

small birdThe appeal of the late 20s is still in Europe (laughs).

Do you mean that there is a sense of anticipation that a different switch is about to be turned on from filming in Japan?

small birdNo, I don't know. The title of my photo book with Taiga-kun is "Michi," but when we exhibited in Osaka last year, we named it "Unknown. I always feel like I want to take pictures in places that I can't imagine. Also, Taiga-kun looks very much at home in Asia.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I think I can get into Asia (laughs), but I can't imagine what it would be like in Europe. Let's do it!

small birdThe bar may have been raised, though.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Is that because you published a work once?

small birdYes, I do. In my own mind.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)But let's take it easy and go for it like a life's work.

small birdSo far, I have been finishing my work with each book I have published. I have been prepared to end my work once and for all. But right after "Michi" was published, I received a comment from Taiga in "Bijutsu Techo" (Art Magazine). In his comment, he wrote, "'Michi' is the beginning of 'Michi', isn't it? I thought, "Oh, really! I thought, "Oh, yes! That made me decide to continue filming.

Depending on how you wear it, the image changes completely.

By the way, have you ever worn Lacoste in private?

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Yes, there are. I live near Koenji, where there are many secondhand clothing stores. I used to go there a lot when I was a student, and I saw Lacoste knit cardigans at various vintage clothing stores. I had a lot of those. They were very colorful. When you were in high school, wearing a cardigan over your school uniform was a kind of fashion. I have such memories of Lacoste.

small birdI used to buy them more than 10 years ago. I used to wear very colorful knitwear.

How do you like Lacoste's coordination today?

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)When I tried on the items made in collaboration with OPENING CEREMONY, I thought, "This is a Lacoste I don't know! I thought, "This is the Lacoste I don't know! Today's outfit is more of a street style, but I had an image of Lacoste being a bit more traditional. I had a more traditional image of "Lacoste," but I thought it had a different kind of coolness depending on how it was worn. It was the first time for me to wear a loose-fitting suit, so I thought it would be cool to wear it this way, too.

small birdI usually don't wear black very often, so the black polo shirts were very fresh. I thought polo shirts worn by adults were cute. So I thought I would like to wear a Lacoste polo shirt this summer.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)Polo shirts are cute, aren't they?

small birdI would like to wear different colors.

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)I would wear a white polo shirt. I'd like to wear a white polo shirt with denim. I enjoyed a completely different look today, but I would love to wear a true-to-size Lacoste shirt in the summer!

Are you a person who enjoys wearing different tastes in fashion on different days?

long epic song with shamisen accompaniment (developed in Kyoto in the late 16th century)No, I wear the same kind of clothes every day. I am the type of person who likes to cherish what is limited. Ideally, I would like to wear the same clothes all the time, but not too much. But I love clothes.

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# Taiga
# Kotori Kawashima
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