FEATURE|. under the name of "OFF THE WALL". We asked the designer NAOKI about his thoughts on VANS and the collaboration.



. in the name of "OFF THE WALL".
We asked the designer NAOKI about his thoughts on VANS , and the collaboration.

Since its establishment in 2012, SUNNY C SIDER has been steadily gaining fans as the flagship of a new generation of street fashion. SUNNY C SIDER's appeal lies in its realistic, life-sized perspective and its solid backbone as a street brand, but its style has been greatly influenced by none other than Vans. With the announcement of the second collaboration between these two greats, we immediately conducted an interview with Mr. NAOKI, designer of "Sunny Sea Cider," and asked him to share his passion for "Vans" to the fullest. The interview lasted less than an hour, but we were able to get a lot of straight talk about his passion for "Vans. I have the same passion for Vans as anyone else," he said. It can be said that the collection born from mutual resonance was inevitable.

  • Photo_Takeshi Kimura
  • Text&Edit_Yosuke Ishii

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Born 1980 in Saitama , raised in Tokyo. After working as a store manager and director of a street brand, he moved to San Diego, California. Based on the experience and inspiration he gained there, he established his own brand, "Sunny Sea Cider," in 2012. He has garnered attention for his unique branding that transcends the boundaries between Japan and the U.S., and for his collaborations with various creators, both in Japan and abroad. He is a style icon of the street who has gained support for his realistic style based on American culture.

The culture I was looking at always had the Vans.


. First of all, please tell us how you first met NAOKI and VANS.

NAOKI. I think I was in the 5th grade or so, when I started wearing my 5-year-old brother's personal slippers without his permission. . I think they were "slip-ons" or "authentic," I think. Besides "Vans," I used to wear "Converse" and "Airwalk" a lot. At the time, I didn't really care about the brand, I just naturally picked up "Vans. I think it was a year later, around 6th grade, that I started wearing Vans shoes with full awareness of the brand. I bought my first pair of slip-ons, and I often paired them with Levi's 517 and 646 boot cuts, with an eye toward the 70's. I would go to thrift stores and look for cheap ones. I used to go to thrift stores to find cheap ones and buy them.

Not from Skate?

NAOKII started out wearing "Vans" just to follow my surfer brother's fashion, but then I got interested in "Vans," and I discovered skating through my own exploration of the various cultures surrounding the brand. From there, I got into old-school skating. When I was in the 6th grade, I bought a Caballero sweatshirt at a local thrift store. I think it was 9,800 yen. From then on, Powell's, Santa Cruz, and Vans became special to me. . Then I started wearing high socks and skating in Vans sneakers. I used to go into the concrete ramp, do airs, and fall off my head... (laughs) . Looking back now, I can definitely say that skating definitely nurtured my aggressive spirit.

What attracted you to "Vans" out of all the different types of sneakers?

NAOKI. I remember "Skull Pirates" well. . I remember how impressive they were. . and the black-based floral patterned "slip-on" shoes. These two patterns were just so cool, and I became a fan at once. I could say that it was the coloring and color combinations of "Vans" at that time that made me who I am. I think a lot of that is reflected in the creations of "Sunny Sea Cider. I also wanted to wear something different from others, I think that was at the root of it. It's exactly like "off the wall. My brother used to wear "Converse" a lot, so I guess I had a rebellious spirit against them. I guess there was a kind of rebellious spirit against that, too. Also, I always saw "Vans" in the culture. Skating, music, art, everything I liked was Vans. Anyway, "Vans" is my roots.

Whenever I see you, you always wear "Vans. Why are you so particular about it?

NAOKI. We are the Kicks generation. The most cool thing that this generation can express is sneakers. I've been wearing "Vans" for a long time, so I want to express that. It may be against the rules, but I wear "Vans" on my feet when I go to weddings, funerals, and even when I wear a suit. . I may be an idiot, but I don't wear cushioned sneakers when I go to the gym. . I always wear "authentic" or "slip-ons" no matter what. . I can always feel the closest to what I'm used to when something happens. . They are more practical for me than technical sneakers. Of course, when I ride my skateboard, I still wear Vans "Old Skools. I have to wear them or I get ankle sprains. My feet are so used to the shape of Vans that I can't wear any other sneakers. (Laughs) But Vans are such an integral part of my body, and from a fashion point of view, it wouldn't be complete without them.

I feel like the collaboration with Vans is a great way to show everyone who supported us.


We understand that "Vans" is a very special brand for you, Mr. NAOKI. Now, please tell us how you came to collaborate with "Vans".

NAOKICommunication with Vans started after the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. At that time, we were doing our own charity work, and a friend of mine gave 150 complete decks of Graeme Skateboards, which we were distributing at the time, to children in Kesennuma. After that, I was very happy to hear that the children were enjoying skateboarding in the gymnasium, and I wanted to do more to help the country. That's when I came up with the idea of a 3.11 recovery T-shirt project with Vans, a company I also like. I told the "Vans" that I didn't want money, and that I wanted to work together with them to make the world a better place at a time like this. In the end, the project didn't come to fruition, but my enthusiasm at the time was felt, and it led to future collaborations.

You have been able to convey your passion for "Vans" to us. That must make you very happy.

NAOKI. because my passion for Vans is second to none. . I did not do it for the money, I did it for my dream. . I think my desire to help everyone, even if just a little, has led me to this. This is the moment when one of my dreams, a passion I've had since I was a kid, came true. I'm very grateful to Vans for taking my brand out of the box and giving it a close-up, and I'm very happy about it. Also, they told me that if I worked hard and pursued one thing, my dream would come true. I think I was able to give the footers a little bit of a dream.

From what you say, the collaboration between "Sunny Sea Cider" and "Vans" seems to have been inevitable.

NAOKII think it's an exaggeration to say that "Vans is NAOKI's dream," but I'm sure everyone thought so. So, by collaborating with "Vans" in this way, I feel that I am fulfilling my own dream, and at the same time, I am responding to everyone's feelings. To put it another way, I feel that this collaboration with "Vans" would not have been possible without everyone's support. I wanted to work with "Vans" since I started the brand, and it was my pride.

My soul is in Vans. . because you can see it in this collaboration.


Do you have an image or concept for the collaboration as a whole?

NAOKI. I don't think I have any special concept. If I had to say, I would say that I kept the style and did what I wanted to do. I was conscious of the "Sunny Sea Cider" style and the "Vans" style, and I was particular about the coloring. I also wanted to compete with the graphics. We were conscious of not only stamping the logo, but also bringing the graphics to the forefront. For example, we tried to take a racing approach while using a checkered pattern, and we were conscious of the 80's style font. . I wanted to propose something that was alive with graphics anyway. How do you say it, something evocative, something that shows culture?

The result is a collection that is very NAOKI and very Sunny Sea Cider, isn't it?

NAOKI. It's easy to drop in a normal, simple look, and it's easy to put the "Vans" logo all over it. . But I wanted to express the fact that I have seen a lot of different things, and that's what makes this piece possible. I think this collection shows how much I know about Vans. So I want people to see it with their own eyes and feel it on their skin. I don't think anyone else could have done this coloring and graphics. Anyway, if I do it, I don't care if it doesn't sell, I want to make something cool and put it out into the world. That's how much my soul is in "Vans. You can see that in this collaboration.

NAOKI-san, your passion for "VAN'S" is really packed in here.

NAOKII think I was able to incorporate my own identity into the designs, otherwise there would be no point in doing Sunny Sea Cider. Otherwise, there would be no point for Sunny Sea Cider to do this, and I think I was able to create something that can be worn 5, 10, 20 years from now, even after that much time has passed. It doesn't matter if it gets old and shabby, or if it gets ripped. It's "Vans," and "Vans" is Forever.

This may be a bit early to ask, but what are your future plans with VAN'S?

NAOKISunny Sea Cider's work with the "Vans" gave us confidence, and we realized once again that we need the "Vans". So, as long as I am on the street, I will continue to work with the "Vans. As long as I don't betray Vans, I don't think they will betray me. We haven't made sneakers together yet, so I would like to try my hand at sneakers next. I can't say yet, but I have a lot of ideas. I hope you are looking forward to it. Well, all I have to do now is to follow the path I believe in, Believe in Myself! Believe in yourself!

On the next page, we present the entire collection.
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