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Sadly beautiful. The Goto Islands of culture and food that goes by Mercedes.
Hello,Goto Islands.Hi,Mercedez.

Sadly beautiful. The Goto Islands of culture and food that goes by Mercedes.

The Goto Islands of Nagasaki Prefecture are said to be sadly beautiful. The island, which bears a sad history of hidden Christians and persecution, was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site in July 2018. The Christian churches that exist on the islands have captured the hearts of many travelers because of their beautiful appearance, and now that they are a World Cultural Heritage site, they are expected to attract even more tourists. So what else does the island have to offer besides churches? We will be driving around the island in a state-of-the-art Mercedes, which will be rented out at the hotel.

  • Text_Yasuyuki Ouchi
  • Edit_Shinri Kobayashi

An island with a World Heritage Site.

A travel agency conducted a survey that asked the question, "What is the purpose of your trip?" The top three answers were "to relax," "to eat good food," and "to escape from daily life. The top three answers were "to relax," "to eat good food," and "to escape from daily life. This is actually the result of a survey conducted among Japanese, and similar surveys were also conducted among Americans, British, and Chinese. Although the rankings were slightly different, the three aforementioned answers were in the top 10 in all countries. However, only Japanese respondents ranked in the top 10. That is "I want to visit World Heritage sites.

If we take this as a given, we can say, "You can eat delicious food, relax, and enjoy an extraordinary experience. In addition, you can visit world heritage sites. . This may be the best kind of travel that Japanese people are looking for today. Coincidentally, Nagasaki and Goto Islands, which have been attracting attention among travelers and were registered as a World Heritage Site in July 2018 as "Nagasaki and Amakusa Region Heritage Sites Related to Submerged Christians," are the perfect places to satisfy these desires.

The Goto Islands, consisting of 152 islands of various sizes, have a climate that is warm in winter and relatively cool in summer, and are so rich in nature that almost the entire area has been designated as Saikai National Park. Goto City, which is home to Fukue Island, the largest island in the Goto Archipelago, is a good base for a trip to the Goto Islands, as it is easily accessible from the main island of Kyushu and has many lodging facilities. Above all, Goto City's charm lies in its relaxing spots where you can escape from everyday life, and in its abundance of delicious island foods, known as "island gourmet" and "island cuisine.

A crossroads of history and culture .

Kusuhara Church, whose exterior walls are made of brick.

Mizunoura Church stands out against the blue sky.

The statue is located in Dozaki Church.

. Let me introduce a few spots you should visit. First, there are 20 churches in Gotō alone. These include the Old Olympic Church in the World Heritage Site of Kuga Island, the Egami Tenshudo in the Egami Village of Narushima, the Dozaki Church, the first church on Goto after the lifting of the ban, and the Mizunoura Church, a wooden church with a mixture of Romanesque, Gothic, and Japanese-style architecture.

Takahama Beach.

Next is Takahama Beach. The white sand beach is the most beautiful natural beach in Japan, and the shallow, clear water is breathtakingly beautiful. The gradation of light blue, blue, and indigo colors is also outstanding.

View from Osezaki Park.

Onidake, which can be climbed on its own.

Onidake, a 315-meter-high volcano covered entirely with grass, is the symbol of Fukue Island. Trekking along the ridge on the opposite side of the mountain, you can see the city of Fukue below. You can also see konnyuri lilies in late summer, gentians in autumn, and other plants.

Osezaki Lighthouse stands alone at the tip of the coastline.

The Osezaki Lighthouse, a white lighthouse built on a towering cliff, is also not to be missed. It is one of the 50 best lighthouses in Japan, offering a panoramic view of the East China Sea. The combination of the Osezaki Lighthouse and the sunset over the East China Sea from the observatory is also spectacular.

An abundance of meat, fish , and vegetables that do not rely on off-island sources.

Goto Udon. Characterized by its smooth texture.

In the Goto Islands, of course, fresh fish is a must,
The food is so abundant that meat and vegetables are produced on the island .

In terms of food, Goto's gourmet foods, such as "Goto Udon," one of Japan's three great udon noodles, and "Goto Beef," a rare local Wagyu beef that is rarely distributed outside Nagasaki Prefecture, will surely make you addicted to the food. In addition, the seasonal fish caught in one of the best fishing grounds in Japan is also exquisite. For those who "want to eat delicious food" on their trip, this is the place to be.


Accommodation plans for hugh conversation

Period: Friday, August 9, 2019 - Friday, December 27, 2019
Contents: Overnight stay at Nordisk Village Goto Islands (dinner and breakfast included) , Free test drive of the new B-Class (from check-in to check-out)

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