Translated By DeepL

How to play at the new Shibuya PARCO?
Let's Play at SHIBUYA PARCO!

How to play at the new Shibuya PARCO?

Shibuya, Tokyo. Since its opening in 1973, Shibuya PARCO has been a leader in fashion in Japan and the world. It has been a driving force of fashion in Japan and the world. Then, in August 2016, it temporarily closed its doors. Three years later, the grand opening of Shibuya PARCO took place! For the past three years without "Shibuya PARCO," Shibuya's fashion has been somewhat lackluster. After all, Shibuya is not Shibuya without "Shibuya PARCO! We have called in artist Kosuke Kawamura, who is currently holding an opening exhibition at "PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO" on the 4th floor, and eri, owner of the vintage store "DEPT," who was born in New York and grew up in Shibuya, to convey the charm of the new "Shibuya PARCO. What are the interesting aspects of the new "Shibuya PARCO" that they have experienced in real life?

  • Photo_Tetsuya Yamakawa
  • Text_Kaori Takayama

The basement floor also has content
Plenty of it!

Kawamura:. the basement floor is a food area.

ERI:. all of them look delicious, but there is a place I want to stop by first.


In 1976, the first face-to-face fortune-telling corner was established in "Shibuya PARCO". Since then, it has continued to be a long-established fortune-telling corner.

Place: Shibuya PARCO B1F
*Open until 20:00

ERI:Fortune-telling here. It seems that the fortune-telling service that used to be located in the old Shibuya PARCO has been moved here. . Since it is the end of the year, let's have a fortune-telling for next year.

Kawamura:I'm a little scared . But shall we do it?

He can read your future with tarot and declination.

(After the reading) What was the result?

ERI:It was quite realistic. I see," he said. I am currently developing a new business venture, and you were able to tell me that too. He said, "You are thinking of something new, aren't you? He said, "You are thinking of something new, aren't you?

Kawamura:. I was told that I will be moving around even more next year.... I wonder what will happen next year , since I went abroad so much this year.... . I'm happy about it, but....

SPOT.9The Rice and the Circus

. Casual gibier dishes based on Japanese cuisine and insect dishes, which are attracting attention for their high nutritional value and low environmental impact, can be enjoyed. Sweets using insects and a café menu are also offered.

Place: Shibuya PARCO B1F
Phone: 03-6416-5850
Business hours: 11:00-23:00

. Shall we go out for dinner at the end? Is there anything you want to eat?

ERI:I'm kind of interested in bugs....


ERI:Let's eat, since we're here (laughs).

Kawamura:... (laughs). I had a cockroach on a cookie in Thailand a long time ago , and it was surprisingly delicious.

ERI:I've had it abroad in the past too, but at the time, it was already really spicy.... But today I think I'll be fine.

(Meals arriving)

Kawamura:Wow, that's punchy.

ERI:Hmm? It smells like fish sauce.

Kawamura:Oh, this tastes like nuts .

ERI:This also looks like white miso.

Kawamura:Maybe I don't dislike it at all.

ERI:I'll try to dismantle this next time.

ERI:. you explain, "Scrape the inside out with a spoon." (Take a bite) ...eh, it tastes like fruit....

Kawamura:No, no, no , you're lying!

ERI:. . oh, it tastes like La France.

Kawamura:(takes a bite) ...Wow, really. That type . The flavor is really good. ...But it smells bad. Strange.

ERI:I'm sure I'll never have the chance to eat it again in my life. I recommend it to HOUYHNHNM readers.

Kawamura:You should come here at least once.

ERI:I think the most surprising thing today was the turtles.

Kawamura:. It was surprisingly delicious.

The lizards were also delicious.


Shibuya PARCO

Address: 15-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-3464-5111
Hours: 10:00 - 21:00 (11:00 - 23:30 for restaurant)