FEATURE| Back Alley Teen. The 6th person, Hiroya Shimizu, 17 years old


Back Alley Teen. Sixth: Hiroya Shimizu, age 17.

Back Alley Teen," an irregularly updated visual project that focuses on teenage artists with a bright future ahead of them. The sixth artist is 17-year-old Hiroya Shimizu. He has already appeared in many productions and has a strong presence, and is a great talent for the future.

  • Photographs, clothing, and composition by : Masaru Sugiura (The Voice)
  • Hair and makeup: Masashi Kameda ( The Voice )

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(Fou Watts) shirt ¥35,000 + tax, (Edwina Hall) pants ¥39,000 + tax (both at Oliver River 03-6434-9494)

F.S.Z. knit ¥38,000+TAX, Turk pants ¥42,000+TAX (both at Cyan PR 03-6662-5525), Converse shoes ¥5,800+TAX (Converse Information Center 0120-819-217)

Hiroya Shimizu

Born on June 9, 1999 . Born in Tokyo. Major film credits include "Thirst" (2002), "Solomon's Perjury Part 1 and Part 2" (2003), "The Strayer's Chronicle" (2003), and "Chihaya" (2003). (2002), "Solomon's Perjury Part 1 & 2" (2003), "The Strayer's Chronicle" (2003), and "Chihayafuru: The Upper and Lower Clauses" (2004), etc. In March 2017, the movie "Haruchika" will be released.

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