Translated By DeepL

A daily life in Tokyo with DEUS EX MACHINA.

A daily life in Tokyo with DEUS EX MACHINA.

The favorite hot dog shop in the neighborhood, the hair salon where you wait for someone you know well, the skate spot where you and your friends always skate, the club where the DJ you want to go to turns.... When I can't leave my house for days on end, I realize that my peaceful days were glorious. Born in Australia and packed with the culture we have always loved: motorcycling, surfing, skateboarding, etc.DEUS EX MACHINA(hereinafter referred to as "Deus") suits men who can afford to enjoy their daily lives. For this issue, we caught up with four men who wear Deus clothes in their daily lives and asked them about fashion and their own particular tastes and lifestyles.

Case 01


Junya Kasuga
Model, owner of B.S.K.K.

In addition to modeling for fashion magazines, she opened her own store, B.S.K.K., in her hometown of Shimane, and leads a dual life between her two bases in Tokyo and Shimane.

A good lifestyle.

Q: First of all, can you tell us why you chose to wear the clothes from "Deus" this time?

I was going to ride my bike today, so my pants were thin so I wouldn't get caught up in them . These weren't too deep in the crotch, so it was easy to pedal. . I also chose a jacket to go with that light-colored denim. I like that it is cotton fabric and doesn't get sticky when I sweat. I usually wear patterned shirts often, and I like the fact that I can wear a smooth shirt on its own and still look like that.

What kind of brand is "Deus" for you, Mr. Kasuga?

I also surf, so I have known the brand for a long time. At first, the brand had a strong image of surfing and motorcycles, but recently snow has been introduced, and I think the appeal of "Deus" is that it can propose a total lifestyle by connecting various dots, not only one culture, but also people's lives.

. You also have many hobbies and enjoy various lifestyles and cultures, don't you, Mr. Kasuga?

Yes, fishing, skateboarding, surfing, biking, trail running, yoga, sap... I can never have enough time (laughs). I think it's partly because I get bored, but after I get all the equipment together and enjoy it to a certain extent, I put it to bed and try again a little while later. It is impossible to do everything at once because of time constraints. Also, it's not as if I am good at everything (laughs). I don't do what I do because I want to be recognized, but because I enjoy what I do, and I do various things according to my mood at the time.

What was the reason why you opened your own store, B.S.K.K.?

At first, I wanted to make delicious coffee that people would want to drink while enjoying outdoor activities with me and my friends, so I learned roasting and opened a coffee shop. A little while later, when I was talking around about wanting to expand the store even more, I happened to find a nice place near Izumo Taisha Shrine ... and it was an instant decision. At first, there were many outdoor-related items, but then we added skate items and started a rice shop as well. . I wanted the store to be diverse, with a sense of anticipation that there might be something interesting to be found when you go here. Rather than attracting a lot of tourists, we would like the store to be a place where we are genuinely comfortable and where many local people gather.

What made you decide to live in Tokyo and Shimane in the first place?

. starting a company with a friend in Shimane , and having a child. . I wanted to have more freedom in raising my child. My goal was Tokyo, so I wanted to give my child the option of going to Tokyo as well. Returning to the countryside was a natural choice for me, but people in Tokyo yearn for it. But people in Tokyo are very eager to go back to the countryside, and that is not possible if you are born in Tokyo. Also, it is better to be able to run a lot and breathe good air. When I wake up in the morning and go for a walk, in Tokyo I have no choice but to go to a park, but it is nice to be in an environment where I can go to the ocean or the mountains and be in nature right away. You don't have to worry about outdoor fun.

Do you have any insights you have gained since you started traveling back and forth between Tokyo and Shimane?

After being in Shimane for about 3 weeks , I still miss Tokyo. Even though I didn't contact anyone, I went to the skate park in Komazawa Park and found many friends there,Sally's Journey (Sangenjaya). When I came back to Shimane, I had to call them to get together. In Shimane, you have to call to get together (laughs). Tokyo is interesting because there are so many people in a small space.

I see. Will you continue to live in these two locations?

I haven't thought about it yet. I decided to stop thinking about the future. It has been just over a year since I moved to Shimane, and it has been a tough time with many peaks and valleys. But I think it's a good experience that I can only have now, and I think it would be tough if I were asked to do it when I turned 60. I am also enjoying my work in Tokyo, and for now, I am thinking of taking the best of both worlds.


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