Translated By DeepL

Creating, delivering, and spreading something of value. The whole story of a secret society founded by chic adults.
What is IAC?

Creating, delivering, and spreading value.
The whole story of a secret society founded by chic adults.

In late March, he suddenly took to Instagram to post "i.a.c._officialAn account called "I'm a Creator" appeared. The profile reads IAC / Internatinal Association of Creators. I have no idea what it means. Gradually, up-and-coming fashion creators were uploaded to the account one after another. What exactly is this organization? We immediately went to talk to the four ringleaders. I would like to say that it was in the middle of March when I spoke to them. The Corona disaster has delayed the release of this article for a little while. We would like to share with you the whole story of this wonderful project that has caused a tremor in the industry.

We would like to support the brands mentioned above, as we have introduced them in HOUYHNHNM as well. . I would like to discuss the items in more detail in the second article.

The IAC release states that the company "creates various things around us, such as clothes, furniture, and household goods.

Shigematsu:Yes, I will be doing more than just clothes .

Nakamuro:. I think it is important for young people to encounter good things that nourish their eyes while they are young. It would be nice if they found it spontaneously, but even if it is by accident, I hope they will encounter it through the opportunities we have created for them.

It's interesting that you mention other things as well. It is often said that the average clothing has improved compared to the past, so there are not so many people with very tacky clothes or extremely tacky clothes, but to be honest, there are many different types of "design," so I think there is room for improvement. I think that if everyone's awareness of design improves, the streets will become more beautiful.

Yoshida:Yes, that is true. But design is also difficult. For example, it is difficult to say whether it is good to design an old-fashioned restaurant in the modern style, or whether it is good to design a beautiful restaurant in the modern style.

Indeed .

Shigematsu:This is often the case when working with clients. For example, we want to use the old logo, but the client wants a new logo no matter what. No, the old logo is definitely better, but the new one is better. But no matter what genre, there is a certain standard of beauty, isn't there?

Nakamuro:Yes, that's right. . But such a sense of beauty is not a theoretical thing, but a mental thing. Therefore, I hope that by being exposed to good things when you are young, your subconscious will be aroused and your aesthetic standards will be raised. Therefore, I would like to present a variety of things that are not limited to clothes, and I hope to show the breadth of my work in my future activities.

Shigematsu:As for "THE CO-OP," it is only a project for students, and there will be other things besides clothing in the future.

Certainly. Stationery is also good.

Nakamuro:Come to think of it, as I was ironing this morning, I was thinking that kids today don't know that much about ironing. When I was working at Edifice, the dress staff would fight over the ironing board in the morning.

Kaneko:Oh, that reminds me.

Nakamuro:So, for example, if we invited the laundry staff of the Imperial Hotel and held an event to teach how to iron shirts, I think people would come to love shirts even more. So, perhaps we could come up with a project that is not only a "product" but also a "thing".

Kaneko:Muro's ironing class (laughs). But it would be nice if it could be a place to learn those basic, fundamental things. In terms of fashion, if you have the basics down, you can think in many different ways. For example, when you make a T-shirt, you can choose to use a Gildan body. In other words, we can create things with a story behind them. I think it is good to know this kind of thing in order to enjoy fashion.

It is true that you can do that with clothes. It is difficult to do so with music, because it is so vast.

Shigematsu:Yes , so clothes were the easiest to do.

Kaneko:It's easy to feel it in your body. The way people look at you changes, the way you interact with the people around you changes, and I think it's most noticeable.

Nakamuro:. We are using the term "clothing education" in this project.

It's not food education, it's clothing education.

Nakamuro:Yes, I do. It may seem a bit presumptuous to talk about nurturing, but I am sure there are things we can do for the younger generation.

. We started this project in November, and the event was supposed to be held in April, but due to Corona, it has been delayed for quite some time. What are your plans for IAC?

Shigematsu:First, I would like to hold the first project, "THE CO-OP", at the beginning of June, and hope to hold the second "THE CO-OP" in November or so. I would like to hold "THE CO-OP" not only in Tokyo, but in about four cities. If possible, I would like to continue "THE CO-OP" at a pace of once every six months or so.

That's great. All over Japan.

Shigematsu:Yes . Also, since this is an event for students to come, I am thinking that we could have apparel companies sponsor the event, and we could do some job-oriented projects. I have many ideas, such as having a talk show.

I see. I would like to keep a close eye on IAC, which has various themes and creates "something of value" in accordance with each theme.

Our next article will be about the items produced by "THE CO-OP".


IAC (International Association of Creators)


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