Translated By DeepL

The best co-op project for future students.

The best co-op project for future students.

The IAC / Internatinal Association of Creators is an aspiring organization that we recently introduced. In this issue, we would like to post the thoughts of the creators who participated in the first project, "The CO-OP. What did the top creators think about the best basic items developed for students? We will bring you ten different voices.

The first article is.this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)From.

  • Photo_Ari Takagi(Item), Shunya Arai(Portrait)[yard]
  • Edit_Ryo Komuta

Graphpaper|Takayuki Minami|SHIRT

Q:What was your impression when you heard about "THE CO-OP" project?

A:I thought it was interesting to hear Mr. Kaneko say that college students these days are as passionate as we were in the past. I said, "Please let me know if you need anything, and I will cooperate," and I really got the offer (laughs).

Q:What were your school years like? In particular, how did you encounter fashion, art, and culture?

A:My first love was music, and my interest in fashion started with researching what kind of clothes the musicians I was interested in were wearing.
When I was in junior high school, I was an omnivore, listening to all kinds of music. I used to listen to J-WAVE's "Tokyo Top 100" and could understand every detail of the Western music charts of the time, so I recorded them on cassette tape. When I was in high school, I was able to watch MTV at home, so I was obsessed with it.

Q:Please explain the items you have created for this project.

A:Since the order was for a shirt, I thought that if I were a student, I would prefer a so-called button-down shirt rather than a broadcloth shirt, so I made one.

Q:If you were to teach something to students today, what comes to mind?

A:Meet people from all walks of life. And not just people of your own age, but people who are older than you. By doing so, you will get a lot of inspiration and learn things that you don't know. Also, when you go out for drinks with your seniors, they usually buy you a drink, so you can have fun even if you don't have any money. Don't go out with senpai who don't buy you drinks (laughs).

Q:Please give a message to students who are new to your brand at THE CO-OP.

A:This shirt can be worn crisp and tight or rustled through water. I hope you can use it in different ways depending on the occasion.


Takayuki Minami

Creative director of various brands and stores such as Graphpaper, FreshService, and Hibiya Central Market, and involved in all areas of fashion and culture. Representative of alpha.co.ltd.

HERILL|Hiroyuki Oshima|KNIT

Q:What was your impression when you heard about "THE CO-OP" project?

A:I thought it was a good content, with products planned and sold by various brands for students.

Q:What were your school years like? In particular, how did you encounter fashion, art, and culture?

A:Although I spent my days immersed in club activities (karate), I was very interested in fashion. I was a student who read magazines and went to stores on my days off because the Internet was not around at that time. I would order things from the U.S. by mail.

Q:Please explain the items you have created for this project.

A:Using typical cashmere yarns from [Herrill], we have made this garment in WHOLEGARMENT to make it more affordable for students. We have made the meat thinner to make it a project that can be worn in more seasons. We believe this product offers the best of high quality cashmere.

Q:If you were to teach something to students today, what comes to mind?

A:As I sometimes give lectures at vocational schools, I hope I can convey the current state of apparel and the joy of doing what you love as a job.

Q:Please give a message to students who are new to your brand at THE CO-OP.

A:I think this kind of project is a good opportunity for you to get to know good products of domestic brands. We hope that you will touch and wear better products and feel them for yourself while you are still young.


Hiroyuki Oshima

Graduated from Bunka Fashion College. Experienced in planning for a designer brand and a certain major select store, and started the unisex brand in 2019.


THE CO-OP / Co-op

Dates: Saturday, June 6 - Monday, June 8
Hours: 11:00-18:00
Venue: @anthings office
101 Forum Sendagaya, 3-15-1 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Online event: June 9 (Tue.) - 14 (Sun.)
Online ordering site URL:special.the-terminal.jp/the-coop-iac
Product page will be released on June 8.

We had originally planned to hold the event nationwide to give many students the opportunity to hold the products in their hands, but the coronavirus made it difficult to achieve this goal. However, due to the coronavirus, it has become difficult to hold the event online.

▼ Notes

For this event, we will take measures to prevent the spread of infection, such as wearing masks and taking body temperatures when entering the restaurant.
*Admission may be limited depending on the number of people in the store.
This event is for students only. We will verify your identity at the time of purchase.
Please bring your ID and student ID to the actual event.
This event will be a sales order type event. 50% of the product price must be paid in advance, and the remaining 50% must be paid at the time of delivery.
Auralee products are delivered as-is, so full payment is required.
*Please refer to the above URL for detailed purchase instructions.
All items are limited. First-come, first-served basis.


Ansings Inc.
Phone: 03-6447-0135

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