Translated By DeepL

Ordinary not ordinary. Black denim as a current product pursued by LE.

Ordinary, not normal.
Black denim as a current product pursued by LE.

LE, which started as an original label of the select store L'ECHOPPE in Minami Aoyama, is approaching its one-year anniversary. After releasing a variety of items such as T-shirts, B.D. shirts, climbing pants, and bulkhead coats, the label's next project is a line of black denim. In addition to the well-known Keijiro Komori of COMOLI, Tomo Yazane of STABILIZER GNZ has been invited to supervise the production of this new line, in pursuit of even greater perfection. What kind of black denim did store conceptor Keiji Kaneko envision in his mind?


Keiji Kaneko
L'ECHOPPE Conceptor

After working as a buyer at the select store Edifice, he became independent. After working on his own, he launched "Reshop" in 2015, and started his original label in 2019.


Keijiro Komori
COMOLI Designer

He worked as a designer at the select store Edifice. He later became an independent designer and launched several brands as a freelance designer before launching "Komori" in 2011. He is also a supervisor for LE.



He started his career as a patterner of men's wear and established the denim brand "Stabilizer Jeans" in 2007. While understanding the appeal of good old denim, he releases items while expressing it as current products.

If there are not many on the market, "LE" can make something special.

I understand that you are releasing black denim jeans this time around, and I was wondering why you decided to make them at this time?

Kaneko:At first, Mr. Yazane and I talked about denim.

Yazumi:We were talking about the black denim color from the 90's, but it was produced only from the mid-80's to the mid-90's. . Then, we were told that the fabric of the 1st G-jacket that Mr. Kaneko often wears was good for the project.

Komori:The one you bought in Thailand?

Kaneko:Oh, yes . I once went to Thailand with Mr. Komori , and I have a mysterious G-janes that I found at that time. . It's the one I often wear in HOUYHNHNM's articles.

long vowel mark (usually only used in katakana) This article. is it? So this G-jean was the start.

Kaneko:. yes, it is. Even Mr. Yazane, who only looks at denim and Jordans, said he had never seen this fabric before. So we decided to make it from scratch.

But why did you start with pants this time instead of a G-jumpsuit?

Kaneko:We are also working on a G-jun at the same time, and plan to release it in the fall and winter. LE" has always had white shirts and T-shirts, and I always thought that jeans were necessary. However, there are many good indigo jeans, both vintage and current, and we didn't feel the need to go out of our way to make them. So when we talked about the fabric for this G-jacket, I thought that if there are not many of these on the market, "LE" could make something special. So this time, I decided to make the fabric from the thread, with the shape based on the 501.

It was quite a bold move to make something from a thread, wasn't it?

Kaneko:It took a lot of courage (laughs).

Yazumi:You started by finding out what kind of dyeing process and what kind of yarn was used for that fabric. That was not clarified.

Kaneko:The current current blacks don't seem to do this.

Yazumi:Current black denim is rope-dyed, meaning that only the surface of the warp threads are dyed black. So, when the fabric gets a bite, it becomes whiter and whiter, but that fabric seems to be dyed black all the way to the core. So when the color fades, the bite does not turn white.

Komori:I was surprised when I heard that. I had never heard of it until Mr. Yazane told me. When I heard that there was no black denim dyed in this way, I thought it sounded interesting.


【 release date and time]June 13, 2020 ( Sat ) 11am
【 Launch stores]Reshop Aoyama & BAYCREWS STORE


Address: 3-17-3 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5413-4714
Open: 11:00 - 20:00 / Open daily

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