Translated By DeepL

MONO NO AWARE Think about sustainability with Seijun Kato.

MONO NO AWARE with Seijun Kato
Think about sustainability.

In the past few years, we have heard the word "sustainable" used more and more often. The word, which means "sustainable," is now an important keyword not only in the fashion industry but also in all other industries. And now, FREAK'S STORE has collaborated with KAL, a Turkish denim manufacturer, to release a denim collection that aims to minimize the burden on the environment. We will discuss the appeal of this collection with Seijun Kato of the band "MONO NO AWARE," which is gaining popularity mainly among people in their 20s and attracting attention as the next generation of fashion icons.


Seijun Kato
(Normalized sugar content)

. Born in 1993. Born in Hachijojima, Tokyo. Guitarist of "MONO NO AWARE," a four-piece band leading the next-generation music scene with its unique lyrics and world view based on nostalgic sounds. . He also performs as an acoustic unit "MIZ" with vocalist Shukei Tamaki. . He loves good food and drinks, and his hobbies are fashion and photography.

What sustainability brings.

It has been a long time since the word "sustainable" became a trend, but first of all, what is your image of this word?

Kato:I have an image of being "environmentally friendly," and I think everyone has that image, too. But in a world where new values are hard to come by, how can they be created? I think it is the awareness of trivial things in our daily lives and the strengthening of that perspective that creates new values. I think the establishment of the word "sustainable" is a result of the Corona Disaster, which made everyone think about their daily lives and the environment, even if unconsciously.

It is true that the mood is more attention-grabbing than in the past.

Kato:And more and more people are reevaluating their lives at this time, including the way they work.

Many people move from Tokyo to the countryside.

Kato:Yes, I agree. Also, nowadays, many manufacturers and brands are making products under the keyword of "sustainable," and I think that to some extent the word has been used up. The word itself has been consumed to the point of exhaustion. However, I have a feeling that a new trend will emerge from this.

Do you have a sustainable mindset in your daily life?

Kato:If you ask me what I do in my daily life, it is difficult to say, but the acoustic activities that "MIZ" does may be close. We are not doing anything new, but we are trying to create a sound that can be listened to leisurely, that can be linked to memories and smells, and that can be a part of everyone's life.

. Indeed, the music of "MIZ" is the kind of music that goes well with the outside, or rather, the kind of music that one would like to listen to in nature.

Kato:Thank you . Also, in terms of sustainable activities, I have been at home a lot lately, so I made the "MIZ" eco-bag from scratch, drawing the pattern from scratch and choosing the fabrics myself.

Kato-san, how do people of your generation feel about sustainability?

Kato:It may not be directly related to sustainability, but I do talk about it with my band members as an extension of that. After the period of self-restraint, I feel that each of us has become a little more sustainable in the way we think and the way we think about things. I would say that it has become less stressful. Of course, we do talk about silly things (laughs).


Freaks Store Shibuya

Phone: 03-6415-7728

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