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First Down Connects Times and People.Vol.1 Ovall
Back to the 80's.

The times and people connected by First Down.
Vol.1 Ovall

First Down" was born in New York in 1983, and supported the rise of music and street culture in the U.S. in the 80's. Icons such as Michael Jackson and the Notorious B.I.G. wore the "First Down" mountain-shaped logo on their chests. Today, the fashion and music of the 80's revival is attracting attention from the younger generation. So what was the appeal of the 80s? In Vol. 1, the three members of Ovall, who create groovy sounds based on black music such as jazz, soul, R&B, and hip-hop, discuss 80's music.

It was a time when many things were born, both musically and instrumentally.

I think music nowadays is more precise in its expression and strategy. I feel that in the past, music was not so complicated in terms of expression and business. I think the sparkling sound image that you all have in common was also influenced by the mood of the time.

MABANUA: Oh, yes, indeed. Let's say you made some fun music and released it on vinyl. I think that even an indie band would have received a certain amount of recognition and earned enough money to make a decent living. I feel like I can catch a glimpse of this from the expressions on people's faces at the time. I wonder what would have happened if I had been able to play music in this era. I think there is a sense of nostalgia in that sense. 80's soundtracks are shiny and sparkling, but also round and warm, and I feel that there is a hidden way of conveying music that is not gimmicky. That's something I talk about with artists. I wonder how I can bring out the 80's vibes.

Suzuki: I was born in 1975, a generation older than the two of you, and when I was about 20 years old, the music of the 80s was a bit lame. In reaction to that, people making music in the 90s used the music of the 60s and 70s as a reference, but not the 80s. That is why it took so long for the 80s to be revived. There is a song called "Sexual Healing" by Marvin Gaye in his later years.

It's a very unique song from "What's Going on".

Suzuki: I use a Roland TR-808 rhythm machine. After Marvin Gaye gained attention with "What's Going on" in 1975, he went into a slump and had a bit of a sick period. I heard that he used an 808 in the studio at that time, and I was very impressed with the sultry tone of that 808. I have a strong impression of the 808 even in the early days of hip-hop at that time.

MABANUA: The 80's had a lot of iconic equipment. I don't think there is any equipment that symbolizes the 90's as much as the 80's. The Eredora (electric drum) called Simmons is still being revived as a sampling source.

Suzuki: Yes, I know. in the 90's, it would be the first samplers like MPCs and such, right? But I feel like they don't have the same impact as they did in the 80s, and maybe synthesizers are what I'm longing for in terms of electronic sounds.

MABANUA: Not many people buy an MPC out of the blue to get started in music. They all buy keyboards, guitars, and so on. So, I feel that the 80's was a good time for a lot of things to be born, both in terms of music and instruments. There were an extraordinary number of people at the live concerts. Nowadays, arena seats are separated by chairs, but back then there was nothing in the arena seats of stadiums, and they were filled to capacity with people standing around.

Sekiguchi: Like there is no order (laughs). Jazz festivals are great, too. There was a populace.

Suzuki: There were jazz festivals like Live Under the Sky in Japan. Watching the videos from that time, it was amazing to see Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock saying, "We're going to do electric.

MABANUA: There are other places like HATOYA where they set up a special stage in the hotel pool and families come together to listen to jazz and fusion music. That was amazing. It was as if music was everywhere.

Suzuki: I guess there was more room to enjoy music than there is now. I have the impression that where edgy people originally played outdoor festivals, they gradually became more popular and pop music was played as well.




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