Translated By DeepL

How would working people play? B-side snapshot of Shibuya PARCO. 〜November edition
Another Side, Another Story

How would working people play? B-side snapshot of Shibuya PARCO.
~November Edition~.

A menu that is not posted on the wall of a Machinuka restaurant may be delicious, a comedian may be better suited for radio than TV, or you may find a small corner of a person you have always wanted to get close to. It is the things that do not usually appear on the surface that hide the true essence of a thing. It has been a year since Shibuya PARCO opened, but I am sure that there are still unknown possibilities lying dormant. The big turret is supported by many tenants, and by extension, by the people who work there. In HOUYHNHNM's and GIRL HOUYHNHNM's, we will introduce three such "people" = store clerks every month, and for November, male staff working at tenants with different world views. You will surely want to go and meet them ♡.


Hideki Kudo / B1F ON THE CORNER

The restaurant is reminiscent of an authentic American diner. The manager of the restaurant, who is also the manager, has been supporting the restaurant for 10 years since its establishment. The restaurant's recommendation is the hamburger, which has remained popular since its opening. Fresh ingredients such as avocado, bacon, and tomato are sandwiched between buns made by Tropan, a bakery in Ikejiri-Ohashi.
Bacon Cheeseburger ¥1,400+TAX

SIDE-B . and talk with an old friend of eight years at "FAN."

Mr. Kudo is holding his daughter, who was born in December. Masato-san and Johnny-chan, both "fans," greeted us with smiles.

Kudo: ON THE CORNER used to have a store between Harajuku and Shibuya.

Kudo:Yes, I have been here since the establishment of the company in 2010, so it has been 10 years this year. After graduating from college, I moved to Tokyo and worked at SHIPS for a year, and after that, I was looking for a restaurant and found this place.

It's amazing that you have been here for 10 years. Are the staff at the Parco store continuing from the previous store?

Kudo:Most of the members are in their 20's, a few in their 30's, and basically a bunch of people in their 30's. (laughs).

What do you mean?

Kudo:I couldn't find anyone who didn't have tattoos. At first they tend to look at me weird, but when I talk to them, they are not so gruff and friendly. Everyone is nice. The number of drinking parties has decreased at Corona, but we still have one-can drinks after leaving work.

. tattooed on the back of his neck that he got in New York.

Where do you go during breaks?

Kudo:I'm going to meet a friend of mine at "FAN" on the 3rd floor, he's been coming to our store for about 8 years and we became friends there. We met again by chance at Parco! . I come here because it's an interesting place to meet people who are a little quirky, in addition to my acquaintances.

This is exactly what this snapshot project is about. FAN, I'll be happy to interview you next time!

Do you have any recent purchases in PARCO?

Kudo:I bought a doll for my daughter.

Is it the kids' corner upstairs?

Kudo:Yes, a Pikachu stuffed animal . I don't respond that well to the royal Anpanman, and Pikachu is the only one I like. Actually, my wife has always loved Pikachu, so I thought I would give him to my daughter as well, and sure enough, she is hooked.

You have two generations of Pikachu lovers in your family. I think you spend most of your time with your daughter now, but before that, what did you do on your days off?

Kudo:. I liked bicycles very much, so I ride and tinker with them. I do the customization myself where I can, and have my friends at "Blue Rag" in Tomigaya do the difficult parts.

Lastly, what is the latest PARCO news from your point of view?

Kudo:I still have a few mugs and totes left over from a crowdfunding return I made during my self-restraint.... . I wanted them so much, I actually bought them myself.

So, if you are interested, please check it out!

Kudo:Also, my daughter has teeth. She has four front ones, and they are earlier than the other kids.

. That's big news, too, and I'll write about it. . I think my daughter is getting a little sleepy, so let's call it a night. Thank you very much!


Since its opening in 2010, it has been a popular cafe frequented by people in the industry. Since its relocation to Parco, the cafe's popularity among young people has increased dramatically. The shakes using seasonal fruits and vegetables from Miura and their special hamburgers are highly recommended.
Location: Shibuya PARCO B1F
Phone: 03-5422-3153


"roots & development" Under the theme of origin and development, FAN handles vintage clothing and sundries as "roots" and mode, high-tech and street brands as "development" and introduces new values. FAN's first shop-in-shop opened in Harajuku in 2017 .
Place: Shibuya PARCO 3F
Phone: 03-6452-5803


Shibuya PARCO

Address: 15-1 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-3464-5111
Hours: 11:00 - 21:00 (merchandising), 11:30 - 22:00 (food & beverage)
*Some stores have different business hours. Please see our website for details.

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