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GOLDWIN introduces a sweater made of artificial protein material. What is its aim?
The Sweater By Goldwin × Spiber

GOLDWIN introduces a sweater made of artificial protein material. What is its aim?

Sweaters made of artificial protein material, which is attracting attention as a sustainable next-generation material, are now available from GOLDWIN, an original brand of GOLDWIN, Inc. Speaking of artificial protein, this material has been the focus of much attention since August 2019, when THE NORTH FACE announced its "Moon Parka" using the same material. Why knit this time? What will change by using artificial protein material for sweaters? We interviewed Mr. Hajime Arai, a division manager at GOLDWIN, who was involved in the development of "The Sweater.


Hajime Arai
GOLDWIN Global Headquarters, GOLDWIN Division

Born in 1967, Mr. Kurokawa joined GOLDWIN in 1991. After working in the apparel business for The North Face, he became the business manager of GOLDWIN in 2014, overseeing the rebranding of the brand. . He is an outdoorsman who loves skiing, mountain climbing, trail running, biking, and all other activities.

Wool 70% blended with merino wool and cashmere, and 30% of artificial protein material "Brude Protein". The Sweater" ¥80,000+TAX (GOLDWIN Customer Service Center) *November 10, 2020 ( Tue ) - November 30, 2020 ( Mon ) 14:00 , special content "VISION QUESTLottery sales at the "Lots .

What is the meaning behind the name "The Sweater"?

. I think "The Sweater" is a very nice and comfortable sweater. Why did you give it the straightforward name "The Sweater"?

Arai: The name "The Sweater" itself means a great deal to both the company and the GOLDWIN brand.

When looking back on the history of GOLDWIN as a company, its origins can be traced back to the "Tsuzawa Meriyasu Seizojo" established in 1951. . The location is Oyabe City in western Toyama Prefecture. Today, the head office is still located there, as is the "Tech Lab," a research and development facility where advanced manufacturing is practiced.

However, at the time when the Tokyo Olympics were just around the corner, the vision was that sports would change people's lifestyles and the economy itself, and the company entered the field of sportswear, developing sweaters for skiers by applying the merino technique. With this vision, the company entered the field of sportswear, including the development of ski sweaters that utilized the merino technique. This was the forerunner of today's GOLDWIN.

GOLDWIN's original brand, "GOLDWIN," has also applied its knowledge and experience in skiing and the outdoors to product development, an approach that has remained unchanged since its rebranding in 2014.

. Therefore, both as a company and as a brand, The Sweater is the origin and the starting point. The product name "The Sweater" expresses our desire to look ahead to the next era while going back to our origins once again.


The Sweater special content "VISION QUEST


GOLDWIN Customer Service Center

Phone: 0120-307-560

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