Translated By DeepL

New Normal. New Thing. vol.2 What did creators get in the new normal era?

New Normal. New Thing. vol.2
What did creators get in the New Normal era?

It has been several months since the word "corona" has been thrown around in our lives. Many of us have probably changed our awareness and values in the face of this new way of life. If we look at it positively, it may be a good opportunity for us to find our own identity. The same can be said for the way we spend our money, and we all want to buy only what is truly good. We visited four discerning creators and asked them what changes have been made in their consumer trends and mindsets. Perhaps it is surprisingly familiar objects that will serve as the compass for the new age.

  • Photo_Masaru Katou
  • Text_Shogo Komatsu
  • Edit_Shun Koda


Yuhi Ozaki

Born in 1980. Born in Aichi Prefecture. After working as a buyer for a select store, he was involved in the establishment of "FilMelange," became independent in 2011, and launched his own brand "SUN/kakke" in 2012 while working as a freelance designer in various fields. In 2015, he launched .

The Apple Watch makes training feel like a game.

The first is the Apple Watch, which, surprisingly, I didn't get the impression you were wearing much of it.

Ozaki: I like antique mechanical watches, and I like to wear a variety of watches. I like the latest gadgets and Apple products, but I didn't think I needed the Apple Watch because I think it is meaningful to wear it every day.

Customized with a leather strap by HERMES. He chose orange, a color he would not have chosen for a mechanical watch. The included silicon sports band has a HERMES button design on the back.

What was the reason you decided to buy it?

Ozaki: I had surgery on my leg ligament in January, and during the period of self-restraint, I had some time to focus on rehabilitation, and I started to enjoy training more and more. That's why I bought it. Also, Tanita scales have a special app that works with the Apple Watch to display weight, body fat, muscle mass, water content, and other data. The more I worked out, the more the numbers changed, and it was like playing a game, making it even more fun.

You wear them for training, not for everyday use.

Ozaki: That's right. You can also measure your body age, and when I first took the measurement, I was quite shocked to find that I was older than my actual age. I thought I was healthy because I ate three meals a day and exercised, but when I looked at the numbers, I realized that I was far from ideal. Thanks to the Apple Watch, I was able to enjoy my rehabilitation and properly deal with my health.

Room to display ceramic art.

Who is this work by?

Ozaki: This is Kazunori Hamana. I like ceramics, so I used to visit kilns and artists and buy directly from them. I like to drink coffee or something with my favorite pieces. But after spending more time at home in Corona, I began to think about the meaning of displaying works of art and started to buy ceramics other than for practical use.

So appreciation is one of the uses.

Ozaki: I used to appreciate only pictures and photographs, but I thought it would be nice to display ceramics. It is fun to think about what to put on top of what and what to put underneath. I have always loved collecting old fabrics, and this has broadened my selection. Now that I know the pleasure of decorating, I like ceramics even more.

This is a piece by Kazunori Hamana, who is based in Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture, and makes ceramic works and anchovy sauce "Seguro no Kusare. Mr. Ozaki dares to lay a cloth purchased overseas on the Japanese vessels, enjoying the appreciation of the entire layout.

I want something that shows the face of the creator.

This is the fourth piece Mr. Ozaki has created at Montecristi Custom Hat Works. He says he orders them in materials that match the season. He has not worn this one yet, and says he is looking forward to coordinating it with the upcoming season.

Where did you purchase this hat?

Ozaki: This is an order from Montecristi Custom Hat Works, a hat shop in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. It seems that this store was having a hard time running due to the lockdown, and this is one of the hats I purchased to help support them in any way I could. I have made several hats for them in the past, so I contacted them by e-mail and asked them to make one for me since I have my own molds at the workshop. I really wanted to order in person.

Please tell us about the materials you chose.

Ozaki: The material is beaver fur felt and the belt is crocodile leather with a brass buckle. And the lining was supposed to be beige, but it turned out to be red. I think I misunderstood because the lining in the picture I showed them happened to be red (laughs). The lesson I learned this time is that it is better to go in person (laughs).

I love the idea of buying and supporting the cause.

Ozaki: I had always had the mindset of wanting to spend money on people I knew, and that feeling became even stronger. I always tried to go to the same bar, ordered boxed lunches when they were not open, and put bottles of drinks in ahead of time if I was at a snack bar. I felt it would be a bit tactless to just give them money just because they seemed to be going through a hard time. I think it is more comfortable for both parties if the exchange takes place on the table of business.

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