Translated By DeepL

Put a pin in a world that wants to put labels on it! The mysterious SKWAT, the other side of the story.

Put a pin in a world that wants to put labels on it!
The mysterious SKWAT, the other side of the story.

The first was as a place to sell art books for 1,000 yen each in a house that used to be a dry cleaning store in Harajuku; the second was as a limited-time cafe in the vacant space of "Cibone Aoyama" before it moved to a new location. . Currently, Twelve Books is located on the second floor of a commercial building in Aoyama, Lemaire is on the first floor, and a free space called "PARK" is in the basement. What exactly is this "SKWAT" that is not bound by location, size, or business type? We asked three people involved in this project, which can be seen as a counter to the "understandability" that pervades the world.

. by my action of creating something, I can see myself.

. I wonder if it is because you are a photographer that you are able to verbalize this aspect of your work. . When you look at a developed photograph, you sometimes understand why you pressed the shutter, don't you?

Makiguchi: Not only in photography, but also in making things, there is a cycle in which one's actions reveal oneself. I think that is what the two of you are doing. I think that's what the two of you are doing. . I think that's what the two of you are doing.

I think the two of you don't want to do something for some reason anymore. Rather than stiffening "SKWAT" with a concept and making ourselves aware of it, we leave it as an unknown and enjoy the possibilities that keep coming in. . so it's better not to decide what "SKWAT" is.

Hamanaka: . you can only tell from the things that have actually taken shape so far. SKWAT is not a place to create an art bookshop. We always communicate with each other, even for projects that have nothing to do with books, and we share our ideas and thoughts with everyone. I share my thoughts and feelings with everyone. Sometimes I wonder if that is easy or difficult.

Nakamura: The common denominator among us is that we are not doing something because we want to be ________. . For example, there is a big difference between those thoughts of whether one's goal is to become an artist, or whether one's goal is to realize one thing at a time that one wants to express anyway. I don't want to create an art book store , I have art books and I use them as content.

Makiguchi: There's a cycle of enjoyment when the uncertainty is returned by one's own actions, isn't there? Maybe that's it . Doing as much as you know is like tracing double lines that are already written, so it's definitely boring.

Nakamura: But it took me a long time to get there. It was the same for me, but everyone always goes through phases of wanting to be something, don't they? I think I finally came full circle, came to believe in my own impulses, tried to output them, and ended up where I am today.

Makiguchi: . isn't it like you've been able to let go? . It's like when you let go, something comes back to you that you didn't even know you were thinking about. So, something will come back to you depending on who sees and responds to "SKWAT," and you will both become more aware of who you are. I think that is what "SKWAT" is about.

Aoyama: Do you have any plans for the next location after this cycle in Aoyama is over, or do you have any activities in mind for the years to come after the "Olympics"?

Nakamura: There are several. The reason we are able to do what we are doing at this time is that we cannot do it on impulse alone. I think we are able to do what we are doing because we have both the impulse and the calculable part, and we are able to switch between the two.

Hamanaka: I don't have a concrete plan for how things will look like in a few years, but I can see the possibilities expanding even though the "SKWAT" project has only been going on for a few months. I can't quantify it, and I can't see a schedule, but I have a vague sense of confidence.

Even without doing the math, I get the sense that we are running pretty fast, so I have confidence that we can go at top speed in the direction we believe in, while having our friends correct our course to some extent at key points, and not have some weird wreck. . It has the potential to become an activity that lasts more than five years, or even a lifetime.

Even if the name is no longer "SKWAT" , there can be activities that continue the spirituality. With this activity, I feel that I have updated not only "Twelve Books" but also what I consider as my personal life. I may stop working on art books at some point, and even if I do, what I am looking at now will continue for a long time.

Makiguchi: The two of them are consistent and unchanging, so I am wondering if you can see the outline of "SKWAT" from a perspective other than that of economic activity. . As long as the two of them are involved, there should be no doubt that it will be something consistent.


SKWAT / twelvebooks, LEMAIRE, PARK

Period: ~March 31, 2021 (scheduled)
Open: 12:00-19:00 (closed on Mondays)
Address: 5-3-2 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo

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