Translated By DeepL

The artists look back on the events of the year.
2020 Year-End Meeting.

The artists look back on the events of the year.

The year 2020 was marked by the worldwide outbreak of the new coronavirus. How did HOUYHNHNM's well-known artists spend the year and what did they feel? Ken Kagami, Joji Nakamura, Masanao Hirayama, and Motoyuki Teifu joined us to reflect on the year with a Corona beer in hand.

  • Photo_Motoyuki Daifu
  • Text_Yuichiro Tsuji
  • Edit_Hiroshi Yamamoto


Ken Kagami

Born in 1974. Born in Tokyo. He has released drawings, sculptures, and other works, and has participated in numerous art exhibitions both in Japan and abroad. He also actively collaborates with apparel brands, and his own "Strange Store" in Daikanyama offers T-shirts and other goods of his own creation.


Joji Nakamura

Born in 1974. While based on his activities as a painter, he also organizes projects and group exhibitions with various artists. He also manages a book label, K.M.L. BOOK.


Masanao Hirayama

Born in 1976. Born in Hyogo Prefecture. Based in Tokyo, he works in painting, drawing, performance, etc. In addition to solo exhibitions of his own work, he also participates in group exhibitions. In addition to solo exhibitions of his own work, he also participates in group exhibitions and publishes a zine.


Motoyuki Kifu

Born in Tokyo in 1985, he graduated from Tokyo Visual Arts College in 2007. In 2013, he was nominated for the international photography award "Prix Pictet. He actively exhibits his work and is active internationally, not only in Japan but also abroad.

Ken, it's a rough day.... (title prefect)

This has been a difficult year with the threat of the new coronavirus. In this issue, I would like to ask you to look back on the past year.

Kagami: It has been a really tough year. Everything has become virtual.

Nakamura: Well, that's what happens!

Kagami: With the coronary disaster and not being able to meet with people as usual, I suddenly became virtual, but it's still not fun.

Nakamura & Hirayama: Indeed~.

Kagami: Well, maybe it can't be helped, but it still feels unnatural. Art, music, and anything else that is called "expression" has to be seen in person.

I see that you have already come to a conclusion....

All: LOL!

Kagami: We did have a ZOOM meeting, but don't you think it's weird to say "nice to meet you" over the screen?

I guess that's true.

Kagami: I tried ZOOM drinking with Hima-kun, Tatefu-kun, and wham-chan, but it was fresh in the beginning, but in the end we only did it once.

Hirayama: I remember when I saw that Mr. Teifu kept giving us pictures of the soles of his feet.

Subject Office: I got bored about halfway through. It was like drinking sake by myself while listening to everyone else's chatter.

I guess that's the way it goes.

Kagami: Didn't the "Nantoka Girls" reunite this year? What's their name again? It's a band.

Hirayama: Spice Girls?

Kagami: No, it's not!

All: LOL!

Hirayama: Puffy?

Kagami: That's not true! You said "Nantoka Girls."

All: LOL!

Is she a number girl?

Kagami: Yeah, that's it! Number Girl is also doing a live streaming show, and I've been hearing mumblings on Twitter like, "This show is the best!" I wonder what kind of mindset the people who are doing this are in when they are performing?

Nakamura: It will be different from what I usually do because I don't have the audience in front of me, but I'm sure they are putting their feelings into it.

Kagami: The music industry has to generate money for various reasons.

Nakamura: But it seems that live distribution is very lucrative.

Kagami: That seems to be the case. By distributing the tickets, it seems that there is no longer a limit to the capacity of the event, since there is no need to sell out tickets.

Hirayama: That's right. I was waiting in front of the computer thinking that I could see the live concert of Southern, but I was surprised to find out that I had to pay.

Subject Office: Mr. Hima, not being chastened by the free drinks at the reception, decided to see a live concert for free this time!

All: LOL!

Kagami: However, it is a system that only major bands with a lot of fans can make money. It must be tough for indie bands that sell their own goods by hand at live venues. I wonder if we will see more and more CG movies in the future. If that happens, movie theaters will have a tough time.

Hirayama: Are they still sitting with one seat open at a time?

I'm not sure what to expect, but it looks like it's business as usual in many places now.

Hirayama: That was comfortable, wasn't it?

Kagami: Don't you think it's funny that they put up a sign on a park bench or something? What's going to happen when you open a few dozen centimeters of space outdoors? I think.

Nakamura: And I wouldn't sit next to a stranger in the first place (laughs).

On the other hand, trains do not have such restrictions.

Nakamura: Are you saying that trains are good because they don't talk and are silent?

Kagami: But I'm still breathing.

Hirayama: I also touch various places sticky.

Kagami: How long will this situation continue? I don't even want to wear a mask anymore!

Subject Office: Ken, it's a rough day....

Nakamura: Nobody wants to wear a mask (laughs).

Kagami: It seems there are masked police, too. When I think about it calmly, the world is getting stranger.

Nakamura: But I guess it can't be helped that we are all new to this kind of thing.

Kagami: Like during a major earthquake?

Nakamura: We've all experienced earthquakes before, but this is the first time we've seen a viral outbreak like this. And it's a global one at that.

It's tricky to see what you can't see, isn't it?

Kagami: The ruling class will attack you with things you can't see or anything else!

Nakamura: What is the dominant group (laughs)?

All: LOL!

You mean someone is conspiring against you?

Kagami: Conspiracy is a dead word. There is no conspiracy. It's now called "Omotebo.

Nakamura: It's not shade (laughs).

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