Translated By DeepL

LIVING WELL Vol.1 Living like a traveler. Learning from Kaito Yamamoto, a recommendation for living in two locations.

Live as if you were traveling.
Learning from Kaito Yamamoto, a recommendation for living in two locations.

Many of us must be rethinking the way we have lived in the past as various values and lifestyles have changed in the wake of Corona. Perhaps it is time for us to seriously consider where and how we will live in the future. In search of hints for such a way of life, we visited Kaito Yamamoto of "Son of the Cheese" at his home in Manazuru, Kanagawa Prefecture, who is a master of fun and has realized a wealth of business ideas one after another. Kaito, who used to live in a trailer house, has moved many times and has been living in two locations, Manazuru and Tokyo, for the past two years. We believe there is much to be impressed by his affluent lifestyle, which is distinctly different from the luxurious and opulent house he lives in.

  • Photo_Takeshi Kimura
  • Text_Shinri Kobayashi
  • Edit_Soma Takeda, Keisuke Kimura

Drinking in Tokyo until midnight . The rest is wasted!

What are the furnishings of a house in Tokyo like?

(When I go out for a drink in Atami (just a short distance from Manazuru), I stay at a hotel of my choice instead of taking a cab home, and for some reason I was drawn to the atmosphere of that ryokan (laughs). . It has a Japanese atmosphere with rattan furniture.

How is life in Tokyo?

In Tokyo, when I wake up in the morning, there is nothing to do but take a walk. I just see stylists I know taking a walk around the area a lot (laughs). . When I'm not working, I'm trying to figure out why I couldn't fish in Manazuru, studying English and my boat license, and the rest of the time I'm at the gym.

What kind of work have you been doing in Tokyo recently?

I opened a strip joint in Kabukicho. I also had some striptease girls I met in Atami come there. The tipping system is unique, and girls who are good at karaoke get a lot of tips, and we also take entertainment industry people with us, so it's like "ASAYAN" (a TV show that has produced many artists and talents), where talented girls are scouted.

. In this age of social networking fame, this is an analog device that seems to go against the flow.

It's the gateway to the entrance before it's on Instagram. . everyone's outfits were made from used clothing stores whose sales were going down. I think this system of cooperating with people and stores in need is very well done, even if I say so myself.

Do you drink and hang out at night in Tokyo?

That's right. But it is boring to drink with the same group of people all the time, so we keep changing the places we go, and the number of people we drink with increases with each new place we go. At the end of the day, we would go to a place where we would have karaoke sessions. But what I have noticed recently is that when I start drinking in the evening and it gets past midnight, there are no decent people around (laughs).

Checking the tide graph to find the best time to fish is a daily routine.

That may be true, in a way (laughs). Do you go out drinking in Manazuru?

. I only go out drinking when I have friends over. In Manazuru, other than fishing and hot springs, I play an online game called "Apex Legends. I make coffee and eat bread while fishing and looking at the best scenery, and I also sleep for an hour or two during lunch. After taking a hot spring bath at 8 p.m., I come home and go to bed to prepare for tomorrow's fishing.

. It's very relaxing.

In between fishing, I check my e-mail on my iPhone, but not so much because I don't have any clients. I am always thinking about work somewhere in my head, but in terms of proper work time, it is Monday through Thursday when I am in Tokyo.

The space is warm and yet somehow exotic.

Do any of your friends envy your life in Manazuru?

If anything, I was wondering if there are more people who are weirdly obsessed with Tokyo. Well, here you have to start from scratch, even for work, so it may be too early to come to 100%. In my case, it is more fun to create something by myself than to join something that already exists, and I think that if I want something, I should just create it.

Some people think of moving to Manazuru as a starting point, but there are also people who, for some reason, choose Nagano or Chiba as their destination instead of Manazuru. Why not just move to Manazuru (laugh)? It seems that many people of our generation want to move on their own, and I think that is a shame.

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