Translated By DeepL

LIVING WELL Vol.1 Living like a traveler. Learning from Kaito Yamamoto, a recommendation for living in two locations.

Live as if you were traveling.
Learning from Kaito Yamamoto, a recommendation for living in two locations.

Many of us must be rethinking the way we have lived in the past as various values and lifestyles have changed in the wake of Corona. Perhaps it is time for us to seriously consider where and how we will live in the future. In search of hints for such a way of life, we visited Kaito Yamamoto of "Son of the Cheese" at his home in Manazuru, Kanagawa Prefecture, who is a master of fun and has realized a wealth of business ideas one after another. Kaito, who used to live in a trailer house, has moved many times and has been living in two locations, Manazuru and Tokyo, for the past two years. We believe there is much to be impressed by his affluent lifestyle, which is distinctly different from the luxurious and opulent house he lives in.

  • Photo_Takeshi Kimura
  • Text_Shinri Kobayashi
  • Edit_Soma Takeda, Keisuke Kimura

What does Kaito Yamamoto want for his house?

Do you feel the sense of exclusion or a sense of stagnation that is often heard when people move to a new area?

. if I do what I can do for this place properly, that's not true. I don't have to associate with people who discriminate against me, and I don't try to connect with them by flattering them. There are many liberal people in Manazuru, and after all, the mayor came back from Holland (laughs).

. Also, even if there is a community of people I like, it is not good to do everything for free. For example, there is a monthly cleanup organized by David Ito here, and I told him that what I can support is design, and other than that, it is not something I can do. . I'm on their side, but I can't just do whatever I want to do.

Do you have a favorite place in the house?

The place to sit is always the same, either in the corner of the sofa in front of the TV , or outside. The house belongs to my relatives, and the only things I bring with me are the muscle training equipment in the eaves, an electric gun to fight off the monkeys, and my bike. The monkeys eat the watermelons we grow and do bad things, so I use the electric gun to fight them off. The bullets are corn kernels and don't hurt them, so it's fun to get rid of them.

Sitting on the sofa in front of the TV in his fixed position, Kaito enjoys playing the online game "Apex Legends".

I can sense your attitude of enjoying everything you do, Kaito.

Yes, yes. It is definitely better to have fun, isn't it?

What do you plan to do in Manazuru in the future?

Store ... I'm thinking of opening an ice cream shop with a perfect interior. The store in Tokyo has a seamless interior, but I thought a cooler interior would be more suitable here.

You really never run out of ideas, do you?

The things that cost money for food, clothing, and shelter are, in my case, the drinks I drink at night and the food I eat, so if I create a restaurant for those things, I don't have to pay for them. Clothes are also free because of "Sanovac Cheese.

. But while I enjoy the process of creating and thinking about it, once it's done, it becomes boring. I think it is the same with fishing, and although it is fun every day now, it will probably become boring someday. That's why I want to buy a boathouse. (It's like a trailer house (where I used to live), but the level of interior design is completely different from a boat house.

Cream and cheese for your dog.

Conversely, what is it that you are looking for in a house?

. I'm not attached to my house, and I don't mind not having WiFi or an auto-locking system. If I lose my bed, I'm fine with that. For example, even if I live in a boathouse, if the sea gets rough, I can stay at an inn. In Tokyo, I have a rented room in Komaba, but if I go to Shinjuku, I will stay at a hotel in Shinjuku.

Do you feel like you're traveling to a place where you live?

. It's similar to that feeling. If I were to go to Tokyo while living in Manazuru, I could drive my campervan into a parking lot for 1,600 yen a day and sleep there. If you stay at a business hotel in Shibuya, you will feel depressed in the morning because the scenery and roads are not beautiful at all, so I think it is better to have a house to stay or a campervan when you go to Tokyo.

Kaito: Your way of life that is not bound by the so-called "ideal way" may be the secret to your enjoyment of all things.

However , I don't want to live in a trailer house over 40 years old. And that was because I didn't have the money at that time. I don't want to be an old man sitting on the couch there wearing a ten-gallon hat (laughs). . The boathouse is very nicely decorated, and it's great to be able to fish right in front of it when you wake up.

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