Translated By DeepL

Redefining the Standard! The Journal Standard Challenge.

Redefining Standards!
Journal Standard's Challenge.

The new label of the select store JOURNAL STANDARD, "JOURNAL STANDARDSTANDARD JOURNALThe project is a major undertaking by Journal Standard to redefine its own standards before its 25th anniversary. This is a major project by Journal Standard to redefine its own standards in anticipation of its 25th anniversary. The project is planned and produced byHOUYHNHNM's here.The creators of the group "IAC (International Association of Creators)".

The much-talked-about project, which has been the subject of much anticipation within the industry, will launch in full force on February 1 (Mon.). For this interview, we sat down with the creators participating in the first phase of "Standard Journal" and the people involved in the project to hear about everything from the project's intentions, to the unusual planning meeting where the entire production process was shown on YouTube, to the actual items produced.

  • Photo_Masayuki Nakaya (Interview)
  • Text_Shogo Komatsu
  • Edit_Ryo Komuta


Keiji Kaneko

After working as a buyer for the select store "EDIFICE", he became independent. After working on his own, he launched "Reshop" in 2015, and opened "Reshop Shibuya" in July 2020. Chairman of "IAC.


Tadanao Matsuo

He is the director of men's products, stores, and PR at Journal Standard.


Maki Takada

She is in charge of everything from buyer to conceptor and visuals for the ladies' wear at Journal Standard.


Yuhi Ozaki

After working as a buyer for the select store Edifice, he established Phil Melange, launched the brand Sankakke in 2012, and in 2015 launched Young and Olsen The Dry Goods Store.


Daishi Nishino

After working as an elementary school teacher, he worked in PR for major brands and other companies. Later established the PR company "Nishinoya". He is also involved in the pants brand "NEET. Last year, he opened "Neat House," a directly managed store that accepts reservations only.


Norio Terada

After working in production management for a domestic brand, he started the unisex brand in 2018, focusing on high-quality knitwear.


Takayuki Minami

Representative of Alpha. Creative director of various brands and stores such as Graphpaper, Fresh Service, and Hibiya Central Market, and involved in all areas related to fashion and culture.

Redefining the standards of the "Journal Standard."

Thank you all for your time today. Once again, you are an amazing group of people in front of me (laughs). First of all, for those of you who have not seen the video uploaded on YouTube,This projectPlease start by telling us how the project was started.

Matsuo: Next year "Journal Standard" will celebrate its 25th anniversary. We have proposed a variety of tastes over our long history, but at this point, we decided to go back to the basics and redefine our own standards, so we consulted IAC. The output was not limited to products, but we wanted to get some ideas.

Kaneko: We (IAC) suggested that if we wanted to convey the essence of "Journal Standard" to our customers, we should make standard items. However, we felt that simply making clothes was not enough. After much consideration, I came to the conclusion that the best way to do this was to work with creators who have their own identities and the members of the JOURNAL STANDARD team.

Takada: Each month we will have four different designers and producers participate in the creation of three items that we set each month.

It is interesting and innovative to show the planning meetings on YouTube, isn't it?

Kaneko: We thought that the customers would be more likely to think about "Journal Standard" together with us if we not only conveyed the concept in writing, but also showed the whole process to the public and let them watch the trial and error process. The reason why we invited various creators to participate in this project is because we thought it would be easier to convey the concept and resonate with people who are interested in fashion.

Takada: I thought it was interesting because no one had ever done a video showing the behind-the-scenes of a project. I was nervous when I was being filmed (laughs). (laughs) As the videos were distributed, I received comments from many directions that they were watching the videos on YouTube, so I realized that it had a positive effect.

How was everyone's experience this time?

Westfield: Are you sure you want me to roll the camera? I kept saying, "Are you sure you want me to roll the camera?

South: I forgot I was being filmed halfway through (laughs). I talked too much as usual and said I was in trouble (laughs).

Of course, you cut out the really bad parts, didn't you?

South: You didn't cut it, after all, did you? I got an e-mail saying, "Please tell me what's really wrong," but I checked the first two minutes and found that it was all wrong (laughs). But it didn't matter what I said, so I just gave up (laughs).

All: (Laughter)

Ozaki: I was a bit of a slacker, and I said some really useless things (laughs). (Laughs.) I thought that because there was a "pee" in it, people would think I was talking erotically, but I gave up on that (laughs).

I see that everyone has given up (laughs).

Terada: When I first arrived here, I had no idea what to expect, but there were several cameras and many BAYCREW'S staff members. I really had no idea what to expect (laughs).

Westfield: There were cameras all the way to the top, weren't there?

Ozaki: No, it wasn't that much (laughs).

Kaneko: It was a lot of fun (laughs).

South: Too much (laughs). It was about this much (laughs).

Westfield: Well, I mean it was installed amazingly (laughs).

It sounds like a surprise project for a variety show (laughs). You knew you were going to make an item, but you didn't know the details.

South: It's a real reaction, that's what it is. What is this? What is this?

Kaneko: I thought it would be better to have a realistic reaction if I didn't tell them too much in advance (laughs). I wanted to have a natural exchange, and I thought it would be more realistic if I had no prior information.

The video was very thrilling, and it was a courageous and sincere project. I think it is epoch-making that such an attempt was accepted within the large business category of "Journal Standard.


Journal Standard Omotesando Men's Store

Phone: 03-6418-7961


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