Translated By DeepL

The future proposed by Trailheads through outdoor saunas.
A seamless connection between city and nature.

The future proposed by Trailheads through outdoor saunas.

About an hour and a half drive west of central Tokyo. Hinoko Tokyo, a members-only campground, is located in Hinohara Village, Tokyo. The centerpiece of the facility is a black box-shaped sauna, which was installed only a few days ago. Trailheads, which operates this facility, is a company that produces places to work. So why would such a company be involved in a campground? Using the campsite and sauna as a starting point, I sat down with Mr. Yamaguchi, the representative of Trailheads, around a campfire to talk about working and living.

. an idea that takes root in the modern, all-black "HINOKO SAUNA".

HINOKO SAUNA, with its pitch-black exterior, has been newly installed in HINOKO TOKYO with the support of the Nature Tokyo Experience*, an initiative of the Tokyo Convention and Visitors Bureau. . The chic exterior of the sauna is the first thing that catches the eye.

According to Mr. Yamaguchi, "At first, we were planning a design that was complex and impactful," but what we finally landed on was this simple, modern, all-black box.

The building is made of Japanese cedar and cypress, which are Hinohara Village's specialties, and the exterior is made of "yakisugi," or burned cedar planks that are completely black. . This makes the wood water-repellent and long-lasting. The yakisugi was done in the form of a workshop with the participation of campsite members.

*: What is Nature Tokyo Experience?

This project supports projects that aim to create new tourism values through experiences and exchanges by taking advantage of the "nature of Tokyo" in the Tama and island areas.

. a workshop with campground members. Mr. Yamaguchi had his own ideas about this.

We believe that if the members themselves are involved in the production process and feel an emotional attachment to the sauna, they will cherish and cherish it for a long time. This concept reflects the idea of "co-creation" that HINOKO TOKYO is not a set-up campsite, but a place to be enjoyed and created together with the members.

This philosophy of "co-creation" is exactly what the company "Trailheads" stands for. The company name "Trailheads" refers to the entrance to a trail. The company name reflects the elation of starting out to encounter unknown landscapes, the anticipation of new possibilities, and the fun of walking together with friends.

A complete change from the exterior, the inside of the sauna room makes the most of the cypress wood surface. The popular upper-level seating area has a wide depth and allows you to sit on your knees.

Perhaps the "Yaki-Sugi" process in the sauna would be faster and less time-consuming if left to the experts. But that is not the future that Trailheads envisions, a future where we walk together with our friends, communicating with each other and building a better society.

That is why, even in the face of adversity with no one having experience with this technique, they were able to try it out by hand, and after many failures, finally succeeded in completing it. The fact that Mr. Yamaguchi still has the first successful prototype "yakisugi" (burnt cedar), which he says, "Toward the end, I was able to do it smoothly," is also a reminder of the struggle he went through.

The sauna stove is from the Finnish company "Harvia.

The interior of the sauna, with its exterior walls covered with "yaki-cedar" (burnt cedar), is richly decorated with cypress from Hinohara Village, filling the space with a pleasant aroma. The sauna stove is heated by wood, and the user is responsible for controlling the temperature. An original fire pit will be installed on the deck connected to the entrance of the sauna, and visitors will be able to sit around the fire and enjoy a meal together.

The sauna's original landscape is the Finnish sauna and its community that he visited with his employees.

"I went to Finland in 2019 with my employees to inspect the architecture, interiors, national parks, and saunas . On the way there, we stopped by a sauna called Löyly. Not only was the sauna great, but there were people drinking beer in the lounge of the building, chatting around the fire, and enjoying a party in the adjacent restaurant after the sauna with their clothes on. I really like how people are not just "getting into the sauna" and "TOTONOU (revitalize)," but are enjoying themselves in a relaxed manner. In addition, the sauna at the facility where we stayed was designed to be heated by wood. From there, we jumped into the ocean as a water bath, and it felt so good!

Instead of taking a water bath, I dove into the South Fall River right next to the sauna hut. The cool, clear water flowing from the mountains looks most pleasant.

Like the sauna of their fondest memories, the users of HINOKO SAUNA chop wood and light the fire themselves to adjust the sauna's indoor temperature. Even if they are not familiar with the process at first, they will surely improve as they do it. Enjoying the process is exactly the same as the way of enjoying the outdoors that the "Trailheads" advocate at "HINOKO TOKYO".




Nature Tokyo Experience


Cooperation / Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau

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