Translated By DeepL

Technics connects people and their lives. Yusuke Seki
Life with Technics.

Technics connects people and their lives.
Yusuke Seki

Audio equipment is a bit difficult for the layman to get to grips with because of all the jargon. However, music definitely adds color to our lives when it is present in our daily lives. In this issue, we asked architectural designer Yusuke Seki to explain how to enjoy Technics' compact stereos and fully wireless earphones from the perspective of space and lifestyle.

Products that change lifestyles.

Speaking of Kyoto, you are based in both Tokyo and Kyoto, aren't you?

Seki:Having two bases allows me to get inspiration from each city, and I am able to utilize some of it in my own expression, but to be honest, it's just a coincidence (laughs).

So you didn't set out to establish two locations?

Seki:Yes, I do. One day, a friend of mine contacted me without warning and said, "I have a property in Kyoto, would you like to rent it?" I was contacted by a friend without warning. It was about 300 square meters, and the rent was so low that it would have been unthinkable in Tokyo. When I actually saw the property, I thought that if I designed it myself and had it constructed, I would be able to use it. That is how I came to set up my base in Kyoto. That is where I set up my Kyoto studio. The other base, the machiya "Sekinoya," was rented by friends in Switzerland, but I offered to rent it to someone I knew when they were leaving.

What do you feel are the advantages of being based in Kyoto and Tokyo?

Seki:People in Tokyo like Kyoto, don't they? On the other hand, people of my generation who live in Kyoto are also concerned about Tokyo. Kyoto may have a closed image, but the generation that lives in Kyoto values horizontal connections and has a flexible way of thinking. When you are based in both cities, which have mutual admiration for each other, you can talk to people you meet about many things, and relationships can expand from there. Sometimes artists stay and create their work there.

I am sure that is the case. This time, I also brought the popular "EAH-AZ70W" fully wireless earphones, which were released last year, because I thought they would be convenient for Mr. Seki, who moves around a lot. Do you usually wear earphones?

Seki:I wear earphones when I want to ensure that I can concentrate on my work. This is also true when I am alone. It's like blocking out space. I also wear wired earphones for fashion.

How is the EAH-AZ70W from that standpoint?

Seki:First of all, I would like to talk about the design. The design makes you want to take good care of the charging case when you see it. I think the small shiny parts on the earphones are also nice and understated. I also like the sound the case makes when it is closed. Both colors are really luxurious, and I am sure I will be careful not to lose them. I think this is the interesting thing about products: you want to take care of things that have a sense of luxury.

I tend to take good care of them so as not to scratch them (laughs).

Seki:So it's fun to even think about how having this might change a person's life cycle. With such a luxurious design, you can't just carelessly throw it into a backpack, can you? From there, the way they choose their bags will change, their clothes will change, and even their lifestyle will change.

I've heard that one thing can change the way you live your life. Please actually try the sound one.

Seki:I had an image that these wireless earphones sounded bad, but the EAH-AZ70W is very good, with clear, bouncy sound.

It has a very crisp, but not overly exaggerated sound, in a good sense. It is convenient to adjust the sound with the app.

Seki:The ambient function is interesting because you can hear outside sounds. I can hear outside sounds very well while listening to music. The noise canceling is also great... I feel as if I can have a space all to myself. I often feel uncomfortable with this kind of function, but the EAH-AZ70W doesn't do that.

The telephone function also seems to be filled with the know-how cultivated in the landline phone business.

Seki:I am glad to hear that. There are many earphones with unsatisfactory microphone sound quality, so from a businessman's point of view, this is an important point. Also, I thought the fit was good and they are lightweight, so I don't feel stressed. I often travel by bullet train, so I would like to use them for that kind of trip as well.




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