Translated By DeepL

"Running for that person.  Vol. 01 Stylist Yurimichi Kondo"

"Running for that person.
Vol.01 Stylist Yurimichi Kondo "

Running has become more of a cultural activity than a means of staying fit. Running is now being recognized as a hip pastime. For this issue, we interviewed runners with the cooperation of New Balance. We talked to them about everything related to running, from how they got started to their particular clothing and shoes. The first interview is with stylist Yurimichi Kondo. She talks about her loose, relaxed style, which she describes as "too much enthusiasm won't keep me going.


Yurin Kondo

After gaining experience as a store staff at a select store, she studied under stylist Hajime Suzuki. Since becoming independent, he has worked in a variety of media, including magazines, advertisements, and fashion brand catalogs. He is especially good at outdoor styling, and is also well versed in various activities in his private life.

I felt "this is not good enough" thinking about my body.

Kondo-san, I understand that you have always been a dancer.

Kondo:I started in high school and did it until I was about 23 or 4 years old . For a while I wanted to be a professional dancer, and there was a time when I had lessons at a school.

Did you like to be physically active?

Kondo:. Exercise has been close to me since I was in elementary school. I was a swimmer at the time and qualified for the Junior Olympics, and I also played baseball in junior high school. I was a pitcher, but I was forced to run a lot. I used my thigh muscles when I threw, so I had to strengthen them.

So you were used to running.

Kondo:. maybe. I have to admit that I didn't like running in the baseball team very much (laughs).

. But I heard that you started running again when you entered the workforce.

Kondo:Yes, that's right. After I started my own business as a stylist, I had more time and started running a little more. At the same time, I started swimming. . I also entered an aquathlon competition.

What made you decide to get back into running and swimming?

Kondo:Since I became independent, my body has gradually become heavier and heavier... (laughter). I like to drink, and my body was getting bigger and bigger. I thought, "This is not good for me" (laughs). . So I started exercising for my health as well as to lose weight.


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