Translated By DeepL

A soulful correspondence between Wism Ryu Horike and Willy Chavarria.

Wism Ryu Horike and
Willie Chavarria exchanged
A soul correspondence.

WISM" and designer WILLY CHAVARRIA have long been close friends. The two have become irreplaceable, as evidenced by the launch of their exclusive line "WILLY CHAVAWISM," and now they have completed a collection that takes the concept one step further. The Seed by Willy Chavarria, a new original "wism" label, has been created with Willy Chavarria as head coach. To find out how this label came into being, we asked Ryu Horike, a conceptor of "Whizm," and Willy Chavarria to exchange messages. . Yes, this is what we call a round-trip letter. Let's take a peek into the background of the collection that could only have been created by these two men.


Dear Dragon
Dear Ryu.

Thanks for your letter .
Thank you for your letter.

. the world has changed a lot in the 10 years since we met . And the way WISM has established itself as an important fashion leader has been very remarkable and brilliant. Your passion for craftsmanship has always impressed me .
Much has changed in the world in the 10 years since we met! It has been brilliant to see how WISM has become such an important style leader. energy from you!

All of our previous collaborations have been exciting and we are happy to be working together again on another project.
I too am so happy about our new project together. All of our collaborations have been so fun.

I think our friendship is what makes every project special, including WILL CHAVAWISM.
I think our personal connection makes all of our projects including WILLY CHAVAWISM very special.

. "SEED" will mirror our vision, blending the styles and personalities of both sides.
THE SEED will be a terrific way for us to create a specific vision, combining both of our style and personalities.

Thanks for asking about my dog , his name is Chester. He is a teenager who has had nothing but problems , but now he misses me. Just last week I found out he can swim. He jumped into the lake and swam after the ducks with all his might , but he got away and came back to me.
Thanks for asking about my dog Chester. he is a problem teenager, but he is grateful to have a loving home. i learned this weekend that he is a swimmer. Luckily he came back to me after he failed to catch one.

I have lived with dogs all my life, ever since I was a little girl, and I have always felt that dogs have much to learn from me. They are very good at loving something unconditionally and finding joy in the smallest of things.
I've always had dogs, ever since i was a kid. Dogs are our teachers. They teach us to love unconditionally and to find joy in the little things.

How is Momotaro doing? I would love to have him play with our Chester someday.
Perhaps one day we can arrange a play date for Chester and Momotaro.

Thanks for your question . Here is my answer .
Thank you for your questions. Here below are my answers.

1. Congratulations on your appointment as the designer of Calvin Klein ,. You are very busy, but what would you do if you could take a day off?

Thank you , Dragon. I am very honored to be the driving force behind the design of an iconic American brand. On my days off, I love to ride my bicycle along the Hudson River and feel the peace and quiet of New York City.
It is quite an honor to be leading the design of such an iconic American brand. On my days off I like to ride my bike along the Hudson River. It enables me to see New York in a more peaceful light.

2. You have traveled the world and lived in many places, but where is your favorite place so far?

Copenhagen, Denmark was like being in Disneyland , it was so nice. I would love to live there again someday.
Copenhagen, Denmark is the most wonderful place to live. It is like living at Disneyland. I hope live there again one day when Im older.

3. When we talked before, you said that Willy's three sacred items are denim, shirts, and turtlenecks, is that still the case? Also, why did you establish that style?

My three sacred items (unchanged, I might add) are the plastic rosary necklaces I presented in the 18SS season. It is a very beautiful turquoise color and was bestowed by God's grace by a priest in a church in Soho.
My three scared treasures - a plastic rosary necklace left over from my Spring 18 Runway show. The color is bright turquoise and I had it The color is bright turquoise and I had it blessed by a priest at the church on my street in Soho.

4. What is your favorite movie?

The Exorcist. It's a very beautiful film, the costumes are very nice , and it's just perfect. It is a brilliant film that portrays good and evil well.
The costumes are fantastic. It is the perfect story of trusting in good versus evil.

5. In our conversation, you often say "Roots". The name of our brand, SEED, was also inspired by your frequent use of the word "Roots" What are Willy's Roots?

My roots are Mexican and Irish, as that is where my ancestors came from . I spent most of my childhood in California in an area where many immigrants lived and grew up in a Mexican-American family. So I think the environment and experiences I had then have shaped who I am today.
My roots are in Mexico and in Ireland. this is where my family is from. i was raised in California in a Mexican-American household in a small of 99% So when I think of my roots, I think of the base of the pant that has allowed me to grow into who I am today.

6. You went out for drinks with the WISM team when you visited Japan before. What are your memories of Japan?

I always have the best time with the staff at WISM . . I especially loved that Mexican restaurant. . I was also impressed by that little jazz bar with the woman who blew a cigarette so hard. By the way, I told you what my favorite drink was, remember? Belvedere martini with a small amount of vermouth and two olives. . of the shake, not the steer.
I always have so much fun with WISM. There is no comparison of course. Remember the Mexican restaurant! We all shared my favorite drink: The Belvadere Martini shaken, not stirred with a soft kiss of vermouth and two green olives.

7. general director of THE SEED BY WILLY CHAVARRIA. glad you liked it enough to sell WISM's private label in your home country of NY. What are your first impressions?

THE SEED is a culmination of my career. It reflects my current vision, but also represents the best of the many collections I have worked on. . I hope that American customers will be able to experience it as well.
I think SEED OF WILLY CHAVARRIA is like a summary of the work I have done. it takes parts of the many collections Ive made over time and it portrays the vision. For this reason I want to share with my USA customer as well.

8. How do you feel about the world and the world today?

I think the world is moving in the right direction. Problems are bound to occur, but people live by helping each other. I am sure that the future will be bright.
Its getting better. Its been much worse in the past and we as humans have persevered. i think we have a lot to look forward to.

9. What is your dog's name?

Chester the Molester Mallster (Chester the Rogue).
Chester the Molester

10. How many kilos have you lifted on the bench press?

Lately I've been doing push ups (push-ups). Isometrics (static movements).
I do push ups these days. Isometrics.

I am very much looking forward to the future of THE SEED. Let's continue to create exciting projects together!
Very excited about THE SEED and I look forward to many more interesting experiences together!


WISM Shibuya

Address: 1,2F, 5-17-20 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-6418-5034

WISM Horie Store

Address: 1-9-7 Minami-horie, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
Phone: 06-4390-4050

WISM Shinjuku Store

Address: 2F, 4-1-7 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5361-7760