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Three key words for Utanan Vol.3 Private Space
3 Keywords To Know Nicolas Yuthanan

Three keywords associated with Utanan
Vol.3 Private Space

This is the final installment of our short series on fashion icon Nicolas Yuthanan! In this final installment, we will go further into Yuthanan's personal space and talk about his home and car. On Instagram, Yutthanan is a bit mysterious and doesn't seem to be a character who talks a lot, but through the way he talks about his lifestyle, we also get to see his bold and funnier side, which is very human.


Nicolas Yuthanan Chalmeau

Born in France and currently living in Japan. In addition to directing his own brand "Sillage" and running its online store and select store #whatwewear store, he is also active as a photographer. Instagram account@yuthanan__He has a large fan base for the content he updates on his website at His nickname is "Nico" or "Yutanan".

If you are seeing less people and traveling less, you should be more proactive about shopping online and connecting with others.

I see that you have a lot more to offer than can be contained in a three-part Series, so please tell us about your current lifestyle as a "private space" in its entirety. It seems that many people are changing their lifestyles due to the Corona pandemic, how about you Nico?

Utanan:My lifestyle hasn't changed much. I do a lot of work in a lot of different places, so although I have an office, I don't commute there every day. It has been difficult not being able to go abroad for the past year and a half, but I am positive that I am lucky in a sense that Japan is the only country I have to stay in under the circumstances.

It's good to stay positive, isn't it? So, Nico, who is used to working nomadically and remotely, do you have any advice for people starting out remotely or freelancing?

Utanan:Sitting in a good chair! Just because it's a cool chair doesn't mean it's comfortable, right? I sometimes work on the couch and get so tired that my back feels like Grampa, even though I'm 25 years old... Also, if you work on a computer, be careful to keep the screen at eye level or you will get tired from the weight of your head!

That's very realistic advice (laughs).

Utanan:Serious answer, right? (Laughs). (laughs) The other thing is to keep a positive attitude. Some people say you need to have an on/off switch, but I am always on. No matter what day of the week or what time of day it is, somewhere in the world there is always someone working. I don't stress about it, and I think it's important to be positive and enjoy the fact that I can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world, on time. I think it's important to be positive and enjoy being able to connect with anyone anywhere in the world on time, because they all need me and support me. I'm not a big company, and I want to communicate as honestly as possible.

That's great! Any other advice?

Utanan:Do not rely on Starbucks every day.


Utanan:I guess it's a bad habit I always fall into (laughs). I go to Starbucks every day. It's Dangerous.

What the hell are you asking for? (LAUGHS)

Utanan:Uji green tea latte. No soy milk or almond milk. I'm allergic (laughs). Uji matcha latte with milk! Not that there's anything wrong with Starbucks, but what a waste of money, right? I know it myself. I can't stop, though (laughs). So I want to advise you not to do it every day.

I think that's good advice.

Utanan: (LOL). Anyway, COVID has changed some things, such as fewer events and exhibitions and more online meetings, but since I originally work online and on Instagram, my time and attention to work have not changed much. I think it's better to shop online and connect with people if you don't have to meet people or travel as much. I share what I like on Instagram, and it leads to my work.

I think people in their teens and 20s use social media without resistance, but as they grow older, some people are anti-social media, or look at actively posting on Instagram with a cold eye. That kind of thing sometimes makes me hesitant to post on social media myself...

Utanan:It's okay if they're giving you the white eye because that's their problem, not mine or yours. If sharing or expressing something online, even if it has nothing to do with work, makes you feel good or enriches your life in a fun way, then that's fine. Learning from it is more important than worrying about the cold shoulder, don't you think?

You are right!


Nicolas Yuthanan Chalmeau

Instagram: @yuthanan_

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