TIGORA ULTIMATE for a refreshingly cool summer day.

TIGORA ULTIMATE for a refreshingly cool summer day.

Summers in Japan are hot and humid. Summer is supposed to be a season for enjoying outdoor activities and sports, but lately it has been too hot. But what about staying indoors and relying solely on air conditioning? The "Tigora Ultimate" T-shirt, which has been in the sports world for about half a century, is here to help you out. This is a new product from TIGORA, a company that has been involved in the world of sports for about half a century, and is filled with the technology and enthusiasm of Alpine. What's more, it is a basic design that can be used with any outfit, and it's also great because it's easy on the wallet. Let us introduce you to the best T-shirts for this summer.

  • Photo_Tohru Yuasa
  • Styling_Shota Iigaki
  • Hair&Make up_Risa Fukushima
  • Model_Ko Tachibana, Karin
  • Text_Yuichiro Tsuji
  • Edit_Ryo Muramatsu
  • *Prices are as of June 4.

涼しさを感じる秘密が “ULTIMATE COOL”。

Man:〈ティゴラ〉アルティメイト クールTシャツ ¥3,289、〈ティゴラ〉SMART コンフォートショーツ ¥4,389、〈イグニオ〉プレーンスニーカー ¥2,189(すべてアルペン)
Woman:〈ティゴラ〉アルティメイト クールTシャツ ¥3,289、〈ティゴラ〉SMART 撥水ベイカーロングスカート ¥5,489、〈イグニオ〉レトロランスニーカー ¥3,289(すべてアルペン)



「アルペン」がスポーツシーンで培う技術を活かして生まれたのが〈ティゴラ〉というブランドであり、「ティゴラ アルティメイト」はその “究極” のハイパフォーマンスライン。「ULTIMATE COOL」という素材を使ったTシャツは、なんと着るだけで体感温度を下げてくれる。その効果は、ポリエステル100パーセントのTシャツと比べると、6度も差があるというから驚きだ。つまり、これを着ていたら暑さを感じにくくなるということ。しかもデイリーに着やすいシンプルなデザインであるのも嬉しい。袖を通せば、せっかくのデートも余計な汗をかかずに済むのだ。



Official Site

TIGORA by SPORTS DEPO Shinjuku Flags Store

Opening date: Friday, June 11 (scheduled for one year)
Address: 3F, 3-37-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Open: 11:00-22:00 (until 20:00 for the time being to prevent the spread of new corona infection)
Phone number: 03-3226-0085 (calls can be made from June 5)
Tigora's directly-managed store opens in Shinjuku for a limited time! A sale will be held until June 20 (Sun.). You can purchase items at a discount depending on the number of items, and there will also be special opening offers.Check here for more information.

Alpen Customer Service

Phone: 052-559-0160
Hours: 9:00-12:00, 13:00-18:00 (except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

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