Translated By DeepL

Turning the corner to a way of life not bound by the house. A new way of life called NOT A HOTEL.
Dual Residence

He steers a life style that is not restricted by the house.
A new lifestyle called NOT A HOTEL.

As soon as it was announced in the spring of 2021, "NOT A HOTEL" attracted a great deal of attention due to the innovative nature of its services. As the name suggests, the properties sold by "NOT A HOTEL" can be used as homes or rented out as hotels to generate revenue. The fact that the service immediately attracted over 1 billion yen in investment shows how progressive and topical it is. The person who started this service is Shinji Hamauzu, who founded the e-commerce support service "Aratana" and has played a central role in the technology field of "ZOZO" as it became a part of "Start Today" (now ZOZO). Although it is tempting to apply the word "successful" to his career, the project began with a personal problem or realization. In this era of drastic changes in the way we live and work, what does "NOT A HOTEL" bring to the table? Interspersed throughout are hints for how we should live in the future.

  • Photo_Shintaro Yoshimatsu
  • Text_Shinri Kobayashi

The luxury we want to create is not luxury , but quality.

Do you have the drone on the shelf as a hobby?

I go to see places and houses for work, so if I see a nice piece of land, I will go there and take pictures with my drone.

So it's a tool for your work. By place, do you mean a special place?

For example, the area where the property in Tochigi Prefecture (that NOT A HOTEL is selling) is located is 160,000 tsubo and has 20 horses. Such land is hard to find, isn't it? . In Miyazaki, too, the property is in a national park. . This is land leased from the city of Miyazaki.

So there is a positive effect on the area, such as an increase in jobs and money in the area where the property is located.

For example, I think there are many cases where people bring their friends to their own hometowns, but there are no good hotels. Until now, I thought that luxury hotels would never be built in rural areas. . We only have 6 buildings/rooms in Miyazaki, and we are only going to build 13 buildings/rooms in Tochigi. . With the "NOT A HOTEL" system, an owner is assigned, so you can build in any rural area.

I see.

. We are not aiming for super-major tourist destinations. Tochigi Prefecture was also at the bottom of the list of the most attractive prefectures, and we have the image of Okinawa rather than Miyazaki . But in Miyazaki, there is not much competition. If "NOT A HOTEL" is built in a certain area, and the sun shines on it and it attracts attention, it will be worthwhile to create this kind of service. We are not thinking of simply building a service for the wealthy in Niseko or Okinawa. It may be similar to fashion, but I think there is value in doing something that no one else is doing. The luxury we want to create is not luxury, but quality. If it is unique and strikes an emotional chord with various people, then it is luxury. . We are not particular about high prices.

I feel that contributing to the community through "NOT A HOTEL" is very meaningful. Were you interested in contributing to the community in the first place?

Aratana was started with the goal of creating 1,000 jobs in Miyazaki, and I have always had a strong desire to contribute to my hometown and region. However, after talking with various people, I think that there are actually many people who have the same desire. I think it would be good to have such people become owners.

. You say that you believe that Japan's rural areas still have great potential, don't you?

I am also from a rural area, and there are actually cases of money being disbursed in the name of regional development, but I don't think it is done by people who really feel the potential. Giving money is only a coping mechanism, and in our case, we actually feel the potential as a business. For example, the government tries to attract companies to Miyazaki because of its low labor costs, but we say, no, no, you don't have to sell yourself so cheaply. The ideal is to contribute to the local community as a result, and if the first step is to contribute to the local community, it will be uninteresting and run out of steam. If the first step is to contribute to the community, it will be uninteresting, and we will run out of steam. I think people who are doing it as a business, not as a volunteer activity, are stronger than those who are doing it as a business. I would like to make a profit and turn a profit in the area in the future.

I see what you mean. One of the aims of "NOT A HOTEL" is "a new way of life." What do you envision?

. I want to create a world where people are not limited to one house. . Until now, I think that if you bought one house, that would be the end of it. For example, you live in "NOT A HOTEL" and one day you receive a notice from "NOT A HOTEL". . and one day you will receive a notice from "NOT A HOTEL" that there are new properties available in 5 places abroad, and you can stay there. . So the world expands. When you are not using it, your life will not change, and your lifestyle will become richer without changing your life, while generating revenue through hassle-free operations. . This is my idea of a new lifestyle, or rather, the world I want to create. . In the end, though, I am just doing something interesting for myself.




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