Translated By DeepL

Today I just wanted to say thank you to Fishmans, so I went with MIU to see Kin-chan.
We Love Fishmans

Today I just wanted to say thank you to Fishmans, so I went with MIU to see Kin-chan.

The Fishmans, a band that has been there for us in times of health, sickness, joy, sorrow, riches, poverty, and all other times, celebrates its 30th anniversary. To express our gratitude directly to the band leader, Kin-chan (Kinichi Mogi), we went to see him and Miu, who is a Fishmans fan, and talked about the band's first movie "Fishmans: The Movie," which will be released in July, We asked him about his memories of the early days of the band, his favorite music, the reason why he is still in the band, and about vocalist Shinji Sato, and other things that are interesting to him from a fan's point of view. A little over 2 hours of free talk by Kin-chan of the Fishmans and their fans. We will be presenting wonderful and NICE CHOICE moments, almost uncensored.

  • Photo_Yuki Aizawa
  • Hair & Make-up: Chiaki Tsuda (Kinichi Motegi)
  • Text_Shuhei Wakiyama
  • Edit_Yousuke Ishii

You can dye a song in your own color just by singing a few lines. I guess I was moved by that.

I remember that Mogi-san, before you met Sato-san, was going to be a drum vocalist, right?

Mogi:I had thought about it, but that's a blue story! (laughs). When I joined a club at the university, I was amazed to see how many amazing people there were. When I met Mr. Sato, in particular, I was very impressed. I knew the moment I met him that his talent was out of the ordinary, no matter what I thought. I thought, "I'm definitely going to form a band with this person.

. Even then, you had a different vibe from the others, didn't you?

Mogi:It was totally different. Even though we were playing a cover song, when you started singing, the song took on a life of its own. The tension is so strong that it doesn't seem like a cover song.

. I would like to ask if you have any episodes from your student days with Mr. Sato.

Mogi:I was watching someone practicing a song called "Nonono" by the Blue Hearts, and there was a time when I couldn't understand the beginning of the vocal. Just then, Sato-kun came into the room. Sato-kun likes the Blue Hearts very much, so he knew the whole thing. He said, "Wait a minute! He said, "This is how the song starts," and started singing, "Somewhere Someone is Crying.

I would like to listen to Mr. Sato's Blue Hearts ......!

Mogi:Rather than just teaching, I was already imbued with Sato's color, and I thought, "Cool, this guy! I was like, "This guy is so cool! He was able to dye the song in his own color with just a little bit of singing. I guess that's what swayed me. After we started working together, we wrote about four original songs together, and I felt I had no choice but to go along with them.

What was Fishmans like at that time?

Mogi:At first there were three of us, so Sato was doing bass vocals, Kojima-san was on guitar, and I was on drums. . These rehearsals were also amazing! We practiced at a studio in Tokyo Metropolitan University, and when we first started, we were playing fast eight-beat songs like the early days of the Clash. Sato was jumping all the time while playing the bass and singing (laughs).


Mogi:Kojima-san was bouncing all over the place, and I was overwhelmed! . I had never seen such a scene in a rehearsal studio before. Moreover, the song we were practicing was a brand new song, right? I was surprised at how confident he was, jumping up and down as if it were a new song. In that sense, I wonder if he was confident even back then. He was like, "Hey, this song is good, isn't it? . I was really into it from that time.

MIU:It's lovely , it's instinctive.

Mogi:. it really is. That instinctive feeling didn't change from the first rehearsal when we met until "Farewell to the Men". Once the sound started playing, I was just absorbed in my music. There was a sense that you were sharpening various aspects of the music in Sato's mind and improving the quality of the music as you went along.


Movie: Fishmans

Performers: Shinji Sato, Kinichi Mogi, Kensuke Kojima, Yuzuru Kashiwabara, HAKASE-SUN, HONZI, Michio "dARTs" Sekiguchi, Shinya Kigure, Sei Komiyama, ZAK, Ikuko Harada, Hanaregumi, UA, YO-KING, Daisuke Kawasaki, Kazumi Nishikawa, Kensuke Kawamura, Kazufumi Kodama, Toshiya Sano, Akiko Ueda
Director: Yuki Teshima
Distributors: ACTV JAPAN / Iha Films
Release: July 9 (Fri.) in Shinjuku Wald 9, Shibuya Cine Quint, etc. throughout Japan

Official Instagram:@fishmansmovie
Official Twitter:@FishmansMovie

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