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Jacuri's portable power supply for peace of mind and comfort! HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB's best fishing camp on Lake West.

Jacuri's portable power supply for peace of mind and comfort! HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB's best fishing camp on Lake West.

HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB's challenge this time is a fishing camp, where we can "enjoy fishing to our heart's content. It can be said that the best part of camping is to enjoy inconvenience, but our purpose is not camping but fishing. We want to spend our chill time in nature in a convenient and comfortable environment. This is where Jackery, a portable power supply company, comes in handy. Jackery" is now a new standard in camping gear, and many people keep it on hand. While fishing, you can relax and have a meal. The two-day and one-night fishing trip was a fulfilling one!

  • Photo_Fumihiko Ikemoto
  • Text_Shogo Komatsu
  • Illustration_TOMASON
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii

The peace of mind of having a power source while camping. The [JAKURI] makes you feel so comfortable!

Jackery Portable power supply 1000 139,800 yen, ,Jackery SolarSaga100 34,800 yen, ,Portable power supply, 1000 sets, 166,000 yen(Jacquerie Japan)

Jacquerie" is a portable power supply that is very useful not only for disaster prevention but also for outdoor use. Since it has a larger capacity than a mobile battery and is equipped with an AC power source, home appliances with an output of 1000W or less can be used outdoors. Unlike portable power supplies made by overseas manufacturers, the AC output voltage is 100 V, which meets Japanese standards, so it can be used without any problems. It can also be solar-charged with a solar panel, so you don't have to worry even if you overuse it.

Every time you return home, you say, "I'm a little short on fishing. Then, let's go camping and fish as we please! So we started to plan a fishing camp. However, thinking back to our usual camping, we have a lot of work to do such as setting up the camp and cooking. In order to have enough time for fishing, we want to make the camping itself comfortable and convenient. On the other hand, glamping is not my style. So I came up with the idea of using a portable power supply. In order to enjoy a slightly richer fishing camp, we set out for Lake West with JAKURI.


Yosuke Ishii (left)
Deputy Editor, HOUYHNHNM

Director of HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB. He goes camping for both business and pleasure and enjoys nature. He caught a black bass in Lake Biwa and seems to be full of confidence.


Junpei Ichikawa (Middle)
o.r. Representative / Editor

He handles marketing and media production for all kinds of brands. It's been a long time since he has been on Lake West, and he has prepared plenty of lures for countermeasures. Can he catch his first fish?


Yuta Takahashi (center right)
Color at Against Owner

He runs a vintage clothing store "Color at Against" in Yoyogi Uehara and devotes his holidays to camping and mountain stream fishing. He usually goes upstream to fish for trout, but this is his first time trying his hand at bass fishing. He has a new rod and is very enthusiastic.


Shogo Komatsu (center left)

He writes mainly for magazines and webzines. Although he recently camped out in the field near West Lake, this is his first proper camping trip this season, and he is very excited. Even if it is small, I am filled with a desire to catch a fish anyway.


Fumihiko Ikemoto (Right)

He has worked for magazines, websites, and advertisements, and is also an accomplished outdoors photographer. He is eager to show the results of his voluntary training. He has already checked out the fishing results at West Lake, and he only feels like he can catch fish.

Arriving at West Lake, we set up our tent and tarp as a base while suppressing our desire to catch the first rays of the morning. Everyone was used to camping, and it was done quickly and easily.

Ishii: It's been a long time since I've been camping, and it's great to be able to fish too! I'm sure we'll be comfortable today since we'll have Jacuzzi, which is different from the usual camping. I'm looking forward to fishing and eating! Let's give it our all and have fun!

Fishing is not to be rushed. To calm down, I decided to make a cup of coffee and take a break. I connected an electric kettle to Jacquerie and boiled water.

Komatsu: I never thought I could use an electric kettle when camping! It boils more quickly than using a gas burner, and since there's no fire hazard, I can grind beans, get ready for fishing, and make the most of the little time I have. I brought three kinds of coffee beans with me today, so I'll be brewing several cups!

Coffee in the clear air is exceptional! Once you've shaken off the drowsiness and feel refreshed, it's time to set up for fishing once again.

Again, we rented a boat and went out on the lake, but I couldn't resist and started swinging my rod in front of the site. With the water temperature so high and the occasional fish bouncing on the surface, it would be rude not to throw!

Prepare for solar recharging with those who have started to throw flying by. When used in conjunction with solar power generation, solar energy is converted into electricity, which also helps to save electricity. The "Portable Power Supply 1000" used this time can be fully charged in about 17 hours on a sunny day. We will store as little power as possible while we are on a fishing trip.

Takahashi: Just unfold the solar panel and connect the cable to the main body of the portable power supply. That's all there is to it? It's so easy to charge the battery. The panel is also light and easy to carry. It is helpful that it does not get in the way when camping, where there is even just a lot of luggage to carry.

We rented a boat and started fishing! The boat rental shop told us that black bass might be attached to the buoys used for spoonbill and wakasagi fishing. I was told that black bass were coming up to the shallows, so I cast around there!

We have gained confidence in Lake Biwa. We searched the surface, middle and bottom of the lake to attract black bass. Mr. Takahashi had never fished for bass before, but he was used to handling lures from mountain stream fishing, so he was able to catch black bass right where he wanted them!

We threw for a while but did not get much response! We moved to the pump shed, a popular spot where fish tend to gather. We got bites, but no bites. Hmmm, it was difficult. We all tried various lures and continued to throw them wholeheartedly. There is no conversation, but only the sounds of casting, lures landing on the water, and top water running on the surface. It is comforting.

We persisted, but when it was time to return the boat, our time was up. We were all out of luck. Let's hope for the next morning and enjoy camping for now!

The group returned to the site. Ishii and Ichikawa, who had urgent work to do, hooked up their computers to "Jacuri" and went on a workcation. The portable power supply allows them to concentrate on their work without worrying about battery power, and the multiple USB and AC power sources allow them to run a fan for comfortable nomadic work.

Ichikawa: When I am working on the road, there are times when my computer battery runs out and I have to interrupt my work, so a portable power supply is a huge help. I want to carry it with me on a daily basis.

Ishii: It's so hot today, I'm glad I brought my fan. I didn't have to work up a sweat. The fan makes it much cooler under the tarp. For future mid-summer camps, [Jacquerie] and an electric fan are a must.

Some were working, some were relaxing, and some were still fishing, dragging out their frustration at not being able to catch fish. Some were working, some were relaxing, and some were still fishing after the disappointment of not being able to catch fish. And then Komatsu!

I did it! It's less than 20 centimeters, but it's still a black bass!

Komatsu: I caught a cute little guy! The lure was "Nagisa" by JACKALL, and I kept reeling it in and stopping, reeling it in and stopping, and then it just started to go! I was so glad to catch it, regardless of the size! I had put my tackle away, so I caught the fish with something I borrowed from Mr. Ichikawa, which is a bit complicated (laughs).

After we had safely touched the black bass and the workcationers had finished their work, we toasted with beer that we had chilled in a small refrigerator! It's more chilly than in a cooler box! We also hooked up our portable speakers to Jacquerie for some chill background music. The team is now in a relaxing mode.

Komatsu: Beer is good after fishing! It's the best! I'm glad we have a fridge so we don't have to prepare ice to cool it down, and most of all, it cools down well. Beer is good!

After the sun went down, we plugged the LED lantern into the "Jacquerie" to light it up, and prepared for dinner. We wanted to enjoy our camp dinner without compromise, so we made everyone's favorite tacos for the main dish! Again, we relied on Jacquerie to make it easy. Onions and other vegetables were chopped finely in a food processor.

Takahashi: It's really easy not to have to cut with a knife. Especially with tacos, there are so many ingredients to chop, but it was done in an instant. I mean, I used a food processor for the first time, but it is so convenient that I want one!

You can also use a hop plate with Jacquerie if it is within 1000W. Warmed tortilla dough is topped with ingredients to complete the tacos! I can't believe how easy it is to make tacos!

Ikemoto: I wanted to try making tacos at camp, but it was too much of a hassle, so I never did it. But when I used the food processor at Jacquerie, I was able to make them just like at home. And they are delicious!

Ishii: Heating up the tortillas makes all the difference. Thanks to the hot plate, I guess. I'm glad I was able to make them well!

Although the fishing was not great, we were very satisfied with our comfortable camp. The night was spent drinking and lighting bonfires.

We got tipsy, made good time, and decided to go to bed to prepare for revenge the next morning. I went to sleep, recharging my computer and phone, my lifeline, as I anticipated another rush of work tomorrow.

Thanks to "Jacquerie," we were able to spend a comfortable time at this fishing camp. The two days we spent in the pleasant natural environment of Lake West gave us a full charge of energy!

The products used in this project arethis way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)You can find the information from the Don't miss out on the special set discount for the Portable Power Supply 1000 and SolarSaga 100 on the official website!


Jacquerie Japan

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