Translated By DeepL

Takahashi Lamda's Delivery Styling for HOUYHNHNM's. Vol.3 Sand Suede Shoes Part 2

Takahashi Lamda's Delivery Styling for HOUYHNHNM's. Vol.3 Sand Suede Shoes Part 2

Three friends who are the same age and have been friends for more than 20 years gathered again for a talk session under the theme of "sand beige suede. Following the first part in which Ms. Fujii, designer of "Non-Native," and Mr. Doidi, who leads the PR department of "BEAMS" and the new company "BEAT," introduced their favorite personal items, the second part finally focuses on Ms. Lambda's personal items! We went to ......, but as expected, the conversation went off on a tangent! But even that is full of hints and ideas, and those who have seen the same era as them can relate to them, while youths who don't know about that time will discover something new. They are all going in completely different directions. But that's why they are so good. The second half of this free-form trilogy, which is like a tuft of suede with a hint of ageing, is now available!

  • Photo_Shota Kikuchi
  • Movie_Yu Okamoto
  • Text & Interview_Rui Konno
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii

Timberland Opening Ceremony 6inch BOOTS

It's all about punching power," (Lambda). It's like a one-hit kill.

Lambda:And now, this "Timber". It's a special order from OPENING CEREMONY. I was suddenly attracted to the yellow color of the pad. Other than that, I didn't do anything special.

Doidi:Is this pad leather?

Lambda:It's synthetic leather. The idea of changing the color here has never been done before. Especially, the use of such a top color. Fujii's earlier work was all about details such as the color of the stitching, but this is all about the punch. It's like a one-hit kill.

Fujii:What is this to go with?

Lambda:I end up hiding in long pants (laughs). Well, recently, I've been wearing shorts. I might wear French army Gurkha shorts or something quite high-waisted. Socks are here as usual (laughs). Loose socks, a little bit out. That way I can balance it out.

Fujii:Do you thread the string all the way to the top?

Lambda:I don't go through only the second from the top. After this (third from the top), they go to the top.

Fujii:Don't you put a square (leather tag) on it?

Lambda:This didn't come with a tag. If there was a flasher, I would put it on as is.

Doidi:When you think about it, "Timber" has been around for a long time, hasn't it? I wear something from every era.

Lambda:Yes. Also, "Timber" is inexpensive, and you can buy it for just over 20,000 yen. I wear them out and give them to someone else. You can't replace the soles.

Fujii:They're work boots, though, so they're strong. These are good because they're heavy. If they were light, they would feel strange.

Lambda:I have to feel like I'm wearing them. Next is "Red Wing. The first model was PT83, and this is PT91.



Youtube:Takahashi Lambda

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