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A bag that is useful as a tool, as experienced at The Recreation Store. vol.3 Atsushi Hayasaki
OUTDOOR PRODUCTS The Recreation Store

A bag that is useful as a tool, as you will realize at The Recreation Store.
vol.3 Atsushi Hayasaki

Founded in 1973, "Outdoor Products" is a bag brand that is still loved by people of all ages. The Recreation Store, the flagship store of the brand, opened at the end of July. The store was directed by Keiji Kaneko, a conceptor of L'ECHOPPE. Naomi Hirabayashi supervised the art direction, and Atsushi Hayasaki of TEMBEA designed the bags and goods. The clothing was designed by Keigo Murakami of blurhms, bringing together professionals at the forefront of the fashion industry.
For the final installment of this three-part series, we invited Mr. Hayasaki of Tenbea to talk with Mr. Kaneko about the bags that are the star of the show.first, ,2ndThe keyword "tools" was frequently mentioned in the article "Outdoor Products," and we wonder how the bags designed based on this keyword will turn out in 2021. We take a closer look at the bags designed with this in mind and how they turned out.

  • Photo_Hiroshi Nakamura
  • Text_Shogo Komatsu
  • Edit_Shun Koda

A new classic is born that makes you feel like you've been around forever.

. I feel that this sense of closeness has been utilized in the collaboration this time. One of the main features of your items is that the same model is available in different sizes.

Kaneko:We thought it would be better to have options to meet the changing times, so we developed the size. . It's easy to put into words, but it was hard work.

Hayasaki:I think I have some idea of bag sizing, so it wasn't difficult to develop the sizes for the new models. . However, I reevaluated the sizes of the 452 (daypack) and the classic roll-boston models.

Kaneko:You were not satisfied with the size of the 452 that came as a sample, so you made some minor adjustments.

It looks simple, but it's very meticulous. What made you say, "This is it!" What was the deciding factor for you?

Hayasaki:At the end of the day, it was a feeling. If we kept changing the same length for each size, it would not add up. Sometimes the actual measurements were the same length as the pitch, but the appearance did not change that much.

Kaneko:In the end, we laid it all out and discussed it together and decided.

What about the color range?

Hayasaki:The color is my suggestion. I first became aware of Outdoor Products when I was in high school in the late '80s. At the time, there was an "American casual" boom, and "Outdoor Products" was very popular. I was conscious of the colors that were typical of "Outdoor Products" at that time.

. I think it is perfect for today's diversified lifestyle, with a much wider choice of sizes and colors. Have you discussed the type of bag?

Kaneko:We were discussing it. What we definitely wanted to make was a tote bag .

Hayasaki:. yes, we are going to make a tote bag as a new standard after the 452 and the roll Boston.

. At first, I was surprised to hear that the tote bag was new. The design is so universal that it would not be surprising if it had been around for a long time, and it would not look out of place alongside a 452 or a rolled Boston. What are the functional features of the tote bag?

Hayasaki:. like 452 and Roll Boston, we have stripped down the gimmicks as much as possible. . as you mentioned, as if they had always existed.

Naomi Hirabayashi designed the size chart. It is convenient to know the size you want at a glance," says Ms. Kaneko. It truly embodies the beauty of utility.

Kaneko:It has a wide gusset and is easy to use. It also stands on its own. I bought a size that fits perfectly in my bicycle basket.

The opening is not a zipper, but a drawstring type.

Hayasaki:Zippers are either open or closed, but with a drawstring, you can leave it open a little, not fully open, but just enough to fit your hand in, or you can make subtle adjustments. If you actually use it, you will understand how convenient it is.

The appeal of the drawstring type is that it can be kept half open. When you are riding a bicycle, you can take out the contents of the bag while riding. Moreover, the luggage will not fall out.TOTE (X-Large) ¥8,800

Kaneko:Indeed, I could tell when I used it. Zippers have small pulls that need to be pinched, but the drawstring was convenient to open and close easily.


The Recreation Store

Address: 4-4-8 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 070-3173-9773
Hours: 11:00 - 20:00

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