Harusuke Sugino wears adidas Originals. -Part 2-


Harusuke Sugino wears adidas Originals. -Part 2

The sneaker world has been crowded with limited edition models in recent years. Stores are flooded with people, and it is common to see them sell out as soon as they go on sale. However, that is just like being swept away by trends. Then, it would actually be a wise choice to dig up unknown limited-edition models. And the answer was found in a surprising place. ABC Mart, a store that can be found all over Japan, is a good place to find limited-edition models. The latest issue of "Finam Unplugged," with the theme of "Smart Consumption," features the "ABC Mart" limited edition adidas Originals modeled by Harusuke Sugino, a young actor who is just beginning to emerge on the scene. Here we present an interview with Mr. Sugino, along with an other cut, in both the first and second parts of the magazine. The second part is about "smart consumption" and acting.

  • Photo_Go Tanabe
  • Styling_Shun Katagai
  • Hair & Make_Ryo Matsuda
  • Text_Satoru Kanai
  • Edit_Hiroshi Yamamoto
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Harusuke Sugino
Born in Chiba, Japan in 1995. Model and actor. He made his acting debut as SOH, a member of GReeeeN, in the movie "Kiseki-Anohi no Sobito. His films "My Brother Loves Me Too Much" (June 30) and "Masked Noise" (November 25) are scheduled for release. He is attracting attention not only as a model but also as an actor.

adidas Originals Stan Smith Comfort ¥11,100+TAX (adidas Group Customer Service 0570-033-033)

¥42,000+TAX (1LDK 03-3780-1645), 〈Universal Products〉's coat ¥11,000+TAX ( Beauty & Youth United Arrows Shibuya Koen-dori Store 03-5428-1893), 〈Beauty & Youth〉's shirt ¥11,000+TAX ( -1893), pants by 〈un decorated man〉 ¥28,000+TAX (un decorated man 03-3794-4037)

Seek out items that are different from others.

-The theme of the latest issue of "Huinum Unplugged," for which you served as a model, is "smart consumption. What do you think is the smart way to buy sneakers?

field of cryptomeria treesI think it's important to choose the right one: take into account not only the design, but also the fit, cushioning, and price. I think it is also important to visit stores frequently and actually hold the shoes in your hands. I don't have that kind of buying experience. When I think, "I like this! I don't like to be in the same boat as other people, so I buy old things before they are sold. I don't like to be the same as other people, which is probably the same reason why I like secondhand clothes.

-The shoes worn by adidas Originals in the photo shoot are both limited to ABC Mart. They are also great for those who are not familiar with the limited edition models.

field of cryptomeria treesI also go to ABC Mart, but I didn't know about the limited edition model. It's nice to have a sense of a bargain. The "Stan Smith" shoes I wore for the photo shoot were white, and the room I moved into a while ago is also white, gray, and black. I think it is important to know the coloring that suits you in order to make smart purchases.

Harusuke Sugino's idea of a "cool person.

-I heard that a director once told you, "Be a cool person from the core." What kind of image do you have of a "cool person," Mr. Sugino?

field of cryptomeria treesIt's: someone who is attractive just by standing still, right? Not just visually, but also in the way they stand and behave. I feel every day that I don't have it yet.

-There is a famous episode in which he auditioned for the role because he admired Mr. Momori Matsuzaka, who was his senior at the office. Also, there is Masaki Sugata in the same office. Are you influenced by them?

field of cryptomeria treesI admire Mr. Sugata's eccentricity, his way of thinking, and the sensitivity with which he expresses them in his fashion. I always wonder how he combines them. But it's not like I can do it myself, so I feel like I'm looking at something that has been perfected. It's almost like I'm looking at it from the perspective of a fan (laughs).

Mr. Matsuzaka is just the kind of person I would like to be! The first time I met him was right here in the studio where we are shooting today. At the time, my hands were sweating and I could not speak. I couldn't even understand what I was looking at. But when I had the opportunity to work with him on the film "Kiseki-Anohi no Sobito," he was much friendlier than I had expected. I wondered why he was so approachable even though he was such a star.

-Did you get an answer to that question?

field of cryptomeria treesI am still searching. There are still many things I need to know and learn. Even if I continue working for many years to come, I want to keep my original intention in mind. I have goals that I want to achieve, and I will do what I need to do first in order to achieve them. My ultimate goal is to continue living as an actor for a long time as a result of the accumulation of these efforts. Beyond that, I would also like to find an answer to the star power and friendliness that Mr. Matsuzaka possesses.

adidas Group Customer Service

Phone: 0570-033-033 (9:30-18:00 except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)
Please visit ABC Mart to purchase products.
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