Translated By DeepL

Lake Ashinoko was cooled by rain. Will HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB's persistence reach the black bass? ⁉︎

Lake Ashinoko was cooled by rain. Will HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB's persistence reach the black bass? ⁉︎

HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB visited Lake Ashinoko in Hakone, which is a popular tourist resort area with a historical landmark, Hakone Sekisho (Hakone barrier), and Hakone Shrine, known as a power spot, located on the lakeside, and a hot spring resort without mentioning it. It is a pleasant lake where one can enjoy fishing and enjoy the view of Mt. ......, but unfortunately it was raining on that day. Not only could we not see Mt. Fuji, but it was also extremely cold. HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB, whose slogan is "Chill out, chill out, have fun fishing even in bad weather and catch bass?

  • Photo_Fumihiko Ikemoto
  • Text_Shogo Komatsu
  • Illustration_TOMASON
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii

Can they show their mettle in the last spurt?

Although it was cold and rainy, the fishing was good. Moreover, the size is good. Everyone's expectations rose, and we set sail again! Next, we went to a tourist attraction, near Hakone Shrine.

Motegi:The wind has stopped blowing in the waterweed area earlier, so let's go to the shrine where the wind is blowing. The bottom here is rocky. Bass have nowhere to hide in shallow water, so they dive deep. So a shad that dives when you roll it up is more effective. And the deeper you go, the harder it is for bass to find the bait, so a color with high appeal is better.

After recovering from the break, the rain weakened and everyone regained their concentration. Only a few minutes remained. Mr. Ichikawa showed his determination here!

Ichikawa:When Nobu-kun (Murayama) and Muramatsu-san were trying to stop their boat by hanging a rope on a protruding stump, a bass chased them while they were throwing. I was throwing again while they were struggling to get the boat to stop, and it came close to me again. It was very cold, but I was so excited when I caught it that I didn't feel the cold at all (laughs).

Everyone tried to follow Mr. Ichikawa, but the fish did not look back. Finally, time ran out, and they had to return to the boat in tears. However, there was one man who did not give up. Mr. Murayama persistently continued to cast. His strong will bore fruit, and he successfully caught the fish!

Murayama:It had been more than an hour since Muramatsu-san caught his fish, so I threw it again, hoping it would react again, but I did not give up. Again I threw the Jointed Craw far away and just reeled it in, and when it stopped near the pier, I changed to digi-trolling to entice it. Then it came out from under the pier, but it didn't bite. I thought if I threw it again it would run away, but I threw it and it came close again. It ate! But the hook wasn't hooked properly, so I threw it again, and it was biting so much that it came close again. So I changed to a metal vibrator and finally caught it!

Like Mr. Ichikawa, Mr. Murayama caught a bass that he once gave up on. It seems that the persistence of the two fishermen who did not let it get away led to their catch! Time really ran out here. As soon as we were done, the sun came out for some mischief.

Fishhead, who was snickering even more than usual, how did he catch fish? What did you catch? We just stopped by Lake Ashi today on our way to see the sights in Hakone. I guess it was a bad catch. He must have had a bad catch. Fish head was escaping from reality.

Ishii:Thank you for your hard work in the bad weather! How was Lake Ashi?

Komatsu:I want to come on a sunny day (laughs).

Ikemoto:This is the third time I have been to Lake Ashinoko. It is a pleasant place. If the weather is fine (laughs). It's a big lake and there are many points of interest.

Ichikawa:I've been here quite a bit this year. My friends are catching fish up to 50 cm, but Lake Ashinoko is a little difficult for me. But it's fun to attack it. I hadn't been to this point much before, so it was interesting.

Ikemoto:Once I improve my skills, I would like to make it my home lake. Then I would get a boat license.

Murayama:Since I always go to Boso, I had not been to a lake with such clean water since the Aikawa Dam in Wakayama. It took a lot of trial and error, but I also enjoyed tying up plugs.

Ichikawa:In the Boso reservoir, I throw only worms.

Ishii:It was the first time I fished with plugs, so it was fun! I caught the most fish of all, three of them (laughs). It was hard because of the rain, but the feeling of exhilaration was amazing!

Komatsu:Compared to other boats, it looks like we caught the most fish on Lake Ashinoko today! It's frustrating, so let's come back again!

Murayama:Next time, I would like to try "strong fishing" using big baits!

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