Translated By DeepL

The present and future of NEXUS VII. on its 20th anniversary.
20th Anniversary of NEXUSVII.

The present and future of NEXUS VII. on its 20th anniversary.

NEXUSVII." celebrates its 20th anniversary this season. Designer Tomohiro Konno says of his 20 years of sincere and honest approach to clothing, "I've always been aware of the importance of learning, but I've also enjoyed the process of learning. To commemorate this anniversary, collaborative items with various brands and artists will be released. What is Mr. Konno thinking now, as he marks this milestone year, and what does he have in store for the future? In the first half of this article, we interviewed Mr. Konno about the present and future of "NEXUSⅦ. The second half of the article will feature a conversation with Haroshi, an artist who worked with Mr. Konno on the "Decente Alterrain" down jacket, one of the highlights of the collaboration.

It is the attitude, after all, that takes expression in the right direction.

What does the term "POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE" mean?

Haroshi:I heard it from Mark Oblow, a skater and artist, and Remio, a graffiti writer, and thought it was a nice word, so I started using it often. What do you call it? It's like a motto or a motto, and BAD BRAINS also sings "We Got That PMA".

I have known the word "attitude" since I was young, and one of my seniors made and wore a sweatshirt with "ATTITUDE" written on it. I asked him what it meant, and he replied with a passionate "ATTITUDE. I asked him what it meant, and he replied with a passionate "ATTITUDE." I always thought it was cool.

I feel the weight and depth of the word "Attitude" is stronger than that of "Style".

Haroshi:I think that 99.91% of the artists in the world do not sell well. There are really only a handful of artists who sell well. It is very difficult to continue to express yourself while understanding this. Therefore, I believe that you have to have a positive attitude. Unless you are convinced that what you create is the coolest, you will not be able to convey your message to others.

Haroshi:But everyone who says PMA has a weak heart. People who are positive at heart don't say that. People who have a dark heart or a dark side are the ones who say "PMA. PMA is a feeling of wanting to enjoy life despite such weaknesses, such as the loss of a loved one or living in dependence on someone or something. So for artists like us, PMA is a very important word.

Konno:That's really true. I feel that if I don't first affirm what I create, I am disrespectful to my customers. But it took me about 10 years to come to that conclusion. When I had just started my own brand, I was following the trends of other brands around me, and I was participating in a race that was unnecessary.

I donated a fair amount of clothing because my own relatives were affected by 3/11 and I was no longer a stranger to the situation. There were a few seasons' worth of clothes left over, which I had originally planned to discard. When I looked at the clothes I had made again, I realized that there was a reason why I had intended to discard them. When I thought about the fact that I was going to sell them to my customers, I began to feel sorry for them. It made me think about many things, such as the fact that it would be better to have people in need wear the clothes in front of me rather than to put them out into the world.

Haroshi:Indeed, 3.11 forced us to think about many things.

Corona is the same, isn't it?

Haroshi:Yes, it is. Life is really a lot of things that happen. That is why PMA is so important. I think it is what we do during these periods of time. I think that we should not only look at it negatively, but also do what we can do with the time we have, since we have plenty of it.

I will be participating in the upcoming Bearbrick World Tour, and before I could start working on the piece I was going to create, I broke my skateboard and lost the use of my left hand. But I had to work. I decided to create a technique that I could do with my right hand, so I sculpted with one hand for about three months. The work that came out of that was something that could only be done with one hand. I think PMA is a way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. I believe that an artist, whether in art, music, or clothing, should create something that can only be produced at that time. It is the attitude that makes the process go in the right direction. It is the attitude that makes the difference.



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Hours: 12:00 - 20:00
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