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Learning from the style of Kensei Mizukami, the potential of Red Wing in camp.

Learning from the style of Kensei Mizukami, the potential of Red Wing in camp.

After the Corona Disaster, we hear a lot about the growing camping population. This has led to a variety of camping gear being discussed, and garage brands have also been attracting attention, which is great because it has increased the choice of equipment. The Red Wing Irish Setter, for example, was originally created as a hunting boot. If that's the case, I'm sure they'll be a good fit for camping as well. Wearing these tough boots gives me a sense of security when I set up camp or build a fire," says actor Mizukami. ." says actor Kensei Mizukami, who accompanied the actor on his camping trip to the outdoors. We accompanied him on his camping trip and asked him to talk about the possibilities of "Red Wing" in the outdoor field.


Kensei Mizukami / Actor

Born in 1984, he has been active as a model since his teenage years and moved to New York City at the age of 18 to begin working in the apparel industry, including buying. After returning to Japan, he started his career as an actor, appearing in fashion magazines, TV dramas, and movies. 2016 saw the launch of the kids' brand "himher," and from 2021 he will be involved in product planning for the outdoor-based "CLIMBERS CLIMAX" brand.
Instagram :. @kenseimikami, ,@climbers_climax

I try to go to the campground with as little stuff as possible.

We often hear that being in nature helps sharpen the senses . Living in a small city, we are inundated with so much information, and our bodies are so exhausted by the speedy movement of the city, that we are not able to fully demonstrate the performance that we are naturally capable of. But once you visit a campsite, you will be overwhelmed by the richness of nature with few man-made structures, and your body will respond to the light, sounds, and smells that abound, reviving your primitive human powers.

My father loved camping, so we used to come to the nature since I was a small child. As I grew older, I stayed away from such activities, but after going to a festival about six years ago, I remembered the appeal of camping, and now I go camping with my family at least once a month.

So says actor Kensei Mizukami. . He, too, is a camper who is fascinated by nature. Carrying a heavy load of camping gear on his back, he searches for the perfect space to spend the day.

I think the appeal of camping is also the fun of using the equipment. When I was a child, most of the gear I used was made by major American manufacturers, but after I became an adult and got into camping, I started to see many Scandinavian brand items, and I was attracted by their functional beauty, so I started to look into them.

What I am curious about is from what perspective Mr. Kensei chooses his gear. Looking at the array of gear he brought with him, we can see that he chooses simple things.

I try not to wear the same clothes as other people, and I look for things that people don't have. . I'm a bit twisted in that area (laughs). I usually do my research on the Internet, and if I can actually see something in a store, I check out the actual item. After all, you can't tell the real specs unless you see the actual item. However, there are many items from foreign garage brands that have not yet arrived in Japan, so I wait with some trepidation until they arrive.

. but basically I try not to buy unnecessary things. . I try not to make things too convenient. There are many items of camping gear that combine A and B to become more functional, but I try to think carefully, "Then, is function B really necessary? I try to think about it carefully. Of course, I am happy to make new discoveries in this way, but if I have too many things, I am distracted by them, and it takes up a lot of time from the preparation stage. And even when I do bring things to camp, I end up not using them. That's why I try to go to campsites with as little stuff as possible these days.


Red Wing Japan

Phone: 03-5791-3280

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