Translated By DeepL

Learning from the style of Kensei Mizukami, the potential of Red Wing in camp.

Learning from the style of Kensei Mizukami, the potential of Red Wing in camp.

After the Corona Disaster, we hear a lot about the growing camping population. This has led to a variety of camping gear being discussed, and garage brands have also been attracting attention, which is great because it has increased the choice of equipment. The Red Wing Irish Setter, for example, was originally created as a hunting boot. If that's the case, I'm sure they'll be a good fit for camping as well. Wearing these tough boots gives me a sense of security when I set up camp or build a fire," says actor Mizukami. ." says actor Kensei Mizukami, who accompanied the actor on his camping trip to the outdoors. We accompanied him on his camping trip and asked him to talk about the possibilities of "Red Wing" in the outdoor field.

The most standard of all work boots.

Mr. Kensei first started wearing Red Wing boots when he was in junior high school. At the time, American-style fashion was booming, and he picked up the brand's boots along the way.

I always wanted to buy a pair of Red Wing boots, but I couldn't afford them. I got my first pair when I was in junior high school, and since then, I have always had a pair of Red Wing boots at the entrance of my house. I wear them out and buy new ones over and over again. They have that "American" look, and to me they are the most standard of all work boots.

Mr. Kensei loves America and has been influenced by its culture, lifestyle, and fashion. He has worn many other work boots, but he says that "Red Wing" is the epitome of what he is looking for.

The products have an American feel to them. . They are rugged and tough, but at the same time, there is something smart about them. Even though there have been minor changes in performance over its long history, a brand that has maintained its authenticity without changing its form can be trusted. Like camping gear, these items are made for specific purposes, and that is what attracts me to them, but on the other hand, I think they are also tools to raise my spirits. I can see the appeal of these items again not only in the city, but also at the campsite, as I did today, and I still feel good when I wear them.

." Mr. Kensei says while stoking wood for the campfire. Recently, there are more and more sneakers that are completely waterproof, and many people wear them to camp, but as he describes, it would be nice to have the option of wearing rugged work boots on a dare.

As I mentioned earlier, there is a sense of security that comes with boots. I sometimes go fishing, and there have been many times when I was glad I was wearing boots. Even at campgrounds, I've seen many cool people wearing boots. They have a very good taste, and they look very attractive.

The "#1907" worn by Mr. Kenboshi on this day also had wrinkles that deepened throughout the day, and the dirt became a nice taste, transforming the product's appeal into something more robust.

When I come to camp, my thinking is sharpened, and when I go with friends and family, I can interact with them in a flat way, without thinking about unnecessary things. Even when I am playing with my children in Tokyo, I am thinking vaguely about work in the corner of my mind, but somehow I forget about those things at the campsite. I think that is the charm of the campsite. . So I want to keep my luggage as simple as possible, without carrying anything unnecessary, so that I can enjoy the time I spend at the campsite. I am planning to try backpacking with only one backpack. It's a minimalist camping trip with a small tent, sleeping bag, and the bare minimum of gear, and I'll be wearing Red Wing feet. I'll be wearing Red Wing feet even then, because I'll feel really safe with this pair of shoes.

RED WING 6" CLASSIC MOC "#1907" ¥42,790 The 6-inch length "#875" was derived from the 8-inch length "#877" boot, which was made for hunting in 1952. Known as the "Irish Setter," the boots' rugged construction and functionality earned them great support from American workers. The "#1907" is based on the "Irish Setter" and is designed with the assumption that a footbed will be inserted, and is made using a special last with a certain thickness on the bottom. The leather is "Copper Rough and Tough. The surface of the leather is slightly rubbed and brushed, and then soaked in oil and wax, giving the shoes a worn-in look from the start, which is one of their charms.


Red Wing Japan

Phone: 03-5791-3280

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