Translated By DeepL

Seven things to know about Timbercrew.

Seven things to know about Timbercrew.

TIMBER CREW" is a building materials shop that takes the image of flooring materials sought by interior designers and gives shape to it with reliable technology and a sense of style. TIMBER CREW" is a building materials store that takes the image of flooring sought by interior designers and gives it shape with solid technique and sense. Various apparel and restaurant companies commission TIMBER CREW for their outstanding expressive power. Behind their unconventional creativity lies a free corporate culture that is distinctly different from the conventional image of craftsmen, such as the silver accessories provided in lieu of an employee ID card and the bar space set up in the company. At first glance, the Timber Crew may seem unconventional, but they are a group of timber professionals who do not allow corners to be cut or compromises to be made. We found seven key words at their factory that help us understand the "Timber Crew.

KEYWORDS_06 プロダクト、造園部門も。


「TIMBER CREW PRODUCTS」は、オーダーの床や什器をつくった過程で出てしまう端材を捨てずに活用できないか、というアイデアからスタートしたコンシューマー向けのライン。すべてのプロダクトに共通しているのは、「デザインしない」ということ。古材を扱うこともあるため、なかには一部が腐っていたり、穴が空いていることも。もともとの形状やクセを活かした、“デザインせずにつくられた”プロダクトだからこその絶妙な味わいを生み出します。




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