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Soba Noodles all the way. 2021 Year in Review A Masso Kano

Soba all the way. 2021 in review.
A Masso Kano

As in previous years, the year 2021 has been thrown into disarray by the Corona disaster. Many people may not really feel that the Olympics will be held this year. It is precisely because the memories of the past year are becoming vague that we want to end the year with Soba. The "New Year's Eve Soba" has been served since the Edo period (1603-1867), and is said to be a way of wishing that the hardships and misfortunes of the past year will not be carried over to the next year, but be cut off in one piece, just like Soba, which is easily broken off. There is a reason for this (there are various theories). What kind of year was 2021 for you? We welcomed Mr. Kano of A-Masso, who has been expanding his activities since his performance in "Women's Comedian No. 1 Contest THE W" (NTV) held at the end of 2020, and asked him to reflect on the year while sipping soba noodles.

  • Photo_Isamu Sakamoto
  • Text_Jun Asami
  • Edit_Yuri Sudo


A Masso
cash payment

Born in 1989 in Osaka , he formed the comedy duo A-Masso with his childhood friend Murakami in 2010. He is in charge of making up stories, and appears on MBS Radio's "AMasso's Young Town" and TV Asahi's "Toge-ari Toge-nashi Toge-toge." In 2020, he made the finals of the "Women Geisha No. 1 Contest THE W," and this year he was the runner-up in the same competition. Her first book, "Dolphins also swim . (He is currently writing a series of short stories in magazines such as Bungei and Bungakukai, as well as an essay "What are you talking about?" in Web Chiku-tekiku and an essay "Gyo ga nai ga yuki wa good weather" in Shosetsu Shincho. (For more details, see the information at the end of the article). He usually prefers udon to soba noodles.

YouTube:A Masso Official Channel


Here is the restaurant where we had soba noodles!

Gensoba Roan

Address: 2-28-9 Daizawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Phone number: 03-3421-3033
Closed on Sundays and Mondays (also closed on national holidays)
Business hours: 11:30-14:30 (L.O.) , 17:30-21:00 (L.O.) [Tue-Fri].
11:30-15:00 (L.O.) , 17:00-21:00 (L.O.) [Sat.]
Soba noodles are sold out.
Official Site

【 "All about A Masso the Movie" online]

Delivery date: Thursday, December 30, 2021, from 3:00 p.m.
Archiving period: Until January 10, 2022 (Monday)
Delivery location: Lochike LIVE STREAMING, ZAIKO
Distribution URL:l-tike.zaiko.io/e/allaboutamasso2021
Business hours: 11:30-14:30 (L.O.) , 17:30-21:00 (L.O.) [Tue-Fri].
Ticket price: 1500 yen (tax included)
Ticket sales: Friday, December 24, 2021, 12:00 - Monday, January 10, 2022, 20:59

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