Youth culture leaders talk about our trainspotting!

T2 Trainspotting × JOURNAL STANDARD

Youth culture leaders talk about our trainspotting!

the other dayNews ArticleAs mentioned above, "T2 Trainspotting" and "JOURNAL STANDARD" have collaborated to release a new item. Its sequel, "T2 Trainspotting," is a highly anticipated film for anyone who has seen the first film. We asked youth culture leaders Shinya Shoji of YOUTH RECORDS and Motoo Matsumoto of GOING UNDER GROUND to talk about the appeal of this film and the collaboration items.

  • Photo_Kazumasa Takeuchi [STUH].
  • Edit_Yuichiro Tsuji
  • Special Thanks_BAR Jersey
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Trainspotting," the film that sent the world into a frenzy, is back .

Trainspotting," a film synonymous with 90's pop culture that even became a social phenomenon. The sequel returns 20 years later! The staff and cast of the original film have reunited, including Ewan McGregor in the lead role, director Danny Boyle, and screenwriter John Hodge!

Edinburgh , Scotland. Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) has returned here from Holland after 20 years on the run with a large sum of money. Chic Boy (Jonny Lee Miller), who ostensibly runs a pub, but is also a prostitute and extortionist, is a lonely and desperate spud (Ewan McGregor) who has been abandoned by his family. Spud (Ewen Bremner) is lonely and desperate, having been abandoned by his family. Begbie (Robert Carlyle) is serving time in prison. As you might imagine? They are running wildly through their lives, unable to grow up to be sensible adults, and their reunion and the future they will choose .

An adult coming-of-age movie that portrays a realistic portrayal of human beings!

Left: Shinya Shoji (YOUTH RECORDS) , Right: Motoo Matsumoto (GOING UNDER GROUND)

We asked you two to go to the preview of "T2: Trainspotting" this time.

village headman: No, it was the most interesting!

Matsumoto. I was, you know, touched to the core.

village headman. I know what you mean. It looks like a great pop movie, but the story is heavy or even bitter.

Matsumoto. yes, yes. The four main characters are the same age as us, right? So, I got emotionally involved.

village headmanBut, I guess we've all aged . It's been 20 years, right? . Of course, everyone has become old. Robert Carlyle, who plays Begbie, gained weight on purpose for this film.

Matsumoto: You're the guy who was in "Riff Raff" and "The Full Monty," right?

village headman: Yes, yes. I'm actually skinnier than that.

As far as the trailer and other items are concerned, I feel that fashion is more maturely dressed than in the past.

MatsumotoI think it's obvious, but Renton was dressed like a middle-aged man who would normally be seen in Europe. A little bit sporty.

village headman.: You were dressed in a way that smelled somewhat like soccer.

Matsumoto: I like Spud's slightly crazy style too.

village headman: Yes, I know, the styling is swinging out again this time.

Both of you were born in 1978 and were 18 years old when the first film was released. For young people in the prime of their youth, it must have been a very exciting film, wasn't it?

village headmanI saw the last movie at the cinema.

Matsumoto. a generation of don'ts.

village headman: I was a senior in high school at the time, I think. I could understand the youth culture depicted in "Trainspotting," but it was not realistic. . I was from the countryside, so there were no delinquents around me.

Matsumoto. On the contrary, I was very realistic. I'm from Saitama, so there were a lot of delinquents. They skate, DJ, and so on. There was an overlap between those people and the characters in "Trainspotting. It reminded me of old guys like Begbie, and I was scared to watch the movie (laughs).

village headmanMatsumoto-kun, you were a mod in middle school, right?

Matsumoto. Yes, that's right. . So I liked music and related culture in general. And when I got involved in that kind of thing, there were always scary senpai waiting for me (laughs). (Laughs.) Tokyo is also close by, so my network is wide. . In a way, it might be similar to the world of "Trainspotting. If you think of England as Tokyo, Scotland would be Saitama (laughs).

What is it about "Trainspotting" that appeals to both of you?

MatsumotoI think it is a film that draws in the masses with its pop elements, such as youth culture, but as I mentioned earlier, the story is a heavy one. I think the contrast between the two is very good. It doesn't have a happy ending, but rather a bitter ending.

village headmanI agree with you. That's the essence of a coming-of-age movie, isn't it? American Graffiti is one of them.

Matsumoto. yeah, yeah. And "Stand By Me" is another movie that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. . I may have realized as an adult that I like that kind of film.

village headmanAnd, you know, "Trainspotting" has dirty scenes, right? Renton walking into the toilet, Spud taking a leak and the sheets getting all messed up, etc. . I think that by daring to show the dirty parts of the film, the "shadowy" parts of youth are reflected in the film. I think it shows the "shadowy" side of youth by showing the dirty parts.

Based on the previous film, what did you expect "T2 Trainspotting" to be like?

village headman. Actually, I have read the original "PORNO" written by Irving Welsh. So I wondered if it would be like that. I was wondering if it would be like that. There are some minor changes in the setting, but the main idea is the same as in the original work.

Matsumoto. I thought it would be a continuation of the slapstick of the previous film, but I was a bit surprised to see that this film is more mature. However, I am now an old man myself, and the mature part of the film made a lot of sense to me. That's why I was able to relate to it.

village headmanI thought that was a nice touch. . I thought it was a nice use of such a small scene. Especially when Renton came back to his room and tried to play an Iggy Pop record, but didn't play it in the end. I think he stopped because he felt like he was going back to the past, but there is a sense of weight there because it has been 20 years since the last album.

Matsumoto. I know, I know. You know the scene in the last film where Renton hits a car and smiles, right? There is a scene like a homage to that in this movie, too. I think it is better to see this movie after seeing the previous one.

In the previous film, the story was about drugs, but this time there is a different theme, isn't there?

village headman: Yes. The portrayal of drugs is decreasing. After all, everyone has grown up and is trying to get out of it. In that sense, I think the film is a little more mature. In the way the film was shot, there were scenes that reminded me of drug trips in the previous film, but there were fewer of those this time around.

Matsumoto: I see, you're right, that may be true.

village headman. But you still have a way of filming that draws people in, with scenes switching quickly. . I thought there was a rhythm to the editing, and the story unfolded at a good pace. Like "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels," there are many British films with a good sense of rhythm. Especially in the "Trainspotting" series, music is used effectively and makes the films more attractive.

Matsumoto. the music was cool again. During the screening, I even used an app on my phone to look up the songs I was interested in (laughs).

village headman. that would sell the soundtrack, too.

Which song was your favorite in the play?

Matsumoto: The Young Fathers song was cool. It was also the song from this band that came up when I looked them up on my phone. It looks like the band is from Edinburgh, where the movie is set.

village headman. I think I'd have to go with Lou Reed's "Perfect Day". The piano piece was very emotional and moving. The use of music was cool this time, too.

Are there any scenes that left a lasting impression on you?

village headman. there is a scene where he infiltrates a social club and does some mischief, and it's really interesting.

Matsumoto. it's a very exciting scene there.

village headman: Also, I like the scene where Spud is reminiscing about his past in the streets of Edinburgh , too. . he suddenly remembers the part in the previous film where he's running away from the police.

Matsumoto. I was really impressed with the scene in the prison in Begbie. It reminded me of my seniors, and I was so scared (laughs).

village headmanYou know the part where Renton explains "CHOOSE LIFE"? That scene was great. It made my heart warm.

. The phrase "CHOOSE LIFE" is the proposition of this series, isn't it?

village headman. I think Scotland is a country where Thatcherism still exists. . I think Scotland is a country that still values individuality. . I think that's why they tell you to choose life. I also felt that Renton's running away with the money in the previous film was very English.

Matsumoto. There was a sense of grittiness, a sense that karma was always swirling around, even in this work.

village headman. Yes, I think so. If this were an American film, I think it would be romanticized a bit more, but perhaps because it is a British film, the realistic human characters are projected on the screen. As I mentioned earlier, the characters' outfits are also realistic, and in a good sense, they look like they didn't spend a lot of money. . And yet, I think the reason why it looks so cool is because it is a solid representation of a kind of British style.

What do you think of the items produced in collaboration with "Journal Standard"?

Matsumoto. this T-shirt is the very "CHOOSE LIFE" one. It has Renton's line on the back. This is cool .

village headman: As a Taoler, I can't resist this logoed towel either.

Matsumoto. you are also going to release items in collaboration with " Umbro"? The mugs are cute. This movie has a magical power that makes people want to pick up the merchandise as well, doesn't it? If I were in high school, I would wear a T-shirt with this logo and carry a tote bag with the same print. I think I would have walked around town with "T2 Trainspotting" on my face (laughs).

village headman. something like a souvenir from abroad , overall.

Matsumoto. Indeed. . I haven't seen many items with this kind of design recently, but it looks fresh and austere after a round.

Lastly, please tell us what you think of "T2 Trainspotting" and how you enjoyed it.

village headman. of course, elements such as fashion and music are appealing, but I think the story is good. . because it shows us the darker side of life. While there is a glittering and joyful world, it also reminds us that it is only a small part of life. I'm attracted to that kind of realism.

Matsumoto. I'm of the same opinion. I think the best part of the film is that no one is happy and each of them are troubled. Also, while watching the movie, it might be interesting to compare the characters with your own friends and seniors. Renton is me, Spud is my friend, and so on. It's like making it "me-inspotting" (laughs).

village headman. exactly the way Matsumoto-kun watched this film (laughs). (Laughs) I think this way you can enjoy the story more realistically! Just like last time, "T2 Trainspotting" is a movie you will want to watch over and over again.

Matsumoto. yes, I think it is. Let's go see it again in theaters when it comes out!

A gem of a collaboration item designed by Journal Standard!

This collaborative item, which was mentioned in the interview, "has a magical power that makes you want to pick it up even as a merchandise item. The prints with phrases that would make anyone who has seen the movie grin are very clever. The trendy 90's mood of the design sense is also a highlight of this item!

The cap with embroidered title logo is available in a total of four colors. The orange embroidery adds a nice accent. The pop coloring is very spring-like. Each ¥3,500+TAX

Long sleeve tees with a 90's mood are available in a total of three types. The "CHOOSE LIFE" print mentioned in the interview is also available. The simple message is cool. Each ¥6,000+ TAX

T-shirts are available in a wide variety of styles. . Simple logo T-shirts and items with drag-inspired graphics are unique in their souvenir-like design. Each ¥5,500+TAX

Cute mug with pop colors. If you have this at home, you can proudly serve coffee or tea to your guests. ¥1,280+TAX

Select your favorite character for the key chain with the names of the main members appearing in the work. Of course, spuds are also available. ¥1,380+TAX

The simple logo tote bag is made of thin canvas and is lightweight and durable. . ¥1,380+TAX

Football is the national sport in England. This item is inspired by the towels used to cheer on the players. ¥1,850+tax

The football shirt by the British sports brand "UMBRO" is a powerful work printed with the names of the four main members of the UMBRO team. The names of the four main members of the team are printed on a football shirt made by UMBRO, a British sports brand. The cross between sports and "T2 Trainspotting" strongly stimulates the appetite. The combination of sports and "T2 Trainspotting" strongly stimulated my appetite. Naturally, Renton is also available. Each ¥6,000 + TAX


6-7-1 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-6418-7961
Business hours: 11:00 - 20:00 (irregular holidays)
T2 Trainspotting x JournalStandard Collaboration Launch PARTY
Date: Friday, April 7, 2017
Hours: 19:00-22:00
Venue: Journal Standard Omotesando
*Entrance free
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