Back Alley Teen. 72, Yui Uemura, 18 years old.

Back Alley Teen. 72, Yui Uemura, 18 years old.

Back Alley Teen" is an irregularly updated visual project that focuses on young artists with a bright talent. The 72nd member is Yui Uemura, who has been steadily climbing up the acting ladder, step by step. On a day that felt like a harbinger of summer, she showed us her cool and dry expression.

  • Photographs, Clothing, and Composition: Masaru Sugiura
  • Hair and makeup: Ayako Higashikawa

(Non-Tokyo) shirt ¥28,600, skirt ¥41,800 (both Esteem Press 03-5428-0928), (Yoke) sandals ¥30,800 (UTS PR03-6427-1030), other personal effects

Tops ¥19,800((Japanese onlyAtsushi Nakashima(UTS PR 03-6427-1030), [Rappin Knot] skirt ¥27,500 (UTS PR 03-6427-1030), [Maison Maverick Presents] sandals ¥19,250 (UTS PR 03-6427-1030), [Maison Maverick Presents] shoes ¥19,250 (UTS PR 03-6427-1030).Maison Maverick Presents), other personal items


Yui Uemura
Uemura Yui

Born on November 22, 2003. Born in Saitama, Japan. After winning the Grand Prix of the Chao Girl 2015☆ Audition and working as a member of "Chao Girl," a model for the girls' manga magazine "Chao," she is now expanding her activities as an actress. Her main film is the Netflix movie "She" (directed by Ryuichi Hiroki). She plays the role of Nanae, played by Satohonami, as a young girl growing up in a complicated family environment.
Instagram: @yui.uemura1122

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