Translated By DeepL

Wearing all-bars and shoes, we went to the rumored sustainable town of Kamikatsu-cho, Tokushima Prefecture!
Regenerative tourism with HRC♡♡

Wearing all-bars and shoes, we went to the rumored sustainable town of Kamikatsu-cho, Tokushima Prefecture!

*PR article.

The town of Kamikatsu in Tokushima Prefecture has been in the spotlight for several years. The reason for this is the town-wide zero-waste policy, or in other words, the town's zero waste policy, and the local efforts related to it. Allbirds, also born in the U.S., is also thoroughly environmentally conscious, and most of its materials are derived from nature. So, let's run around Kamikatsu Town with "Allbirds," and the handsome HOUYHNHNM RUNNING CLUB ♡ was mobilized. What I felt through this social studies tour for adults was how serious Kamikatsu Town and "Allbirds" are about the environment.

SPOT 1. Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center A place where all the garbage of Kamikatsu Town can be concentrated in one place , as well as a place for cultural exchange.

The Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center was built from scrap wood.
Address: 7-2, Fukuhara Shimoniura, Kamikatsu-cho, Katsuura-gun, Tokushima Prefecture

The first of the social studies tours is to the Kamikatsu Town Zero Waste Center (aka WHY), located in the center of town. The town's 1,500 residents bring their daily garbage here.

. "In Tokyo, it's about combustible, noncombustible, PET bottles, cans, and bottles, so the dimension is a little different," said Mr. Enomoto. In fact, Kamikatsu Town has 45 types of sorting. Bottles alone must be sorted into three categories. . Cans also have to be separated into three types: steel, aluminum, and spray.

Yamamoto continued. However, if the destination of the recyclables is clearly indicated and we know what kind of products they will become, we might be a little more motivated to do this. In Tokyo, you never know what will happen to the recycled waste.

Of course, there are no garbage trucks running in town. So, every resident of the town comes to this location to recycle their garbage. The frequency varies; some come several times a week, while others come only once every three months. Over the years, the Zero Garbage Campaign has taken root in the community and now has gained a lot of understanding. There are other places where citizens can interact with each other, and there is also a hotel where visitors can simulate a zero-waste experience, making it a must-visit place for both residents and visitors to the town.

. usually, a garbage collection point is a place you want to hide. "Usually, people want to hide the negative aspects of a garbage collection point. It's a novel idea to take advantage of that and turn it into a tourist attraction by making it a selling point of the town.




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