Translated By DeepL

Wearing all-bars and shoes, we went to the rumored sustainable town of Kamikatsu-cho, Tokushima Prefecture!
Regenerative tourism with HRC♡♡

Wearing all-bars and shoes, we went to the rumored sustainable town of Kamikatsu-cho, Tokushima Prefecture!

*PR article.

The town of Kamikatsu in Tokushima Prefecture has been in the spotlight for several years. The reason for this is the town-wide zero-waste policy, or in other words, the town's zero waste policy, and the local efforts related to it. Allbirds, also born in the U.S., is also thoroughly environmentally conscious, and most of its materials are derived from nature. So, let's run around Kamikatsu Town with "Allbirds," and the handsome HOUYHNHNM RUNNING CLUB ♡ was mobilized. What I felt through this social studies tour for adults was how serious Kamikatsu Town and "Allbirds" are about the environment.

SPOT 2: Ikkyu Teahouse A produce market and view spot in Kamikatsu Town.

Ikkyu Teahouse attracts both locals and tourists.
Address: 76-2, Fukuhara Shimoniura, Kamikatsu-cho, Katsuura-gun, Tokushima Prefecture
Phone: 0885-46-0198

Next, we visited Ikkyu Tea House, a five-minute walk from the Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center. Lined up in the store are vegetables and fruits produced in Kamikatsu Town. Kamikatsu-ban-cha, a specialty of Kamikatsu Town and made by lactic acid fermentation of tea leaves, and yukou, a citrus fruit of the tangerine family that is not sold outside the prefecture, are also available for sale. There is also rice produced in the terraced rice paddies of Kamikatsu.

Ikkyu Teahouse also has a deck from which you can enjoy a panoramic view of the natural beauty of Kamikatsu Town. It is a nice resting spot with a view of the Katsuura River below, where you can also enjoy kayaking and fishing.

After buying onions from the town of Kamikatsu, which are rich in flavor and tender, the next stop was a lunch spot to look forward to.




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