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Jeff McFetridge's drawing for the Daiwa Pier 39 product.
Living together with.

Jeff McFetridge's drawing for the Daiwa Pier 39 product.

Jeff McFetridge. His simple yet message-oriented paintings have attracted many people . Many people have been influenced not only by his paintings, but also by his lifestyle of living in harmony with nature and his thoughtful way of thinking about things. Daiwa PIER39" has collaborated with such a living legend of the street. Jeff, who visited Japan in mid-June to coincide with the release of the capsule collection, shared his thoughts on the new collection.

  • Photo_Shingo Goya
  • Text_Keisuke Kimura
  • Edit_Ryo Komuta

The world of fly fishing is bottomless.

When did you start fishing?

Jeff:I think I started about 8 years ago. My wife loves fishing, and that's how I got into it, basically fly fishing. I started fishing because of my wife's love of fishing, and basically fly fishing.

What other activities are you doing now?

Jeff:I do a lot of trail running on Mondays, skateboarding on Tuesdays, surfing on Wednesdays, and horseback riding on Thursdays and Fridays (laughs). . I find time to go fishing with my daughters. Fishing is something I used to have an image of strict old men doing, but now I've reached that age, too (laughs).

How good are your fishing skills now?

Jeff:I'm getting used to handling the rod, and I'm beginning to understand things like, "If I do this, the fish will eat the bait," but I'm still a beginner. My friends tell me "teach me" and "you're good," so I guess I'm improving a little.

What do you enjoy about fishing?

Jeff:When I fish, I always catch and release fish, and I find it fascinating to be able to touch life without killing it. When I hunt deer or birds, I can feel their life, but I hurt them. . it's a little complicated.

Do you ever catch and eat?

Jeff:Basically, no. . . but that's simply because I didn't grow up that way. I don't mind catching and eating them. By the way, I have to tell you that my cooking is really bad.


Jeff:. and fly fishing is very deep. I have always loved learning, and the more I learn about fly fishing, the more I learn about the next thing. It's a bottomless learning process.

I feel that this interest is similar to that of art.

Jeff:. I think it's the same with art, surfing, and skateboarding. By hitting a wall, you learn from it and keep trying. . In that sense, I guess I've always been a beginner in other things besides fishing.

What are your usual fishing spots?

Jeff:. That's a secret, so I can't answer that in an interview (laughs). . If I had to give a hint, I would say that I go fishing near my house, and I also go to places like Montana.

You use Daiwa products in your daily fishing, don't you?

Jeff:Yes, it is. But I don't think it is special to use Daiwa's products. Everyone who fishes has one.

Is it the same in the U.S.?

Jeff:In the U.S., as in Japan, "Daiwa" is a giant company. I recently worked with Apple, and I think Daiwa's craftsmanship has something in common with those companies. They are very sincere and thorough in their craftsmanship. I feel very honored to be working with "Daiwa Pier 39" again.


Geoff McFetridge × DAIWA PIER39

Lakeside POP-UP Gallery at Lake Chuzenji

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