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A fun and delicious relationship between Renault's Kangoo and agriculture.
Welcome to Kangoo Farm

A fun and delicious relationship between Renault's Kangoo and agriculture.

When one thinks of the French-born car brand "RENAULT," the "Kangoo" is the first thing that comes to mind. With its lovely design and high carrying capacity, the Kangoo is an attractive car that supports the lifestyles of many people. This time, an event featuring the Kangoo was held. The name of the event is "Kangoo Farm Harvest Festival. In May of this year, Renault started a farming project at a farm in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. This time, the event was held to harvest the vegetables grown there. Cars and farming? Such a question may have crossed my mind, but once I actually participated in the event, I realized that the unexpected combination of the two would create an enjoyable experience. So, without further ado, here is a report on the day of the event!

Freshly picked vegetables are not only fresh but also vibrant.

Now, after harvesting the vegetables and planting the seedlings, it was time for the long-awaited lunch. On this day, a spiced curry using vegetables from the "Kangoo Farm" was prepared.

This year's curry was supervised by Mr. Kazushiro Ito, owner of Spice Cafe in Oshiage, Tokyo. When I returned to the venue, I could smell the delicious aroma of spices in the air. While traveling around the world, Mr. Ito came into contact with the cuisines of many countries and was fascinated by the magic of spices in particular. . My heart began to dance with anticipation of what the dishes would taste like.

This year's menu included sambal, a typical South Indian dish with beans and eggplant, Sri Lankan curry with pumpkin and lentils, Indian pickles with eggplant in spiced oil, Sri Lankan fried crown daisy with garlic and onions, spinach fried in cumin and butter, and a salad seasoned with salt, lemon and pak choi. A salad seasoned with salt, lemon, and pak choi. A nutritious curry with lots of vegetables in one plate.

. "Today, I have decided to focus on vegetables in my curry menu. By cooking various vegetables with spices, the flavors are expanded.

Just as Mr. Ito said, one bite of the curry revealed something new and different from the vegetables one usually eats. For example, the sweetness of the squash was transformed into a creamier, softer sweetness by being cooked with spices and beans, and the eggplant's flavor was enhanced by being soaked in spiced oil. The eggplant was marinated in spiced oil, which enhanced the flavor of the vegetables as if by magic. I ordered a large portion of curry, but I finished it in no time at all.

. The people who participated in this harvest festival seemed to have the same impression. Adults and children alike devoured the curry in no time at all, with some even asking for seconds.

Just as my heart and stomach are filled with happiness from the delicious curry, I hear the sound of charcoal crackling in the distance and smell a delicious aroma wafting through the air. It seems that Mr. Ito is working his magic on one more vegetable dish.

These are peppers dressed with turmeric, salt and sesame oil, then grilled over charcoal to add aroma."

A green bell pepper that has been browned to a nice color. When you put them in your mouth, you can clearly see the bitter taste peculiar to green peppers transformed into a delicious flavor.

Freshly picked vegetables are, of course, fresh, but they are also vibrant. Such vegetables are naturally delicious.

The many bell peppers that had been prepared were gone in no time, and the entire program prepared for the day was completed, leaving the guests filled with happiness.

The "Kangoo Farm Harvest Festival" started in the morning. Time flies when you're having fun. Everyone, from young children to adults, joined in the farming experience and spent the day thinking about food and their own lifestyles.

The car is a tool that can play a role in creating such good experiences and triggers for thought. As President Ogawa said at the beginning of the presentation, the Kangoo is a fascinating car that can expand your lifestyle. It would be interesting to find a lifestyle that fits you, not only in farming but also in any other way you want to use the Kangoo.

Renault plans to continue to promote various lifestyles through the Kangoo Farm. Let's keep an eye on this trend.


Renault Japon

Instagram: @renault_japon

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