Translated By DeepL

Katsutoshi Nishimoto Series. Los Upson? Talks with Keiji Yamabe about music, art, and parties.

Katsutoshi Nishimoto Series. Los Upson? Talks with Keiji Yamabe about music, art, and parties.

This is a Series project by Katsutoshi Nishimoto, the owner of "NISHIMOTO IS THE MOUTH". This time, the guest is Keiji Yamabe, owner of Los Apson, a record store in Koenji, who himself has been greatly influenced by Nishimoto's attitude as well as his music. The guest this time is Keiji Yamabe, the owner of Los Apson™, a record shop in Koenji that has greatly influenced Nishimoto's music and attitude. Mr. Yamabe, who is running the store that will soon celebrate its 30th anniversary, had many simple but meaningful words to say. Mr. Nishimoto talks about the store, music, parties, art, Yamabe's personal life, and many other topics.

There are so many excellent things in the world. That's where the idea came from.

Nishimoto:You were at "WAVE" before you started this store, right? It's a big store , and I've heard that they had a corner for Mr. Yamabe.

Mountainside:It was a time when CDs and such were selling very well, fueled by the bubble economy. I was stocking up on great rock albums. I read in a magazine that they were influenced by a musician named MOONDOG. It was a little strange music, but when I put it next to THE BAND, there were people who bought it together, and it sold a lot. After that, I also dealt in US indie music and stocked NIRVANA and GREEN DAY before they sold out.

Nishimoto:Wow! So that's what you were listening to, too.

Mountainside:. yes, that's right. . after all, I am a record store buyer. I guess I have listened to all the popular music. Especially when it comes to Western music.

Nishimoto:Have you always liked music?

Mountainside:. rather than music, I liked wrestling at first. I was interested in the entrance music of wrestlers, and I heard Butcher and Pink Floyd, and Jumbo Tsuruta was disco, etc. . That may have been how I developed a base for listening to various kinds of music. I didn't think so at the time.

Pro-wrestling has a sense of entertainment that is somewhat similar to a party, doesn't it?

Mountainside:. I know, right? . Maybe that is your original experience. Also, I am from Aomori, so I have experienced the Nebuta Festival since I was a child. I love the feeling of the festival burning up, and when I was a child, I couldn't stand still just to hear the sound of the taiko drums. When I was a child, I couldn't stand still just to hear the sound of the drums. I would get horny and burn up when I heard the sound. Festivals are parties, too.

Nishimoto:I see. So that's where the festive atmosphere of your parties comes from. You also DJ'd at our "Zutto Tomo" party the other night. It was a great party, and I think it turned out to be a really good one.

Mountainside:It was a lot of fun, that party. Not only was the place interesting, but many of the guests were young, and no matter what you put on the stage, they got into a lively mood.

Nishimoto:They were playing Matsuken Samba. The young people were dancing to it. It was a great scene.

Mountainside:It was interesting how they would get on everything.

Nishimoto:At the party when I offered this interview, everyone was smiling and listening to Mr. Yamabe's DJ, and there was a great atmosphere.

Mountainside:That's the point.

Nishimoto:I thought it was a great party. . Lately, I've been thinking again about the quality of the party.

Mountainside:. And that gives me more energy for each day, knowing that there will be another one.

Nishimoto:Do you like to DJ, Mr. Yamanobe?

Mountainside:. I love it. . but I'll put anything on it. It's hard to find a party that will let me do that.

Nishimoto:Well then, please come again next time with "zzzz".

Mountainside:What, you don't mind? By all means, please do! . It's a nice place, and the sound is good, too.

Nishimoto:It's the "Insomniac Lion" in Shibuya . it's on the 7th floor and has a nice view.

Mountainside:. yes, a view of Shibuya would be nice.

Nishimoto:This is a bit of a change of subject, but Mr. Yamabe, you have a lot of support from the so-called "heavyweight" crowd, but you are also actively trying to get involved with younger people.

Mountainside:Yes, if you have interesting people.

Nishimoto:I also want to do something together with interesting kids if there are any. I respect that kind of flexible thinking. I also personally love Mr. Yamabe's artwork. You had a solo exhibition in Koenji last year, and you had two exhibitions, both of which were held in very bad locations.

. There were some very steep stairs and ladders to reach the venue, which was amazing.

Mountainside:You almost fell off, didn't you (laughs)? It's the kind of location you don't get unless you're in Koenji.

Nishimoto:Did you like art?

Mountainside:Yes, I did. I went to school for painting, so I was always interested in it .

Nishimoto:Of course, there is painting, but it would be rude to say that I don't understand, but the three-dimensional works are also amazing. I always wonder how they come up with such works.

Mountainside:People ask me, "Is Shintaro Sakamoto's work outsider art? But I don't intend it that way at all. I just create what I honestly think is good.

Nishimoto:That's great.

Mountainside:I'm sure there are many excellent things in the world , and that's where the idea came from. Isn't it the same for you, Nishimoto? There are ordinary things out there, so you try to do something different. I feel like I am doing it while enjoying it. It doesn't matter if it is out of the ordinary, he just tries it out.

Nishimoto:Yes, that may be true. The reason why I have a brand with a strange theme of religion is because I feel that there is no point in doing ordinary things. However, I think that music has had a great influence on my thinking. In a sense, it could be said that Mr. Yamabe has influenced me.



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